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30 Cards in this Set

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The election of 1816 marked what?
The end of the Fedaralist Party, The beginning of the Era of Good Feelings, and The inauguration of the American System.
What was not a component of Henry Clay's American System?
Universal manhood suffrage
The Monroe Doctrine declared what?
The Old World powers of Europe should not interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.
What did the Missouri Compromise not achieve?
It did not provide for the gradual emancipation of slaves in Missouri.
The Era of Good Feelings ended after what?
The Missouri crisis, The Monroe Doctrine, and The Panic of 1819.
What tainted John Quincy Adam's presidency?
The "corrupt bargain"
What does the term "spoils system refer to?
The distribution of civil service jobs to political patrons.
Why did Andrew Jackson and western farmers hate the Bank of the United States?
They saw it as a symbol of too much federal power, aristocracy, and wealth, It didn't print enough cheap paper money.
Why did southerners dislike high tariffs on imported goods?
The south had very few factories, Southerners purchases many European goods, and thought it showed gov. bias against the south.
Why was Jackson outraged by South Carolina's vote to nullify the Tariff of Abominations?
He detested the state's outright disobedience to the federal government.
The tariff of 1833 was important primarily because what?
It prevented the Civil War from starting thirty years earlier than it did.
What heavily influenced John Calhoun's "South Carolina Exposition and Protest"?
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798.
Jackson flagrantly disregarded a previous Supreme Court ruling when he...?
Dismantled the Bank of the United States.
What didn't the Whigs support?
The westward expansion of slavery.
During the mid-nineteenth century, most immigrants to the United States came from where?
Germany and Ireland

What did the Know-Nothing Party oppose?


Who blocked the annexation of Texas?

The Whigs

What didn't the democrats campaign for?

A Bank of the United States

What caused the Mexican War?

The dispute over Texas, Polk's desire to annex California, and unpaid Mexican debts.

Northern manufacturing blossomed between 1820 and 1840 because of...?

The cotton gin, interchangeable parts, and teh mechanicall mower-reaper.

What did the Erie Canal link?

Farmlands in the West to cities in the North.

What was the main reason that Britain agreed to give the United States all of the Oregon Territory south of the 49th parallel?

Americans in Oregon greatly outnumbered British settlers.

Why did Whigs block the annexation of Texas in 1836?

They feared that Texas would become a slave state.

Where were the majority of internal transportation improvements made during the antebellum period?

In the North, and West, but not in the South.

Cyrus McCormick's mechanical mower-reaper stimulated agricultural produdction in the...?


What was the temperance movement's greatest triumph?

The Maine Law

Many of the most prominent reformers during the antebellum period were...?


What wasn't one of the consequences of Eli Whitney's inventions?

The South began importing more manufactured goods from the North.

The "Gag Resolution" in the House of Represenatives temporarily banned discussion about what?


The term "states' rights" refers to the belief that...?

States should have more power than the federal government.