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33 Cards in this Set

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the process of becoming adapted to an enviroment; an anatomical, physiological, or behavioral trait that improves an organism's ability to survive and reproduce
base unit
one of the fundamental units of measurement that describes length, mass, time, and other quantities and from which other units are derived
in biology, the smallest unit that can perform all life processes; cells are covered by a membrane and containe DNA and cytoplasm
cell division
the formation of two cells from one existing cell
compound light microscope
a microscope that uses light to illuminate a specimen that it then magnified by two lenses
control group
in an experiment, a group that serves as a standard of comparison with another group to which the control group is identical except for one factor
dependent variable
in an experiment, the factor that changes as a result of manipulation of one or more other factors; also called a responding variable
in a modern taxonomic system, the broadest category; the category that contains kingdoms
the study of the interactions between organisms and the other living and nonliving componenets of their enviroment
a community of organisms and their abiotic enviroment
a heritable change in teh characteristics within a population from one generation to the next; the development of new types of organisms from preexisting typs of organisms over time
a procedure that is carried out under controlled conditions to discover, demonstrate, or test a fact, theory, or general truth
experimental group
in an experiment, a group that is identical to a control group except for one factor and that is compared with the control group
a short segment of DNA that contains the instructions for a single trait
the steady-state physiological condition of the body
independent variable
in an experiment, the factor that is deliberately manipulated, also called the manipulated variable
in a traditional taxonomic sytem, the highest taxonomic category which contains a group of similar phyla
the increase of an object's apparent size by using lenses or mirrors
the sum of all chemical processes that occur in an organism
metric system
a decimal-based standard system of measurement that is used by scientists; similar to the systeme internationale
describes a tissue, organ, or organism that is made of many cells
natural selection
the process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment survive and reporuce more successfully than less well adapted individuals do; a theory to explain the mechanism of evolution
the process of obtaining information by using the senses; the information obtained by using the senses
a collection of tissues that carry out a specilized function of the body
one of the small bodies that are found in teh cytoplasm of a cell and that are specialized to perform a specific function
the process of producing offspring
in microscopes, the ability to form images with fine detail
scientific method
the series of steps folloed to solve problems, including collecting data, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and stating conclusions
transmit electron microscope; transmits a beam of electrons through a very thinly sliced specimen
scanning electron microscope; 3D no sliced
in scientifical terms, a highly tested general truth, in everday terms, a guess or conjecture
an aggregate of similar cells and cell products forming a definite kind of structural material with a specific function, in a multicellular organism
having or consisting of a single cell