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132 Cards in this Set

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state the 3 fns of the NS (hint)

1 receive stimuli fr ext and int env

2 analyse and integrate these stimuli

3 bring about any necessary response

r___ s___...

a___ and i___...

...n___ r___

state the 2 divisions of the nervous system

1 central nervous sys (CNS)

2 peripheral nervous sys (PNS)

the basic unit of the NS is the ___, and it is resp for the ___ of nerve impulses throughout the ___ tissue

neurone; transmission; nervous

n___; t___; n___

nerve impulses pass fr one neurone to another by means of structures known as ___



___ or ___ cells present in the spinal cord and brain supply ___ to carry waste materials away fr the ___

neuroglia or glial cells; nutrients; neurones

n___; g___; n___; n___

state the 4 parts that a neurone must have

1 cell body

2 dendrons

3 dendrites

4 axon

the cell body is aka the ___ or ___, and contains the ___

soma or perikaryon; nucleus

s___; p___; n___

dendrons are short processes formed fr many finer ___, and carry nerve impulses ___ the cell body

dendrites; towards

d___; t___

a single cell body may receive as many as ___ dendrites from other neurones, and dendrites may also be ___ into ___ ___

6000; modified into sensory receptors

(number); m___ into s___ r___

state the 6 things that sensory receptors sense

1 heat

2 cold

3 pain

4 touch

5 pressure

6 stretch

the ___ is a ___ process that carries nerve impulses away fr the cell body

axon; long

a___; l___

axons are often covered by a fatty substance called the ___ ___, which appears ___ under the microscope

myelin sheath; white

m___ s___; w___

for this reason, nervous tissue containing many myelinated axons is often referred to as ___ ___, while nervous tissue with many unmyelinated axons stains a dark colour and is called ___ ___

white matter; grey matter

w___ m___; g___ m___

the myelin sheath is actually the ___ ___ of specialised ___ cells called ___ in the CNS and ___ ___ in the PNS

cell membrane; glial; oligodendrocytes; Schwann cells

c___ m___; g___; o___; S___ c___

name the small gaps in the myelin sheath bw adj glial cells

nodes of Ranvier

with the myelin sheath, ___ conduction can occur along the neurones, and with no ___ ___

faster; errant flow

f___; e___ f___

each axon terminates in a ___. where an axon terminates on an ind msc fibre, the (blank) is referred to as a ___ ___

synapse; neuromuscular junction

s___; n___ j___

the terminal end of an axon is called the ___ ___ and is enlarged into a little knob known as the ___ ___

presynaptic ending; synaptic knob

p___ e___; s___ k___

the cell membrane covering the presynaptic ending is called the ___ ___ and contains ___ within which are chemical substances called ___

presynaptic membrane; vesicles; neurotransmitters

p___ m___; v___; n___

the ___ ___ is the physical gap bw the ___ axon and the ___ dendron of another neurone

synaptic cleft; presynaptic; postsynaptic

s___ c___; p___; p___

___ ions are req for the release of ___ into the ___ and hence the proper ___ of a nerve impulse

calcium; neurotransmitters; synapse; propagation

c___; n___; s___; p___

name the most common neurotransmitter


when a neurone isn't being stim'd, it is said to be in a ___ ___

resting state

r___ s___

specialised molecules located on neurone's cell membrane pump ___ ions fr the inside to the outside and ___ ions fr the outside to the inside. these specialised pumps are called ___-___ ___ pumps

sodium; potassium; sodium-potassium ATPase

s___; p___; s___-p___ A___

the sodium-potassium ATPase pumps cause a ___ gradient and a ___ gradient, as __ Na+ ions are pumped out while __ K+ ions are pumped in simultaneously. as such, the neurone is said to be ___

concentration; electrical; 3; 2; polarised

c___; e___; (number); (number); p___

since there are more Na+ than K+ ions, there is a net ___ charge within the cell, and the diff in electrical charge across the cell membrane is called the ___ ___ ___

negative; resting membrane potential

n___; r___ m___ p___

when a neurone is stim'd by an adj neurone, or a ___ ___ stim'd by an ext stimulus, the neurone 'fires' an impulse, and this is called ___

sensory receptor; depolarisation

s___ r___; d___

at the pt where the stimulus occurs on the neurone, specialised molecules called ___ ___ in the cell membrane open. they allow only ___ to pass thru by ___ ___ and are also attracted by the net ___ charge inside the neurone

sodium channels; Na+; passive diffusion; negative

s___ c___; s___; p___ d___; n___

the influx of Na+ into the neurone is called ___ bc cell membrane is no longer ___. inside of neurone goes fr a net ___ charge to a net ___ charge. change in charge is called the ___ ___

depolarisation; polarised; negative; positive; action potential

d___; p___; n___; p___; a___ p___

within a fraction of a sec aft depolarisation, Na channels shut, halting Na+ influx; ___ ___ open, allowing efflux of ___

potassium channels; K+

p___ c___; p___

the efflux of K+ results in the electrical charge on the inside of the neurone swinging back to a net ___ charge, and the change back to the resting membrane potential is called ___

negative; repolarisation

n___; r___

initial stimulus must be of sufficient strength to make neurone ___. when stimulus is strong enough to cause ___ ___, it is said to have reached ___

respond; complete depolarisation; threshold

r___; c___ d___; t___

what happens when a sensory receptor on a dendrite rcvs only a v weak stimulus? (not enough to reach threshold)

only a few Na channels open -> v small influx of Na+ -> slight +ve change in resting membrane potential -> insufficient to propagate action potential -> info not transmitted to brain

Na channels


change in potential


transmission of info

if the stimulus on the sensory receptor is large enough, it causes a spreading wave of Na channels to open over entire neurone -> ___ of ___, resulting in ___ of ___ ___

wave of depolarisation; conduction of action potential

w___ of d___; c___ of a___ p___

if stimulus is sufficient to reach threshold, action potential is propagated along neurone.

if stimulus is insufficient to reach threshold, action potential not propagated along neurone.

this is known as the '___ ___ ___' principle - either neurone ___ or does not at all

all or none; depolarises

a___ o___ n___; d___

period bw start of depolarisation-repolarisation cycle and tail end of cycle is called the ___ ___

refractory period

r___ p___

period of Na+ influx and K+ efflux is part of refractory period which no stimulus can cause neurone to depolarise agn. this is the ___ ____ ___

absolute refractory period

a___ r___ p___

if v lrg stimulus arrives at tail end of repolarisation period, may be possible to stimulate another depolarisation (___ ___ ___) where cell is unresponsive to stimulus of ___ ___ but may respond to stronger stimulus

relative refractory period; normal intensity

r___ r___ p___; n___ i____

myelin sheath serves to prevent ___ by preventing Na channels fr opening in regions which have ___, so next avail Na channels are at the ___ ___ ___

shorts; myelin; nodes of Ranvier

s___; m____; n___ of R___

action potential thus skips fr one node to another, greatly accelerating rate at which ___ ___ spreads down the ___. this is known as ___ ___

action potential; neurone; saltatory conduction

a___ p___; n___; s___ c___

saltatory conduction is impt for ___ and ___ ___ ___. in ppl w multiple sclerosis where myelin sheath is dmgd, results in inability to ___ properly, loss of nml ___ ___ and inability to make ___ ___

vision and fine motor ctrl; see; msc ctrl; coordinated movements

v___; f___ m____ c___; s___; m___ c___; c___ m___

once action potential has been successfully conducted to end of ___, nerve impulse must be transmitted to next neurone or to cells of target. bc adj cells sep'd by ___, neurone w action potential releases chemical into ___ ___ that stimulates next neurone or cell. called ___ ___

axon; synapse; synaptic cleft; synaptic transmission

a___; s___; s___ c___; s___ t___

synaptic knob of presynaptic ending of axon contains many ___ to provide E for processes that occur here. ___ containing ___ substance also present

mitochondria; vesicles; neurotransmitters

m___; v___; n___

when action potential reaches synaptic knob, ___ ___ on ___ ___ open, resulting in an ___ of (blank 1) ions, causing vesicles to ___ w (blanks 3-4) and release ___ into ___ ___, which diffuse accross (blanks 8-9) towards ___ ___

calcium channels; presynaptic membrane; influx; fuse; neurotransmitters; synaptic cleft; postsynaptic membrane

c___ c___; p___ m___; i___; f___; n___; s___ c___; p___ m___

on postsynaptic membrane are ___ ___. neurotransmitters bind to ___ and trigger a change in the postsynaptic membrane, but only neurotransmitters that are ___ to the receptor will bind to them

receptor proteins; receptors; specific

r___ p___; r___; s___

state the fn of acetylcholine:

a) at neuromuscular junctions

b) in the heart

a) causes mscr contrxn

b) slows heart rate

there are 3 other neurotransmitters that fall into a certain class. name the 3 neurotransmitters and the class

1 adrenaline

2 noradrenaline

3 dopamine

class: catecholamines

noradrenaline influences ___ and the '___ or ___' response. ___ is also an activator of this response. the last catecholamine is found within the ___ where it is involved w ___ ___ and ___ ___

arousal; fight or flight; brain; autonomic fns; msc ctrl

a___; f___ or f___; b___; a___ f___; m___ c___

acetylcholine is broken down rapidly by ___ and reabsorbed by the ___ ___, which then reassembles the acetylcholine and repackages it into ___

acteylcholinesterase; synaptic knob; vesicles

a___; s___ k___; v___

name the 6 classifications of nerves

1 sensory nerve

2 motor nerve

3 mixed nerve

4 intercalated neurone/interneurone

5 afferent nerve

6 efferent nerve




i___ n___



state the fn of the sensory nerve

carry impulses towards the CNS

state the fn of the motor nerve

carry impulses away fr the CNS

state the fn of the mixed nerve

carry both sensory and motor nerve fibres

state the fn of the intercalated neurone

lies bw a sensory neurone and a motor neurone

state the fn of the afferent nerve

carry impulses towards a structure, usually in the CNS

state the fn of the efferent nerve

carry impulses away fr a structure, usually in the CNS

visceral nerves are associated w the visceral body systems. stimuli are carried by visceral ___ nerves fr ___ ___, ___ ___ and the ___ ___ to ___. impulses are transmitted fr ___ by visceral ___ nerve to ___ ___ and ___ ___, where they initiate a response

sensory; blood vessels, mucous membranes and the visceral organs to the CNS; CNS; motor; smooth msc and glandular tissue

s___; b___ v___; m___ m___; v___ o___; C___; C___; m___; s___ m___; g___ t___

somatic structures inc receptors in the ___, ____, ___, ___ and specialised somatic organs such as the ___ and ___

skin, mscs, joints, tendons; ear and eye

s___, m___, j___, t___; e___ and e___

stimuli are carried by somatic sensory nerves towards the CNS and impulses by somatic motor nerves to ___ ___, where they initiate a response

skeletal msc

during embryonic development, a ___ ___ forms fr the ___ layer of ICM of embryo. it runs along the ___ surface of the embryo and as it develops, ___ nerve fibres grow out ___ extending to all parts of the body. ___ end becomes ___ and remainder becomes ___ ___

neural tube; ectodermal; Ds; peripheral; laterally; Cr; brain; spinal cord

n___ t___; e___; d___; p___; l___; c___; b___; s___ c___

state the 3 distinct areas of the brain

1 forebrain

2 midbrain

3 hindbrain

state the 3 parts of the forebrain

1 cerebrum

2 thalamus

3 hypothalamus

the cerebrum consists of the L and R ___ ___, and contains __% of all the neurones in the entire NS

cerebral hemispheres; 90%

c___ h___; (number)

surface of hemispheres is ___ ___, which enables lrg s.a. to be enclosed within sml Cr cavity. the folds are known as ___ (upfolds), ___ (shallow depressions) and ___ (deep grooves)

deeply folded; gyri; sulci; fissures

d___ f___; g___; s___; f___

the 2 hemispheres are divided by a ctrl prominent groove, the ___ ___, and each hemisphere is divided by ___ into 4 ___. each (blank 4) has a specific fn related to ___ ___ and ___

longitudinal fissure; sulci; lobes; conscious thought and action

l___ f___; s___; l___; c___ t___ and a___

the tissue of the hemispheres contains an outer layer of ___ matter known as the ___ ___, containing millions of neurones and an inner layer of ___ matter made of tracts of ___ ___ ___ linking one area to another

grey, cerebral cortex; white; myelinated nerve fibres

g___; c___ c___; w___; m___ n___ f___

deeper in the hemisphere are grps of cell bodies forming ___ or ___ which act as relay stns collecting info and sending out ___ to a variety of areas

ganglia; nuclei; impulses

g___; n___; i___

the ___ is found deep within the tissue of the Cd part of the ___, and its fn is to ___ ___ fr the sense organs and relay it to the ___ ___

thalamus; forebrain; process info; cerebral cortex

t___; f___; p___ i___; c___ c___

the ___ lies ___ to the thalamus and has several fns. it acts as a link bw the ___ and ___ systems. it ctrls the ___ ___ sys. it is a major influence over ___ in the body.

hypothalamus; Vt; endocrine and nervous; automatic nervous; homeostasis

h___; V___; e___ and n___; a___ n___; h___

the hypothalamus acts as a link bw the endocrine and nervous sys by secreting a series of ___ ___ that are then stored in the ___ ___

releasing hormones; pituitary gland

r___ h___; p___ g___

the hypothalamus ctrls the automatic nervous sys by influencing a range of invol actions such as ___, ___, ___ and ___

sweating; shivering; vasodilation; vasoconstriction

s___; s___; v___; v___

the hypothalamus exerts a maj inf over homeostasis in the body by regulating

1) ___ of the body

2) ___ ___ of the ___ ___

3) ___ of ___ and ___ ___ in the brain

temp; osmotic balance of the body fluids; ctrl of thirst and hunger centres

t___; o___ b___ of the b___ f___; c___ of t___ and h___ c___

state the 3 structures that can be seen on the Vt surface of the brain

1 optic chiasma

2 pituitary gland

3 olfactory bulbs


nerve impulses carried by the ___ ___ fr the R pass to the R side of the brain. they also pass to the L side of the brain, but thru the ___ ___

optic nerve; optic chiasma

o___ n___; o___ c___

the optic chiasma is an ___-shaped structure formed by the ___ of the ___ ___ from both eyes

X-shaped structure; intersection; optic nerves

first blank: single letter; i___; o___ n___

the optic chiasma ensures that... (complete the sentence)

info fr each eye reaches both sides of the brain

ensures that smth fr smth reaches smth

the pituitary gland is an ___ gland attached below the ___ by a short stalk

endocrine; hypothalamus

e___; h___

the olfactory bulbs are a pair of bulbs which form the most ___ part of the brain, and are resp for the sense of ___ or ___

rostral; smell; olfaction

r___; s___; o___

the midbrain is overhung by the ___ ___ and isnt easy to see in a ___ specimen

cerebral hemispheres; gross

c___ h___; g___

the midbrain acts as a pathway for fibres running fr the ___ to the ___ carrying the senses of ___ and ___

hindbrain; forebrain; hearing and sight

h___; f___; h___; s___

state the 3 parts of the hindbrain

1 cerebellum

2 pons

3 medulla oblongata

the ___ lies on the Ds surface of the hindbrain, has a ___ appearance and is covered in deep ___

cerebellum; globular; fissures

c___; g___; f___

the cerebellum ctrls ___ and ___; it rcvs info fr the ___ ___ of the ___ ear and ___ ___ within ___ mscs

balance and coordination; semicircular canals; inner ear; msc spindles; skeletal mscs

b___ and c___; s___ c___; i___ ear; m___ s___; s___ mscs

___ movements are initiated by the ___ and ___ ___ are made and coordinated by the ___

voluntary; cerebrum; fine adjustments; cerebellum

v___; c___; f___ a___; c___

the ___ lies ___ to the cerebellum and forms a bridge of nerve fibres bw the ___ ___; it contains ___ that ctrl ___

pons; Vt; cerebellar hemispheres; centres; respiration

p___; V___; c___ h___; c___; r___

the --- --- extends fr the --- and merges into the --- ---; it contains centes resp for --- of --- and --- ---

medulla oblongata; pons; spinal cord; ctrl; resp; blood pressure

m--- o---; p---; s--- c---; c---; r---; b--- p---

the --- are spaces in the brain and spinal cord filled w --- --- (---), which also surrounds the outside of the brain, lying in the --- ---

ventricles; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); subarachnoid space

v---; c--- f--- (acronym); s--- s---

CSF is secreted by grps of blood capis known as --- --- lying in the roofs of the ventricles. CSF is a clear fluid resembling --- but has no --- in it; it is an eg of a --- fluid

choroid plexuses; plasma; proteins; transcellular

c--- p---; p---; p---; t---

the fn of CSF is to --- the --- fr dmg by sudden movements or knocks and to provide --- to the --- tissue of the --- and --- ---

protect the CNS; nutrients; nervous; brain and spinal cord

p--- the acronym; n---; n---; b---; s--- c---

the meninges consist of --- protective layers ard the --- and --- ---; they are (superficial to deep):

--- ---


--- ---

3; brain and spinal cord; dura mater; arachnoid; pia mater

number; b--- and s--- c---; d--- m---; a---; p--- m---

the dura mater is a tough --- layer of --- tissue; it is continuous w the --- of the --- bones in the --- cavity

fibrous; connective; periostium; skull; Cr

f---; c---; p---; s---; C---

in the ___ ___, there is a space bw the dura mater and the surrounding __, the ___ ___, which is filled w ___ ___ and ___

vertebral canal; vertebrae; epidural space; blood capis and fat

v___ c___; v___; e___ s___; b___ c___ and f___

the ___ is a network of ___ fibres and larger bld vessels which supply the adjacent area of nerve tissue w nutrients. below the (blank) is the ___ ___, in which ___ flows

arachnoid; collagen; subarachnoid space; CSF

a___; c___; s___ s___; acronym

the ___ ___ is a delicate ___ which closely adheres to the ___ and ___ ___. it all follows the ___ and ___

pia mater; membrane; brain and spinal cord; gyri and sulci

p___ m___; m___; b___; s___ c___; g___ and s___

the ___ ___ ___ is a modification of the ___ tissue which supports neuones within nervous tissue

bld brain barrier; neuroglial

b___ b___ b___; n___

in the bld brain barrier, diff types of neuroglia surround e bld capis, creating an almost ___ layer to protect the ___ fr substances which are ___/not needed

impermeable; brain; harmful

i___; b___; h___

substances blocked by the bld brain barrier inc ___, certain ___ and ___. other substances like ___, ___, ___ and ___ ions can pass rapidly thru for ___ of ___ tissues

urea; proteins; antibiotics; oxygen, glucose, sodium and potassium; metabolism of brain tissues

u___; p___; a___; o___; g___; s___; p___; m___ of b___ tissues

the ___ ___ is a tube running fr the ___ ___ of the brain, thru the ___ ___ of the vertebrae, where it then divides into several terminal spinal nerves forming the ___ ___

spinal cord; medulla oblongata; spinal canal; cauda equina

s___ c___; m___ o___; s___ c___; c___ e___

the spinal cord leaves the skull thru the largest foramen in the body, the ___ ___. it tapers fr its ___ to ___ end, but it thickens in the ___ ___ and ___ regions

foramen magnum; Cr to Cd; Cd cervical and midlumbar

f___ m___; C___; C___; C___ c___ and m___

the thickening of the spinal cord corresponds to areas where collections or ___ of ___ (___ ___ and ___ ___) leave the spinal cord to supply the forelimbs and hindlimbs

plexuses of nerves; cervical intumescence; lumbar intumescence

p___ of n___; c___ i__; l___ i___

the spinal cord develops segmentally in the ___, and each segment corresponds to a diff ___ and gives off a pair of ___ ___ - one to the R and one to the L

embryo; vertebra; spinal nerves

e___; v___; s___ n___

the spinal nerves leave the vertebral canal thru the appt ___ ___ at each level. in cross-section, the spinal cord consists of the ___ ___, ___ matter and ___ matter

intervertebral foramen; central canal; grey matter; white matter

i___ f___; c___ c___; g___; w___

the central canal leads (away from/towards) the ventricular sys of the brain. the central canal also contains ___

away from; CSF

in the cross section of the spinal cord, grey matter forms a ___-shaped core of tissue surrounding the central canal. it consists of cell bodies of ___ and non-___ ___ ___. most of the ___ in the spinal cord are located in the grey matter

buttefly-shaped; neurones; non-myelinated nerve fibres; synapses

b___-shaped; n___; non-m___ n___ f___; s___

in the x-sxn of the spinal cord, white matter surrounds the ___ ___ and is coloured white by the ___. its organised into ___ of fibres carrying info towards (___ ___) and away from (___ ___) the ___. they ensure that transmission is ___ and ___

grey matter; myelin; tracts; ascending tracts; descending tracts; brain; efficient and rapid

g___ m___; m___; t___; a___ t___; d___ t___; b___; e___ and r___

the PNS consists of all the nerves branching off fr the ___, inc the ___ nerves, ___ nerves and ___ ___ sys

CNS; Cr; spinal; autonomic nervous sys

acronym; C___; s___; a___ n___ sys

there are 12 pairs of ___ ___, all arising fr the brain and leaving the Cr cavity by various foramina. majority supply structures ___ the head and are relatively ___, but some supply structures at a dist fr the pt at which they leave the brain, and are relatively ___

Cr nerves; around; short; long

C___ n___; a___; s___; l___

CNI is the ___ nerve



CNII is the ___ nerve



CNIII is the ___ nerve



CNIV is the ___ nerve



CNV is the ___ nerve



CNVI is the ___ nerve



CNVII is the ___ nerve



CNVIII is the ___/___ nerve



CNIX is the ___ nerve



CNX is the ___ nerve



CNXI is the ___ nerve



CNXII is the ___ nerve



the forelimb is supplied by spinal nerves fr ___ to ___, which make up the ___ ___

C6 to T2; brachial plexus

C_ to T_; b___ p___

the hindlimb is supplied by spinal nerves fr ___ to ___, which make up the ___ ___

L4 to S2; sacral plexus

L_ to S_; s___ p___

a ___ is a fixed invol resp to certain stimuli, and the response is ___ and ___ and involves only nerve pathways in the ___ ___. the basic structure is the ___ ___

reflex; rapid and autonomic; spinal cord; reflex arc

r___; r___ and a___; s___ c___; r___ a___

the reflex arc originates fr a ___ ___, which detects a change either in the ___ or within the ___. once stimulated to threshold, the (blank 1) sends an action potential along the ___ ___ and terminates in the ___ ___ of the spinal cord or brain stem

sensory receptor; env; body; sensory neurone; grey matter

s___ r___; e___; b___; s___ n___; g___ m___

in the CNS grey matter, the sensory neurone synapses (verb) w other ___, which serve to integrate the incoming ___ ___ w other impulses fr other neurones

interneurones; sensory impulse

i___; s___ i___

finally, the integrated resp of e reflex is sent out fr the spinal cord/brain stem by the ___ ___, which ends at the ___ ___

motor neurone; target organ

m___ n___; t___ o___

give 5 egs of reflex arcs

1 patella reflex

2 pedal/digital withdrawal reflex

3 palpebral reflex

4 corneal reflex

5 pupillary light reflex

the autonomic sys is subdivided into the ___ nervous sys and the ___ nervous sys

sympathetic; parasympathetic

s___; p___

the nerves for the sympathetic nervous sys emerge fr the ___ and ___ vertebral regions; so it is aka the ___ sys

thoracic and lumbar; thoracolumbar

t___ and l___; t___

the nerves for the parasympathetic sys emerge fr the ___ and the ___ vertebral region, thus its aka the ___ sys

brain; sacral; craniosacral

b___; s___; c___

the sympathetic nervous sys is often also called the "___ ___ ___" sys as it helps body cope w emergency situations. parasympathetic sys ___ strong excitatory effects, and ctrls everyday running of organs when body is in ___ state

fight or flight; decreases; normal

f___ o___ f___; d___; n___

the ___ ___ of the sympathetic NS uses ___ as its principle neurotransmitter but also uses ___. the receptors that bind to these neurotransmitters are called ___ ___

postganglionic receptors; noradrenaline; adrenaline; adrenergic receptors

p___ r___; n___; a___; a___ r___

the parasympathetic NS uses ___ as its principle neurotransmitter, and so does the ___ neurone of the sympathetic NS. the receptors that bind to this neurotransmitter are called ___ ___

acetylcholine; preganglionic; cholinergic receptors

a___; p___; c___ r__