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57 Cards in this Set

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What does the nucleus tell us about a cell?

-cells and nuclei vary in morphology= can determine which tissue came from

Nuclear structures

1. nuclear membrane (envelope)

2. chromatin

3. nucleolus

4. nuclear pores

Function of nuclear structures

Nuclear import

Nuclear export

Nuclear membrane

-2 membranes:

1. outer membrane

--continuous w/ RER

--ribosome studded

2. inner membrane

--associates w/ chromatin (heterochromatin, interphase)

Nuclear pores

-discontinuities in nuclear envelope

-physical communication



--octagonal symmetry

--donut shaped (70-100 nM diameter)

--central channel (9 nM)

--sometimes central granule


Cytoplasmic face: octagonal structure

nucleoplasmic face: basket structure

Immunofluroescent detection of proteins

-Abs labeled w/ fluorophore that bind to taarget protein

-DAPI: stains DNA --> nucleus appears blue

Nuclear lamina

-gives nucleus structure

-composed of Lamins (A, B, C)

--similar to intermediate filament proteins

--form mesh-work of filaments, assembled in 2-D lattice beneath nuclear envelope

--10-20 nm thick

--interrupted by nuclear pores

-Lamin Associated Proteins

Lamin Associated Proteins (LAPs)

-Inner nuclear membrane proteins:

--tether lamina to nuclear membrane

--Ex: emerin

-DNA binding proteins

--tether chromatin to lamina

--Ex: Lap2ß


-specific mutations in Lamin A --> predisposition to: (b/c of changes in gene expression)

1. Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS)

2. Dilated Cardiomyopathy

3. Familial partial lipodystrophy

4. Emery-Dreisfuss muscular dystrophy (EMD1)

5. Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy

6. Charcot-Marie Tooth disease

7. Mandibuloacral dysplasia

**phenotype: disrupted nuclear structure= abnormal shape, disrupted chromatin attachment (not on edge of nucleus, concentrated in middle)

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS)

-Lamin A mutation--> short Lamin A protein w/ persistent farnesylation --> Lamin A permanently attached to nuclear envelope --> nuclear integrity severely compromised (abnormal shape vs. circle)

-phenotype: premature aging

-survival rarely beyond mid-teens

??Nuclear envelope= nuclear membrane + nuclear lamina

nuclear lamina and mitosis

interphase: kinases phosphorylate lamins and nuclear-binding proteins--> prophase: polymer breaks down = lattice falls apart --> membrane breaks into small pieces --> dephosphorylation --> telophase --> fusion of nuclear envelope fragments --> late telophase : decondensing of chromosomes --> fusion of enveloped chromosomes --> interphase

Nuclear pore complex

-125 MDa

-nucleoporins: 50-100 proteins that compose complex

-regulate passage of molecules bw/n nucleus and cytoplasm

--small molecules (<50kDa) freelly diffuse

--larger molecules (50 + kDa) active transport = export/imiport cargo

Nuclear import

-Nuclear Localization Sequence (NLS):

--basic aa rich sequence: Lys-Lys-Lys-Arg-Lys (optimal core)

--essential and sufficient for nuclear import

-discovered studying histone proteins

-many different importins w/ different specificities

Nuclear export

-discovered studying RNA

-Nuclear Export Sequence (NES):

--leucine-rich: Leu-X(1-2)-Leu-X(2-3)-Leu-X-Leu

Nuclear proteins/protein complexes exported

1. small proteins that need actively excluded (freely difused in through pore but aren't wanted)

2. assembled ribosomal units (RNPs and proteins in RNP complexes)

3. large NLS-containing proteins that function in both nucleus and cytoplasm

--contain NLS and NES

--Ex: c-Abl



-regulates import/export

-activity/conformation altered by GDP vs. GTP bound

-GTPase that only works w/ presence of Ran GTPase activity factor present (Ran-GAP)

-GTP hydrolysis by Ran provides directionality of nuclear transport

-Ran-GEF: Ran exchange factor

Nuclear Import Steps

1. Cytoplasm: Importin bunds NLS on cargo--> importin binds nuclear pore--> ipmortin & cargo enter nucleus

2. Nucleus: Ran-GTP binds importin --> importin affinity for cargo decreases --> cargo released --> Ran-GTP-importin move across nuclear pore to cytoplasm

Ran Cycle:

3. Cytoplasm: Ran-GAP binds Ran-GTP --> hydrolyzed to Ran-GDP --> Ran-GDP can't bind importin --> Ran-GDP binds its receptor --> imported into nucleus

4. Nucleus: Ran-GDP bound by Ran-GEF --> GDP exchanged for GTP--> Ran-GTP

Nuclear Export Steps

1. Nucleus: Ran-GTP binds exportin --> increased affinity for NES on cargo --> binds cargo --> Ran-GTP-exportin-cargo move through nuclear pore

2. Cytoplasm: Ran-GTP bound by Ran-GAP --> GTP hydrolyzed to Ran-GDP --> exportin releases cargo --> exportin moves back into nucleus (Ran-GDP undergoes Ran cycle)

RNA export

(not Ran and GTP hydrolysis driven)

-NXC1, NXT1: exportins, coat RNA

-DBS5 helicase displaces exoprtins in cytoplasm, uses ATP, ATP hydrolysis drives rxn

Cyclin D1a vs D1b

-D1b isoform: increased cancer risk

--NES affected--> isn't exported from nucleus


-subnuclear body, not membrane bound= not organelle

-rDNAA clustering, rRNA synthesis, ribosome assembly

3 areas distinguishable by EM:

1. associated (hetero)chromatin

2. fibrillar area: active rRNA synthesis (fuzzier looking)

3. granular are: ribosome assembly (granular looking)

Sub-nuclear bodies

not membrane bound

-immunofluoerescence detectable

1. speckles

2. cajal bodies

3. PML bodies


-0.2-0.5 um

-RNA processing centers

Cajal bodies

-0.15-1.5 um


-possible splicing centers, RNA processing, associate w/ nucleolus, telomerase transport

PML bodies

-0.3-1.0 u


-protein repository (storage)

Does embedding DNA in chromatin change perception of its availability for info read-out?

How important is control of cell cycle?

How is analysis of nucleus useful in medical applications?


-linear DNA nad associated proteins packaged as chromatin in order to fit in nucleus: DNA=1 meter, nucleus=5-7 um


--orderly replication/segregation

--additional regulatory mechanism of transcription


ev. conserved structure

basic unit of chromatin (chromatin fiber is extended array of linked nucleosomes = beads on a string)

DNA + histone proteins:

-H2a, H2b dimerize -> dimers w/ dimer

-H3, H4 dimerize -> dimers w/ dimer

----> form octamer

-H1 linker bw/n octamers

-120-140 bps/octamer

-50 bp linker DNA

chromatin higher order structure

1. nucleosome array (beads on a string)

2. supercoiling --> 30 nm wide fiber

3. 30 nm wide fibers folded into looped domains so fit in nucleus = euchromatin-like

4. transitional folding state approaching mitosis= heterochromatin-like

5. condensins package into fully condensed state= metaphase chromosome, visible in light micro

Covalent modifications of euchromatin

DNA: CpG hypomethylated

Histones: hyperacetylated, H3 lys 9 unmethylated

Covalent modifications of heterochromatin

DNA: CpG hypermethylated

Histones: deacetylated, H3 lys 9 methylated

the histone code

-most common modifications: (occur on N-terminal histone tail)

methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation

-reading histone code:

--protein complexes which regulate gene expression recognize the pattern of histone modifications --> determines if gene will be turned on/off


-niheritance of histone modifications

-clinical importance:

1. patterns of inheritance

2. cancer (ex: p16 repression)

3. stem cells: nuclear reprogrammingrequires altering epigenetics to change gene expression patern

Mitotic Cell cycle

1. M phase: mitosis, cytokinesis

2. interphase:

a. G1- Gap phase 1

--checkpoint of environmental status (nutrients, growth factors, space etc)

G1<-->G0- resting state (quiescence, senescence, differentiated)

b. S- DNA synthesis

c. G2- gap phase 2

--checkpoint for genomic status (genome replicated, no mutations)

Cell cycle checkpoints

1. start check point*

-G1-S: is environment favorable? -->enter cell cycle and proceed to S phase

2. Intra-S checkpoint: stop DNA rep if something goes wrong

3. G2-M checkpoint:

-is all DNA replicated? is environment favorable? -->enter mitosis

4. Metaphase-Anaphase transition*

-are all chromosomes attached to spindle? --> trigger anaphase and proceed to cytokinesis

**cancer mutations often in checkpoint proteins

cell cycle progression: CDK/cyclins

Cyclin dependent kinase:

-phophsorylates target proteins to change activity:

1. inactivate proteins that inhibit cell cycle (RB)

2. activate/modify proteins needed for cycle progressions (replication pretins, lamins)

-present throughout cell cycle

-cyclin must bind to be active


-activate CDK

-levels cycle

CDK/Cyclin regulation of G1 to S

-RB-tumor suppressor blocks G1-S transition

-cyclin D & E bind CDK --> phosphorylates RB --> RB inactive --> transcription factors released --> enters S


mutation--> proceeds into S phase prematurely --> tumor development

cyclin D mutation (loss of nuclear export factor)

-too much cyclin D in nucleus --> prematurely phosphorylates in G1/phosphorylates things that shouldn't be in S phase --> tumor growth

CDK/cyclin regulation of S phase

cyclin D and E:

-synthesis of replication proteins

-assembly of replisome

-replication initiation (origin firing)

cyclin A:

-continued replication throughout S

*replication doesn't occur w/o proper CDK phosph.

CDK/cyclins important for..

-proliferation (embryogenesis, regeneration)


-diseases (cancer, wasting syndrome, aging)

CDK/cyclin regulation of G2 to M

CDK2/cyclin B

-lamin proteins phosphorylated --> rapid disassembly of nuclear lamina

CDK/cyclin regulation of M to G1

cyclin B destroyed

-lamins dephosphorylated by phosphatases

--> reassembly of nuclear lamina (and associated nuclear membrane) around newly segregated chromosomes



-chromosomes not discernible

-nuclear envelope presnet

-G1, S, G2 microscopically similar


-chromosomes become discernible

-nuclear envelope breaks down


-chromosomes align on metaphase plate

-mitotic spindle apparent


-sister chromatids separate (pulled along spindle)


-chromatids in separate poles

-Cytokinesis begins= cleavage furrow apparent, actin-driven

Cytokinesis completion:

-nuclear envelope reforms

-chromosomes decondense



S phase replication --> 4N

Division I --> homologous chromosomes separate --> 2x 2n cells

Division II --> sister chromatids separate

--> 4x 1n cells


-chromosome complement of a cell

-usually visualized as a spread of mitotic chromosomes

-individual chromosomes can only be visualized during mitosis

-analyzed for chromosome number, malformations

Karyotype procedure

1. (amniotic/clood) cells stimulated to undergo cell division, Colchicine added--> inhibited at metaphase

2. fixed

3. dropped onto glass slide

4. mitotic cells pop--> chromosomes released; interphase cells unaffected

normal karyotype

22 autosomes

2 sex chromosomes

abnormal karyotype



-changes in chromosome structure: (often assoc w/ cancer)




ID chromosomes from Karyotype

1. size

2. centromere position





3. G-banding pattern (Giemsa staining)

p arm: short, q arm: long

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)

-detect chromosome from DNA sequence

-label specific DNA sequence and hybridize to mitotic spread --> target gene fluoresces

chromosome painting/spectral karyotyping (SKY)

-visualize entire chromosome/entire karyotype via FISH

-each chromosome labeled w/ different fluorphore

-allows automated karyotyping

-easier ID of cancer genomes (color mismatch)