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77 Cards in this Set

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Psychology is...
Study of human and animal behavior
Psychology Personal does...
Study and work in different areas
Psychiatrist a ______ degree, and can also __________
MD & PHD (ability to prescribe drugs)
Psychologist has a _____ degree
Psychoanalyst has a ______ degree
Mental Health councilor has a _______ degree
MA or MS
Social Worker has a _____ degree
Guidance Councilor is...
Therapist in school
Psychotherapist has a ___ degree and.....
PHD practice in the mental health field, and has the ability to supply medication
Methodology is used to...
To help decide between fact and fiction
Individual case study
Simplest and most direct; one individual studied intensively. Difficult to generalize from. Used to study abnormal behavior
Naturalistic Observation
systematic method for observing and recording events as they naturally occur in the real world; To observe behavior with out influence it; used when ethics prevent creation of ____ used when manipulations would destroy and used with animals and pier interactions.
exist for everything ; they can be general or specific
To determine general opinion on a specific issue ; written
One to one ; in person ; can be free-floating or structure used in case study methods
Correlation coefficient
Statistic; numerical value
Shows the degree of relationship between two or more variables
Three types of Correlation
• Positive Correlation-
• Negative Correlation
• Zero Correlation- (nada)
Positive Correlation-
Two variables are related; both are going in the same direction
Ex the more you drive your car, the more gas you will need
Negative Correlation
Two variables related; both are in opposite directions
Ex the more you drive your car, the less gas you have
Correlation does not mean cause and effect.....
only means there is a relationship.
Experimental Method
only way to prove cause and effect can manipulate and control variables; change one at a time all else held constant; in the laboratory
Independent variable
the one changed; manipulated
Dependant variable
Intervening variable
- confound, interfere; do not want; must throw out experiment
Null Hypothesis
to be tested is stated as such; says the independent variable will have no effect on the dependant variable; stated as such to prevent bias.
people being tested; need to be equal, unbiased; to achieve pick random, large numbers
8 variables
-who raise
-where raised
-economy of family
Experimenter needs to be ...
blind, unbiased
Double Blind
both subjects and experimenter are blind, unbiased
Groups cannot know....
which group is which
Experimental group
gets the independent variable and it’s changes
Control group
not given the independent variable, or given the placebo; used to see if there are intervening variables.
Any kind of treatment can cause a change; fake pill so all conditions will be kept equal; given to control subject blind to what or which they get.
When the independent variable is changed and the dependant variable changes- 1 group changes, what happends ?
cause and effect
When the independent variable is changed and the dependant variable does not change-0 group changes , what happends?
no cause and effect
When the independent variable changes and the dependant variable changes in both groups-2 groups change, what happends?
intervening variables; confounded; start over
Basic Goals of Psychology
1) To measure and describe
2) To predict and control
3) To understand and explain
Each measuring device must have:
measure what it’s supposed to measure (ex: driving test, then get licenses)
Observation->__________(opinion) ->tested->_______ (conclusion)
Primary aim of psychology is
is behavior change for the majority of the people
have yet to be proved
organized many facts into a general statement
A Psychotherapist effects....
many lives; more than just their clients themselves
Protect from undesirable effects
Protect confidentially
No labeling
Will not use learning against the person
Will fully disclosed purpose and procedures
Get informed voluntary consent
Be fair
Be objective
Benefit the client
Borderline cases or conflicts of interest are always resolved in favor of
the client
Dorothy Dix
went around spreading the idea of Humanity
Scientific approach started in the 19th century, it lacked ....
coherence and organization
Shaman does...
trepanning (cutting hole in hear to clear away evil spirits)
helping people
- First major school from Wilhelm Wundt. He studied conscious experience used the method of introspection. Put the mind into it’s most basic parts.
The mind has three basic elements.
- products of external stimulations
sensations like ideas products by the mind
emotional components
Limitations to structuralism
1) Did not look into how and why
2) Only described, did not explain
3) Used private experience, not public
4) Not objective, not observable
From W. James, J. Cattell, J. Dewey, E. Thorndike
Studied why and how the mind works. Influenced by Darwin. Mind is for adaptation to the environment
Adopt through learning. Continuous stream of consciousness
Limitations to functionalism
- No coherent general theory
First American school of psychology. Founded by John Watson- 20th Century. First S-R (Stimulus Response)psychology. trying to break everything down.
- effect responses
classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlou
All behavior can be reduced to
stumulis respnce
Gestalt Psychology
Began in Germany – 20th Century founder - Max Wertheimer Gestalt - whole opposite of behaviorism. The whole is different (Greater) than the sum of it’s parts. Experience moments of insight. Problem - solving is all or none
Gestalt Psychology
Began in Germany – 20th Century founder - Max Wertheimer Gestalt - whole opposite of behaviorism. The whole is different (Greater) than the sum of it’s parts. Experience moments of insight. Problem - solving is all or none
Founded by S. Freud – Controlled by impulses in the unconscious.
below the level of awareness, needs special methods to bring it up. Found
low level of awareness but you can bring it up yourself.
Biological impulses- unconscious, pleasures, seeking
Keeps the peace, reality oriented, part conscious, part unconscious and defence mechanism. lies and deceptions to yourself and others.
Idealistic, conscious, conscience and ideal self, developed at 5 yrs through identification
Information Process Perspectives
Human is an active information processor
Human receives sensory information
Human converts it into mental form
Human stores it for future use
Very important view today
Mechanistic View
We are unable to control our fate
We are passive
We are totally affected by S-R
We are a machine
Humanistic View
From Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls
We are active and unique
We can determine our own fate
We have free will
We have reason and intuition
General Statements
Psychology is in it’s infancy
It is only about 110 years old
It is growing rapidly
Still a baby, gets picked on
Not respected