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40 Cards in this Set

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Which of the joints of the pelvis is a synovial joint?
The sacroiliac joint

The others (lumbosacral, sacrococcygeal, and pubic symphis) are secondary cartilagenous
What is the function of the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments?
Prevent anterior displacement of superior sacrum and convert greater and lesser sciatic notches into foramen
List the six differences between the female and the male pelvis
1. Females have a rounded pelvic inlet, males have heart shaped
2. Females have short pelvic canal with parallel walls, males is more lung and funnel shaped
3. Females have everted ischial tuberosities and spines
4. Females have a broader sciatic notch
5. Females have a broader close to 90 degree pubic arch, males is narrower
6. Females have a short and broad sacrum
Which muscle forms the lateral wall of the pelvis? What does it pass through and where does it insert?
Obturator Internus- Arises within lesser pelvis, passes through lesser sciatic foramen and attaches to greater trachanter of femur
What forms the tendinous arch in the pelvis?
The obturator membrane (which forms medially)
Which muscle forms the posterior wall of the pelvis?
Piriformis- attaches to sacrum, passes through greater sciatic foramen and attaches to greater trochanter
What muscles form the floor of the pelvis or pelvic diaphragm?
levator ani (3 muscles) + coccygeus (ischiococcygeus)
The iliococcygeus is the most lateral part of which muscle, what are its attachements?
It is the lateral part of the levator ani, and it arises from the tendinous arch and ischial spine (it blends with pubococcyugeus)
What are the attachments of the coccygeus?
Ischial spine to coccygeus/sacrum
In females and males what do the ureters pass in their descent to the bladder?
In females the ureters pass medial to uterine arteries origins
In male the ductus deferentes rest between ureters and peritoneum
What is the level of sympathetics to the ureter?
T11-L2. This is why kidney stone pain is referred and shifts.
What is the level of parasympathetics to the ureter?
S2-S4, and the vagus nerve superiorly.
Which muscle makes up the muscular wall of the bladder?
The detrusor muscle
Which muscle only found in males prevents semen from entering the bladder?
The internal urethral sphincter (involuntary)
What forms the membranous urethra?
The external urethral sphincter
What does the round ligament connect?
Uterus to labia majora (visible anteriorly)
What does the suspensory ligament do?
conveys ovarian vessels, lymphatics, and nerves
What does the mesovarium suspend?
What does the mesosalpinx suspend?
Uterine tubes
What does the mesometrium suspend?
Most of the uterus
What is the name for the main mesentery which has subdivisions?
Broad ligament
True of false, the uterus, ovaries, and uterine tubes are Intraperitoneal?
Where is the retropubic space, and what does it do?
Behind pubis, accomadates rectal expansion
Where is the retrorectal space and what does it do?
Behind rectum, allows for rectal expansion
Where is the retrovesical pouch?
In males, between bladder/prostate & rectum
Where is the vesicouterine pouch?
In females, Between bladder and uterus
Where is the rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas)
Between uterus and rectum
Which Space or pouch can be easily accessed via posterior fornix?
Rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas) (females)
Which space or pouch is the lowest point in male peritoneal cavity?
Rectovesical pouch, fluid drains here because its the lowest point
What are the levels of the lumbosacral trunk?
What are the levels of the obturator nerve?
What are the levels of the sciatic nerve?
L4-S3 Anterior and posterior division. Exits via greater sciatic foramen
What are the levels of the Pudendal nerve?
S2-S4 Anter Division- Exits via greater sciatic formamen, then enters perineum via lesser sciatic foramen
What are the levels of the superior gluteal nerve?
L4-S1 Posterior division- Exits via greater sciatic foramen
What are the levels of the inferior gluteal nerve?
L5-S2 Posterior division- Exits via greater sciatic foramen
What is the Coccygeal plexus made of and what is its level?
Ventral rami of S4-S5
What does the pudendal nerve supply?
The skin and muscles of perineum; main sensory nerve for external genitalia
What does the superior gluteal nerve supply?
Gluteus medius, minimus, and tensor fascia latae
What levels do the sympathetics of the pelvis arise from?
What levels do parasympathetics arise from?