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26 Cards in this Set

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Chief of State
He's the living symbol of the state
Chief Executive
He's the head of the executive branch (executes laws)
Chief Administrator
Manages the workers of all government workers
Chief Diplomat
Establishes foreign policies and negociates foreign issues.
Commander in Chief
In charge of the armed forces (1.4 million)
Chief of Party
Helps others from his party get elected
Chief of Citizen
Expected to be a representative of all people. Mostly in providing moral leadership.
Qualifications for Presidents
1) 35 years old
2) Be a natural born citizen of the United States
3) Have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years.
Line-item Veto
allows the President to veto specific dollar amounts. in spending bills enacted by congress. It is now ruled unconstitutional.
Granting mercy or leniency
Legal forgiveness for a crime.
Reduction in the length of a sentence or fine.
A blanket pardon to a group of people
Jus soli
Law of the soil, or where one is born. This includes American public vessels anywhere in the world.
Jus sanquinis
Law of the blood, or to whom one is born. Child must be born to at least one parent who is a citizen and who has at some time lived in the United States.
How long is a term
4 years
How many terms may a president serve? Years?
How much does the president make a year?
How much is their expense account?
How much a year in pension?
Presidential Succession
1) Vice president
2) Speaker of the House
3) President Pro Tempore
4) Secretary of State
5) 18 the rest of the cabinet secretaries in the order they were created.
Formal agreement between two or more states (Senate must approve by a 2/3 vote)
Execution Agreement
A pact between president and leader of another country (does not require senate approval)
Power of Recognition
When the president acknowledges the legal existence of another country. (If another country gets out of line the president may oust that country's ambassador)
Persona nor grata
An unwelcome person
The president hast to have approval of Congress to commit troops T/F