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27 Cards in this Set

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Eucharist structure/stages
Presentation of the gifts/ preparation of the Altar, Prayer over the Gifts, Eucharistic Prayer, the Lord's Prayer, Sign of Peace, Breaking of the Bread, Communion, Communion Song, Song of Praise, Prayer after Communion
Last Supper
The final meal that, according to Christian belief, Jesus shared with his Apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The Last Supper provides the scriptural basis for the Eucharist.
Bread and Wine
Used in the sacrament of the Eucharist. The wine symbolizes gifts that have been offered by god and is represented as the blood of Christ. The bread symbolizes the gifts that have been offered and becomes the body of Christ. The bread symbolizes life and the wine symbolizes joy.
White garment
Used in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Symbolizes purity. Unblemished by sin. Newness and innocence. Babies wear it in Baptism. Receiver of the sacrament wears the garment.
Used in the sacraments of Baptism and confirmation. Sins are washed away. Cleansing of soul. Sign of new spiritual life. Repellent of evil. Cleansing of body. Living grace that sustains the children of god. It symbolizes purity and life.
Lit Candle
Used in the sacraments of Baptism and confirmation. Light of Christ. Love, unity, truth, Jesus Christ and faith. Symbolizing the love of God coming back. Power of Light or dark or good over evil. Spirit of man and new light.
Oil of Chrism
Used in the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Spiritual nourishment. Gift of the holy spirit. Defuses the light of grace. Seal of the holy spirit.. Anointment. The fragrant presence of the spirit of God. Sign of God's blessings.
List the sacraments.
Initiation (Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation), Healing (Anointing, Reconciliation), Communication (Marriage, Orders and Ministries)
Sacraments of Initiation
Eucharist, Baptism and Confirmation
Sacraments of Healing
Anointing and Reconciliation
Sacraments of Communion
Marriage and Orders and Ministries
What is a sacrament?
A sacred Christian rite recognized as of particular importance and significance.
Reconciliation structure
Contrition, absolution, satisfaction, confession
Sincere and complete remorse for the sins one has committed.
Forgiveness experienced in the Rite of Penance.
The expiation of wrongdoing, especially the penance imposed by a priest before giving sacramental absolution. Consists in the penitent's willingness to accept the penance imposed and its actual fulfillment.
The acknowledgment of sin (or one's sinfulness) or wrongs.
Protestant sacraments
Most only recognize two sacraments directly commanded by Jesus - baptism and communion. They hold that the other five rites are not made sacraments by the New Testament.
How many sacraments are there?
Identify the three (3) categories of the Sacraments
Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Healing, Sacraments of Communion
Under each category list the relevant Sacraments.
Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation), Sacraments of Healing (Anointing, Reconciliation), Sacraments of Communion (Marriage, Orders and Ministries)
Why don't all Christians follow all of the Sacraments?
Most protestants consider only evangelical sacraments of baptism and communion. While Protestant churches have marriage ceremonies and many have ordained clergy and a ceremony conferring ordination, they consider these rites to be ordinances rather than sacraments.
What happens at Baptism?
Using such potent symbols as water, oil and fire, Baptism is a powerful sacrament that washes away original sin and its effects. It gives us a new identity, connects us to a new community of believers, initiates us into a new way of living and provides a clear mission in life.
What happens at Confirmation?
The sacrament of Confirmation builds on the sacraments of Baptism, Penance and Holy Communion, completing the process of initiation into the Catholic community.
What does the word 'Eucharist' mean?
In Greek it means thanksgiving.
What is ordination?
The process by which individuals are consecrated, that is, set apart as clergy to perform various religious rites and ceremonies.
What does reconciliation mean?
"Reconciliation" stresses the action of God, who uses the sacrament to reconcile us to Himself by restoring sanctifying grace in our souls.