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42 Cards in this Set

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cell membrane
a thin layer of lipids and protein(phospholipids)controls what leaves and enters the leaves
make up the lipid bilayer which makes up the cell membrane
polar and nonpolar regions
(hydrophillic or hydrophobic)
polar-easily dissolves in water(hydorphillic)
selectively permeable-def.
not all subtances can pass through its membrane
carbsand proteins that serve as cell markers and indentification of a cell
membrane proteins
regulate which particles can or cannot pass through the cell membrane: act as enzymes
integral membrane proteins
proteins that have hydrophobic and hydrophillic regions
perpheral proteins
membrane protein that is only exposed to the cytoplasm and some of the outside cell
facts about the fuid mosaic model
liquid bilayer; semi- permeable membrane; move laterally; made up of phospholipids
3 organic molecules that cannot pass through the cell membrane, but must be transported by membrane proteins
amino acids;ions;largermolecule(glucose)
passive transport- def.
move along the concentration gradientfrom high concentration low concentration(energy not neeeded)
3 ex. of passive transport
osmosis, diffusion, facilltated diffusion
active transport- def.
move molecules along the concentration gradient from high concentration to low concentration(use energy)
2 ex. of active transport
endocytosis exocytosis
diffusion- def.
random movement of ions and other particles from high concentration to low concentration
osmosis- def.
the diffusion of water into and out of cells that move across selectively permeable membranes from high concentration to low concentration
endocytosis- def.
process in which the plasma membrane engulfs the particle and then takes it into the cell
when waste is trappeds in vesiclces that move across the cell and take them into a vacuole that release them outside the cell
3 ex. of endocytosis
phagocytosis,pinocytosis, REM
pinocytosis- def.
when the plamsa membrane forms a vacuole surrounding lliquids and taking them into the cell(cell drinking)
when the plasma membrane surrounds a large piece of material by forming a vacuole and digesting it into a conjunction with lysosomes(cell eating)
receptor mediated endocytosis-def.
special receptors embedded in the membrane that will pick up specific materials and bring them into the cell
concentration gradient- def.
difference between the concentration of a particular molecule in one area and its concentration adjacent to that area
dynamic equilibrium- def.
after some time a substance is moving but has the same concentration
protein channel- def.
a channel that allow certain ions to pass through"pore"
carrier protein-steps
change shape so that substances can enter the cell
description of the movement of molecules in active transport
molecules move from area from higher concentration to areas of lower concentration
hypertonic solution-def.
a comcentration of solutes outside the cell is greater than inside
hypotonic solution- def.
concentration of solute inside the cell is greater that outside
plasmolysis- def.
shriveling of a cell when placed in a hypertonic solution
what happens to a cell when placed in a hypertonic
isotonic solution
hyper- plasmolysis
iso- stays the same
what happens to a plant cell when placed in a hypertonic
isotonic solution
hyper- plasmolysis
hypo-swells up
iso- stays the same
turgor pressure- def.
the water pressure againist a cell wall
cytolisis- def.
bursting of the cell
hydrophobic- def.
hydrophillic- def.
ex. of hypertonic solution
ex. of hypotonic solution
distilled water
4 molecules that can pass through the cell membrane via diffusion
ethanal,carbon dioxide,oxygen, water
osmotic balance- def.
the water pressure is the same
4 molecules that can pass through tthe cell membrane via facilitated diffusion
ions, glucose, proteins, amino acids
what do gates require to close and open them?