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70 Cards in this Set

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The rat is a represetative of the phylum _____
Chordata exhibit _____ symmetry
the body is divided longitudinally into 3 regions
1. the head
2. Trunk (main body of animal)
3. The tail
What is the function of the tail
1. propulsions (fish)
2. balance (kangaroos, birds, lizards)
3. thermoregulation
Chordata have four notable creatures:
1. pharyngeal gill clefts (pharyngeal slits are used to strain water and filter out food particles; respiration)
2. presence of a notochord (backbone--derive from mesoderm)
3. the dorsal nerve cord (form from ectoderm; later modified to a brain and spinal cord).
4. post anal tail
some mammals have extensible cheek pouches that are used to
carry food or nesting materials
Rodents have what kind of teeth?
incisor teeth
The trunk is subdivided into
the thorax, abdomen, and the back
[The coelom] The space b/w the inner and outer tube is the _____ and is lined with _____
In mammals, the diaphragm divides the coelom into the ____ and _____
thoracic and abdominal cavities
The thoracic cavity contains the ____ and ____ and are protected by the _____
*heart and
*rib cage
The abdominal cavity contains ___
most of the digestive tract and excretory system
The salivary glands consist of the ___ and ____
parotids and submaxillaries
There are four samll lymph nodes in the rat. What is the function of the lymph nodes
lymph nodes filter the lymph fluid and are a part of the body's immune system
the lacrymal duct connects the lacrymal gland to the ___
What is the diaphragm
the major muscle of respiration, is a flap of muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
Anterior to the heart, located on top of the trachea, is a pink mass of tissue it is called ___
they thymus
*a lymph organ, decreases in size with age
[Respiratory System] How do air enters the body?
Air ---> first encounter the larynx---> the trachea
**Larynx and the trachea are connected through the laryngopharynx
Food is prevented from entering the larynx by the ____
Cartilaginous rings present in the walls of the trachea. What is the purpose of the cartilagionous rings?
*help prevent the trachea from collapsing
What does the trachea do?
the trachea conducts air into the various lobes of the lungs
[Circulatory System] The ____ is the outer membrane that surrounds the heart
All mammals have four chambered hearts which consist of ___
right and left atria
right and left ventricles

**veins lead to the heart
*arteries lead away from the heart
Veins carry deoxygenated blood from the ____, and from anteirior and lateral regions of the body lead into the ____
right atrium
Blood passes through a one-way valve, called the ____, into the ____
right ventricle
the right ventricle pumps blood into the ____ and to the ____
pulmonary arteries and then to the llungs (this is deoxygenated blood)
Oxygenated blood from the lungs passes through the _____ to the _____
pulmonary veins
left atrium
From the left atrium the blood passes through a one-way valve, _____, to the ____
bicuspid valve
left ventricle
The bood is then pumped through the _____
[Lymphatic System] Lymph nodes are connect to lymph vessels. LLymph vessels pick interstitial fluid and return the fluid to the circulatory system. What is one prominent component of the lymph system?
the spleen
What if the function of the spleen?
Blood is filtered and acted upon by large number of lymphocytes and phagocytes with the spleen.
**The spleen is important in the storage and destruction of red blood cells
[Digestive System] The oral cavity opens into the pharynx (throat) that has three regions:
*laryngopharynx (thing that leads to the larynx and trachea)
The primary function of the esophagus is to
convey food from the mouth to the stomach; plays no further role in digestion
the stomach secretes _____, witch provides the acidity for enzymatic activity and aids in digestion
Hydrochloric acid
the small intestine is divided into three regions
Secretions from the ____ and ____ enter the duodenum and aid in digestion
What does the pancreas do
it secrete pancreatic juices that contain digestive enzymes
The posterior end of the stomach contains the pyloric sphincter. What is the pyloric sphincter?
It regulates the emptying of acidic chyme from the stomach into the small intestine.
The pancreatic juices contain digestive enzymes and lare quanties of _____ that neutralize the acidic chyme
bicarbonate ions
What is the function of the large intestine (colon)?
the large intestine functions mostly to absorb water
**does not absord materials
[excretory system]
Blood enters the kidney via the _____ and exits via the _____.
renal artery (aphrons)
renal vein (ephrons)
A subset of the entering blood enters the nephrons. What is the funtion of nephrons?
functional unit of the kidney and are responsible for forming urine and regulating ionic balance
urine exits the kidney via the ____. It is then stored in the ____
from the bladder, urine exits through the _____
[skeletal system]
Mammalian bons consist of a ______, which is mainly an extra-cellular matrix
calcified (calcium phosphate) hard tissure
[digestive system] Blood vessels pass to and from the organs via the _________
after extensive coiling the small intestine empties into the _______
large intestine (colon)
special type of bateria is found in the cecum of most herbivores. What does the bacteria do?
help aid the breakdown of complex carbohydrates such as cellulose
Now. Give the overall process of the digestive system? starts with pharynx?
food---> pharynx (oral, naso, and laryngopharynx)---> esophagus ----> stomach (contains HCL)----> small intestine (has 3 parts: duodenum, jejunum, ileum) + (pancrease + liver will help small intestine break down food) --->large intestine or colon contain the caecum (sucks up H20) ----> rectum ---> anus
[Excretory system] give the overall process of of the excretory system. start with kidney
(2) kidneys----> (2) ureter---> bladder----> urethra
there's an outer and inner kidney what are they called?
outer = cortex
inner = medulla
[Reproductive system]

female: ovary---> fallopian tubes---> uterus----> vagina
Reproduction system of male

seminiferus tubule---> epididymus----> vas deferens---> ejaculatory duct ---> (n= nonthing)----> urethras-----> seminal vesicle (provide frutose)
[lymphatic system] what organs or components are in the lymphatic system?
lymph nodes, thymus, spleen

**These things pick up fluid and take it back to your circulatory system

**Spleen= fileter blood, stores/destroy red blood cells
[reproduction] The fallopian tube conducts the egg from the ____ to the _____
fetilization occurs in the ____ and implantation occurs in the ____.
oviduct (fallopain tube)
Male: sperm are produced w/in the _____
seminiferous tubules
Sperm mature as they travel from the ____ to the _____ and then to the _______
caput epididymis
cauda epididymis
During ejaculation sperm travel from the _____ through the _____ to a short ______ and then into the ______
cauda epididymus
vas deferens
ejaculatory duct
[kidney] glomeruli is only found in this part of the kidney?

note: singular= glomerulus= means ball of capillaries
There are four layers in the small intestine. name from inside to outside (and indicate the cells that made up of each layers)
1. Mucosa (epithelium = simple columanar w/ microvilli, CT and smooth mus.)
2. Submucosa (connective tissue )
3. Smooth Muscle (inner= circular, outer= longitudinal)
4. Serosa aka peritoneal membrane (Ct and mesothelium)
layers of ____ suspend the GI tract of a coelomate from the dorsal and ventral aspects of the abdominal cavity.
name two functions of the mesentery
1. help position the organ = hold them up-- suspend (so they don't sink)

def of suspend: to keep from falling, sinking, forming a deposit,

2. allow for the passage of nerves, blood, and lymph vessels.
**store fat, prevent small intestine from kinking.
where is the thyroid gland located?
This gland is found in the neck, inferior to (below) the thyroid cartilage (also known as the Adam's apple)
What system is the thyroid gland a part of?
endocrine system
**release hormone
Name 4 other glands that you see in lab that belong to the endocrine system?
1. adrenal gland (sit ontop of the kidney)
2. ovary
3. testis
4. thymus
[heart] The wall of which ventricle is thicker? left or right?
left ventricle b/c it has to pump blood throughout the whole body, while the right ventricle only have to pump to the lungs.
Which value in measuring blood pressure is higher-- systolic or diastolic? what is due to?
*Systolic is higher--- due to the left ventricle contraction
list two different substances secreted by the pancreas and give thier functions
**digestive enzymes-- break down food
**biocarbonate ions-- neutralize acidic chyme
where do you find the mature sperm
cauda epididymis