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85 Cards in this Set

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The skeleton of the head consisting of the cranial bones and the facial bones
Part of the skull that protects the brain, meninges, and the organs of sight, hearing, and balance
Neurocranium/Cranial cavity
The bones of the face
Forms the forehead and rooks of the bony orbits/eye sockets.
frontal bone
What lies within the anterior part of the frontal bone, near the midline, superior to the nasal bones?
paranasal sinuses
what are the mucus-lined air cavities within a skull bone that communicate with the nasal cavity
paranasal sinuses
what are the functions of paranasal sinuses
to produce mucous, lighten the skull boones, and act as resonance chambers that enhance vocal and singing quality
What are the 4 paranasal sinuses
frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary
What bone contributes to the superior portion of the sides and roof of the cranial cavity?
Parietal bone
what bone contributes to the inferior portion of the sides of the cranial cavity and part of the cranial base and is the only articulation with the mandible
the temporal bone
what is the bone that contributes to the posterior and lateral portion of the cranial cavity and the largest portion of the cranial base
Occipital bone
near the lateral edges of the foramen magnum are what
hypoglossal canals
hypoglossal canals allow the passage of what?
the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
What bone acts as a bridge to unite the neurocranium with the viscerocranium
sphenoid bone
the body of the sphenoid square middle area contains what
the paired spenoidal sinuses
What part of the sphenoid bone projects laterally from the body and is/are part of the anterolateral cranial floor, and also contributes to anterolateral wall of the cranial cavity and lateral wall of the bony orbit.
the greater wings
on the sphenoid bone, what is located anterior and superior to the greater wings and forms the area within the roof of the bony orbit where the optic canal is located
the lesser wings
A saddle like depression on the superior surface of the body that holds the pituitary gland
sella turcica
what are the 3 medially located holes of the sphenoid bone?
foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, and foramen spinosum
What transmitts the maxillary nerve
foramen rotundum
what transmits the mandibular nerve (CN V3)
the foramen ovale
What transmits the accessory meningeal artery
the foramen ovale
what transmits the meningeal branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3)
foramen spinosum
what transmits the middle meningeal artery~important
foramen spinosum
sites for attachment of muscles that move the mandible and soft palate
pterygoid process
structure that hangs vertically from the inferior surface where the body and greater wings unite on the sphenoid bone
pterygoid process
located between the greater and lesser wing
superior orbital fissure
superior orbital fissure transmits what structures
oculomotor nerve (CN III), trochlear nerve (CN IV), branches of the opthalmic nerve (CN V1) = frontal lacrimal and nasociliary, aductens nerve (CN VI), and the superior opthalmic vein
the optic canal on the lesser wing contains the passage of what
the optic nerve (CN II) and the opthalmic artery
immovable interlocking seams of fibrous connective tissue
suture between the 2 parietal bones
suture between the frontal bone and 2 parietal bones
suture between a parietal bone and a temporal bone
suture between the occipital bone and the 2 parietal bones
pterygoid process contains a canal that allows the passage for what
nerve of the pterygoid canal
On the ethmoid bone 2 lateral masses are joined superiorly across the midline by a horizontal perforated sheet of what bone
cribiform plate
What is lateral to the ethmoid bone
bony orbits
what is posterior to the ethmoid bone
sphenoid bone
what is anterior to the ethmoid bone
nasal bones
the ethmoid bone forms a portion of what structures
the anterior part of the cranial floor, medial wall of the bony orbit, superior region of the bony nasal septum, and the rood of the nasal cavity
on the ethmoid bone, the flat bone descending vertically from the cribiform plate
perpendicular plate
what composes most of the boundary between the nasal cavities and the bony orbits
lateral masses/labyrinths
forms the medial wall of the bony orbit
orbital plate of the ethmoid/ lateral sheet of bone
forms the superior portion of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and is characterized by the superior and middle nasal conchae
medial sheet of bone
prominent thin, triangular ridge on the superior surface of the ethmoid bone
crista galli
allows attachment of an anterior piece of dura mater to stabilize the brain's position within the skull
crista galli
lies on sides of crista galli and contains the foramina that permit teh passage of olfactory nerve fibers (CN I) from the nasal cavity to the prain to provide a sense of smell
cribiform plate
bones that project medially from the lateral masses and function to break up air flow and slow the movement during inhalation
superior and middle nasal conchae
forms the inferior part of the bony nasal septum
the vomer
bones projecting from the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and are not attached to other bones resemble and function same as superior and middle conchae of ethmoid
inferior nasal conchae
what bone fuses in the midline at he intermaxillary suture to form the upper jaw bone and articulate with every bone in the viscerocranium except the mandible
small rectangular bones that fuse in the midline to form the bridge of the nose
the nasal bone
the vertical part of the palatine bone
the palatine perpendicular plate
forms the uppermost portion of the palatine perpendicular plate and the most posterior piece of the floor of the bony orbit
orbital process
inferior to the orbital process and superior to the sphenoidal process of the palatine bone
the sphenopalatine notch
forms the uppermost portion of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone and articulates with the body of the sphenoid
sphenoidal process
directed laterally from the junction of the perpendicular plate and horizontal plate
pyramidal process
what do the horizontal parts of the palatine bone form
the posterior third of the hard palate and part of the floor of the nasal cavity
what do the vertical parts of the palatine bone form
the lateral wall of the nasal cavity, medial wall of the pterygopalatine fossa, and the floor of the orbit
thin scale like bone situated in the anterior part of the medial wall of each orbit
lacrimal bone
the lacrimal bone contains the opening of what
the nasolacrimal canal which ends in the nasal cavity
What is the blood supply of the skull
middle meningeal artery
what is the middle meningeal artery a branch of
the maxillary artery off of external carotid
the anterior cranial fossa is innervated by
meningeal brs. from ethmoidal nerves which are brs. of opthalmic nerve (V1)
the middle cranial fossa is innervated by
medially by the meningeal brs. from the maxillary nerve (V2) and laterally by the memingeal brs. from the mandibular nerve (V3)
the posterior cranial fossa is innervated by
meningeal brs. from 1st, 2nd, and sometimes 3rd cervical nerves
the small size of the skull of a new born is due to what
undeveloped maxillae, mandible, and paranasal sinuses, the absence of teeth, and small size of the nasal cavities
The frontal bone is separated in 2 parts midline by the frontal/metopic suture which closes by what age
mastoid process is recognizable when
at the end of the 2nd year
what muscle allows the development of the mastoid process by pulling on it
sternocleidomastoid muscle
the midline of the maxillae
intermaxillary suture
the intermaxillary suture closes when
at the beginning of the 3rd month
the mandible is separated by what
mandibular symphysis or mental symphysis (chin)
the mandibular symphysis fuses at what age
by the end of the 1st year
fibrous membranes that allow movement between cranial bones
a diamond shaped area located on the top of the head between the 2 parietal bones adn the 2 frontal bone segments
anterior (frontal) fontanelle
the frontal fontanelle closes by what age
18-24 months
the small and irregular shaped area on each side of the head located in the region where the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones will join
anterolateral (sphenoidal) fontanelles
when dos the sphenoidal fontanelles close
3 months
triangular shaped area located between the 2 parietal bones and the occipital bone
the posterior (occipital) fontanelle
the occipital fontanelle begins and completely closes at what ages
2 months and 1 year
the irregular-shaped area located on each side of the head where the parietal, occipital, and temporal bones will join
posterolateral (mastoid) fontanelle
at what age does the mastoid fontanelle close
1 year
what are the most important fontanelles
the frontal and occipital
why are they the most important fontanelles
because they determine if a baby is hydrated, and the state of intracranial pressure