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101 Cards in this Set

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Define Parts of Speech
Terms that describe how words are used in sentences
Page 22
What is the Latin word for noun?
Latin word for Name
Page 22
Name the 7 types of words, parts of speech.
1. Nouns
2. Pronouns
3. Verbs
4. Adjectives
5. Adverbs
6. Prepositions
7. Conjunctions
Page 22
Define Noun
Naming word that names a person, place, thing, quality, idea, or action
Page 22
Tom, Linda, President, Priest, Doctor are examples of what section a noun is
Page 22
Chicago, Iran, Europe, Home are examples of what section a noun is
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Street, Tree, Cat, House, Job are examples of what section a noun is
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Hardness, Viscosity, Joyousness are examples of what section a noun is
Page 22
Evolution, Gravity, Average, Beauty are examples of what section a noun is
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Running, Talking, Thinking are examples of what section a noun is
Page 22
What order is a standard sentence?
Subject - Verb - Action
Page 22
What words are followed by nouns?
A, An, The, This, These, That, Those, My, Yours, His, Hers, Its, & Our
Page 22
Find the Nouns in this sentence - "The children, scared by the storm, quickly ran to their bedroom and crawled under the covers."
Children, Storm, Bedroom, Covers
Page 22
Find the Nouns in this sentence - "Sandra and Paul like traveling to Chicago, where they find enjoyment in attending baseball games at Wrigley Field."
Sandra, Paul, Traveling Chicago, Enjoyment, Games, Wrigley FIeld
Page 22
Define ProNoun
Word that stands in place of a noun
Page 23
Pronouns can be classified as (List 7)
1. Personal
2. Demonstrative
3. Reflexive
4. Intensive
5. Relative
6. Interrogative
7. Indefinite
Page 23
Define Personal Pronouns
Refers to a specific person or thing
Page 23
Which pronoun refers to himself or herself?
Page 23
Which pronoun refers to the person spoken to
Page 23
Which pronoun refers to a person or object being spoken about
Page 23
What are the personal pronouns in this sentence "I heard that you had planned to visit them."
I, You, Them
Page 23
What are the personal pronouns in this sentence "We tried to convince him to our proposal was better than theirs."
We, Him, Our, Theirs
Page 23
Define Demonstrative Pronouns
Points out something being referred to
Page 24
What are the Demonstrative pronouns when used by themselves in place of a noun
This, That, These, Those
Page 24
What are the Demonstrative Pronouns in this sentence "This is a pencil, but that is a pen."
This & That
Page 24
What are the Demonstrative Pronouns in this sentence "These are my socks, Those are yours."
These & Those
Page 24
Define Reflexive Pronouns
Suffix -self or -selves is added to a personal pronoun to indicate that the action of the sentence is directed back to the performer of the action.
Page 24
What are the Reflexive Pronouns in this sentence, "If you make a real effort to learn these concepts, you may surprise yourself"
Page 24
What are the Reflexive Pronouns in this sentence. "He beat himself at his own game."
Page 24
Define Intensive Pronouns
used to emphasize the doer of the action.
Page 24
Is Intensive Pronoun similar to Reflexive Pronoun? State Reasoning
Yes and No,
Yes - same form
No - used differently
Page 24
What are the Intensive Pronouns in this sentence "As we were talking about her, Linda herself walked through the door."
Page 24
What are the Intensive Pronouns in this sentence "If you want a job done right, you should do it yourself"
Page 24
Define Relative Pronouns
Connect two related parts of a sentence when one part can't be a sentence on its own.
Page 24
What are Relative Pronouns
Who, Whom, Which, That
Page 24
What is the Relative Pronouns in this sentence? "The supervisor will tell us who submitted the winning proposal"
Page 24
What is the Relative Pronouns in this sentence? "The Roswell Building, which was constructed last year, has structural flaws."
Page 24
What is the Relative Pronouns in this sentence? "The shingles that fell from the roof were loosened by the wind."
Page 25
Define Interrogative Pronouns
Who, Whom, Which, What
Page 25
Is Interrogative Pronouns the same as Relative Pronouns? State Reasons
Yes, they use the same words however they're used at the beginning of the sentence
Page 25
What is the Interrogative Pronouns in this sentence, "Who submitted the winning proposal?
Page 25
What is the Interrogative Pronouns in this sentence. "Whom do you think we should elect?"
Page 25
What is the Interrogative Pronouns in this sentence "Which building has structural flaws?"
Page 25
What is the Interrogative Pronouns in this sentence "What caused the shingles to fall?"
Page 25
Define Indefinite Pronouns
Name classes or groups of persons or things
Page 25
What are the words that include in Indefinite Pronouns?
All, Another, Any, Anybody, Anyone, Both, Each, Either, Everybody, Everyone, Everything, Few, Many, More, Much, Neither, Nobody, Non, No One, Several, Some, Somebody, Someone, and Such
Page 25
What is the Indefinite Pronoun in this sentence, "All of our sales representatives are highly qualified."
Page 25
What is the Indefinite Pronoun in this sentence. "Some of the supervisors were trained through distance education courses."
Page 25
What is the Indefinite Pronoun in this sentence. "None of the recent graduates is unemployed."
Page 25
Define Verbs
Word that expresses an action or state of being
Page 25
Cook Sing Run and Talk are obviously what parts of speech?
Verb - The Action
Page 25
Live, Hear, Smell, Want, Think and Consider, express what kind of actions?
Perceived or sensed
Page 26
Is, Am, Are, Was, Seem, Become, Grow, and Remain express what kind of actions?
State of Being
Page 26
What is the Verb in this sentence, "The dog raced down the stairs."
Page 26
What is the Verb in this sentence, "He wondered when his friend would arrive."
Wondered (Sensed)
Page 26
What is the Verb in this sentence, "She is president of the Rotary Club.
Is ( State of Being)
Page 26
What are the Verb(s) in this sentence. "I think while I run"
Think (Sensed) & Run (Action)
Page 26
What are the Verb(s) in this sentence, "She tested the equipment and found it to be faulty."
Tested & Found
Page 26
Is, Are, Were, Has, Had, Will, and Have are added to indicate what set of Verbs?
Helping Verbs
Page 26
What are the Verb(s) in this sentence. "Jim is running the race."
Running ( Action in the Present)
Page 27
What are the Verb(s) in this sentence. "Jim has run his race."
Has Run (Action in the past)
Page 27
What are the Verb(s) in this sentence. "Jim had run his race."
Had Run (Action in the Past)
Page 27
What are the Verb(s) in this sentence. "Jim will run his race"
Will Run (Action in the future)
Page 27
Do, Does, Did, Can, Could, Shall, Would, May, Might, Must, Is, Am, Are, "To Be" are what set of verbs?
Helping Verbs
Page 27
Define Adjective
Describes, or Modifies a Noun
Page 27
Which One, What Kind, How Many usually does what to the noun?
Precedes the Noun
Page 27
What is the Adjective in this sentence, "Last Child in Line"
Last (Which One)
Page 27
What is the Adjective in this sentence, "The tall tree."
Tall (What Kind)
Page 27
What is the Adjective in this sentence, "Four boys"
Four (How many)
Page 27
What add clarity to your writing, which in turn helps your reader to understand your meaning?
Page 27 Figure 9
Define Adverbs
modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs, they answer the question with How, When, Where, or/and How Much
Page 28
What are the Adverb(s) in this sentence, "He writes effectively."
Effectively ( modifies the verb writes. It tells how he writes)
Page 28
What are the Adverb(s) in this sentence. "She submitted the report yesterday"
Yesterday ( modifies the verb submitted. It tells when she submitted. )
Page 28
What are the Adverb(s) in this sentence. "Our office has been moved upstairs"
Upstairs (Modifies the verb has been moved. It tells where the office has been moved)
Page 28
What are the Adverb(s) in this sentence. "The fencer's hand moves very rapidly."
Very ( Modifies the adverb rapidly it tells how or how much)
Page 28
What are the Adverb(s) in this sentence. "The extremely clever student solved the problem first"
Extremely (modifies the adjective clever it tells how or how much)
Page 28
Define Preposition
Clarifies or expresses a relationship between a word in a sentence and a noun or pronoun (the object of the preposition)
Page 28
What is the example of time relationship is this sentence? "We will work until noon."
Page 29
What is the example of space relationship is the sentence? "After lunch, she will begin plans for the upcoming meeting."
Page 29
List the common prepositions
About, Above, Across, After, Against, Along, Amid,
Behind, Beneath, Below, Between, Beyond, But, By,
Of, Off, On,
Through, To, Toward,
Under, Underneath, Until, Upon,
With, Within, Without
Page 29
Define Conjunction
Word used to connect two parts of a setnence
Page 30
What does Conjunction do in a sentence?
Connects words, phrases, or even complete sentences
Page 30
Define Coordinating Conjunctions
Link parts of a sentence that are equal in importance
Page 30
Subjects, Verbs, Prepositional phrases, or sentences are examples of what conjunction?
Page 30
What are the conjunction(s) in this sentence, "Nancy and Rick graduated in the same year."
Page 30
What are the conjunction(s) in this sentence, "We planned the agenda and headed for the meeting."
Page 30
What are the conjunction(s) in this sentence, "You can get there through Pennsylvania or through Connecticut."
Page 30
What are the conjunction(s) in this sentence, "We want to include a bibliography in the report, but that might make it too long."
Page 30
Define Correlative Conjunction
Pairs to show relationships - Either, No, Not Only, But Also, Both, And, Weather, Or
Page 30
What are the Correlative Conjunction in this sentence, "Both the teacher and the student agreed ion the study plan."
But & And
Page 30
What are the Correlative Conjunction in this sentence, "Either you decide now, or I'll decide for you."
Either & Or
Page 30
Define Subordinating Conjuntion
Used to connect and show the relationship between two complete thoughts
Page 31
What are words used in Subordinating Conjunction which connects the two sample sentences and show how they're related?
Because & Although
Page 31
Define Conjunctive Adverbs
Connect two groups of words that could stand on their own as individual sentences.
Page 31
What Part of Speech names something and acts as a subject or object with the examples of a Pencil, and Rebecca?
Page 33
What Part of Speech takes the place of a noun with the examples of They, We, Himself?
Page 33
What Part of Speech Modifies a noun or pronoun with the examples of Yellow, Smooth, Clear, and Jagged?
Page 33
What Part of Speech shows action, or helps to make a statement with the examples of Skip, Shout, Were, and Grows?
Page 33
What Part of Speech Modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb with the examples of Rapidly, Somewhat, Well, and Too?
Page 33
What Part of Speech relates a noun or a pronoun to another word; begins a phrase with the examples of Into, Below, From, and Of?
Page 33
What Part of Speech joins words with the examples of And, But, and Or?
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