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70 Cards in this Set

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what were u-2 planes used for until one was shot down by the Soviet Union
which president took office in 1961?
what president said that american advisors in vietnam could fire if fired upon?
what volunteer organization was established to help "pooer" nations
peace corps act of 1961
what country did the united states cut diplomatic relations with because of problems over the american presence at Guantanamo bay?
what nation had soviet missiles that endangered the united states?
who was the cuban leader during the missile crisis?
fidel castro
who was the soviet leader during the cuban missile crisis?
where was the US invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles?
bay of pigs
who was the first black to attend the University of MS?
James Meredith
what president was shot in 1963?
where was he when he was assassinated?
dallas texas
who was the assassin?
who shot the assassin?
who else was killed and/or injured that day?
officer tippett and gov. connally
what is the name of the famous investigation of this 20th century assassination?
warren commission
what became illegal in 1963 for children to do in school?
who was the first black US supreme court justice?
T. Marshall
what were refusals by blacks to move from a restaurant until they were served?
sit ins
what famous speaker said "i have a dream"
martin luther king
in what city did he make this speech
washington dc
who was the first black in eighty-five years to be elected to the senate from massachusetts?
edward brooke
who wrote Soul On Ice while in folsom state prison
what law was passed in 1964 that banned discrimination
civil rights act of 1964
what resolution was passed by congress authorizing presidential action in vietnam?
gulf of tonkin resolution
what section of los angeles did blacks riot in 1965?
watts neighborhood
what leader who promoted black pride was killed in 1965?
malcom x
who was the first black congresswoman?
shirley chisholm
who introduced the term black power
in what cities in new jersey and michigan did race riots occur
newark and detroit
what black congressman from new york lost his seniority for misuse of government funds
who was the decade's top team of newscasters?
huntley brinkley
what was rachel carson's book that started the environmentalist movement?
Silent Spring
what famous weekly magazine stopped publishing after 148 years?
Saturday Evening Posts
what broadway hit summed up the ideals and protests of the 1960s?
what scottish actor starred as James Bond?
what were the extremely short skirts that came into fashion?
mini skirt
what thin, young model from England became the rage?
what is the nickname for marijuana?
what is the genetically dangerous drug used for hallucinatory trips?
who were the four mop-haired musicians from England who became famous?
the beatles
who was an artist that helped start the Pop Art movement by painting pictures of campbell's soup cans?
what powerful sect was begun by Elijah Muhammad?
black muslims
to what caribbean nation did the united states send 14,000 troops during a civil war?
dominican republic
what was the capital city of north vietnam that was bombed for the first time in 1966?
what nation was dragged into the Vietnam in 1966?
to what neighbor of Vietnam did the US send military planes?
what ship with its entire crew was seized in the sea of japan by north koreans?
USS Pueblo
in what village did a massacre of Vietnamese civilians occur?
My Lai
what television hit of 1967 starred Dan Rowan and Dick Martin
what did the supreme court rule that all criminal defendants must have?
right to a lawyer
what was the subject of many demonstrations during the sixties?
vietnam war
which brother of John. F Kennedy was shot in 1968?
Robert Kennedy
who shot him?
Sirhan Sirhan
what famous civilian rights leader was shot in 1968?
Where was he when he was killed?
Memphis, TN.
Who was convicted of killing him?
James Earl Ray
who was elected president in 1968?
who accomplished the first US suborbital space flight/
Alan Shepard
who was the first american in orbit?
john glenn
what was the name of the first US suborbital space program?
Project Mercury
who was the first man to walk on the moon?
when did this happen?
july 1969
what is the event in 1969 at which 400,000 young people met to listen to rock and blues music?
what senator was investigated for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, who drowned at Chappaquiddick?
Ted Kennedy
who was the world's greatest heavyweight boxing champion who said, "I am the greatest."?
muhammed ali
what is his real name and why did he change it?
cassius clay; he converted to islam
where is the only place the soviet union and the united states agree nuclear weapons could be tested?
in what european city did the vietnam peace talks begin?
what country cut diplomatic relations with the united states because of problems over a new canal treaty?