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142 Cards in this Set

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bone is produced by cells called ___, which secrete a soft intercellular substance called the ___, which is composed of ___ fibres embedded in a ___-like substance made of ___ and ___

osteoblasts; matrix; collagen; gelatin; protein; polysaccharides

the osteoblasts harden the matrix by ___ it with ___ and ___ in the form of ___ crystals

infiltrating; calcium and phosphate; hydroxyapatite

as the osteoblasts harden the matrix, they become trapped in tiny spaces called ___, and they are then called ___

lacunae; osteocytes

___ break down the matrix which is formed in an attempt to ___ the bone, which is necessary to remove bone fr where it isnt needed. they also allow the body to mobilise ___ from the bones

osteoclasts; remodel; calcium

lrg bld vessels, tgt with lymphatic vessels and nerves, enter the bones thru openings called ___ ___, which can easily resemble a ___ ___ of the bone ___ under a ___

nutrient foramina; hairline fracture; cortex; radiograph

name the 2 forms of bone and their distinguishing features

1 cancellous bone - light and spongy

2 compact bone - heavy and dense

cancellous bone consists of ___ of bone with lots of spaces bw them and this helps to lighten the bones without significantly ___ their ___

spicules; reducing their strength

compact bone makes up the ___ of long bones and the ___ ___ of all bones, and is composed of tightly compacted ___ of bone called ___ ___

shafts; ext layer; cylinders; haversian systems

name the 5 fns of bone

1 support

2 protection

3 leverage

4 storage

5 blood cell formation

SUPPORT: the bones serve as a ___ for the soft ___ and ___

scaffolding; tissues and organs

PROTECTION: surrounds ___ vital ___ and ___

delicate vital organs and tissues

LEVERAGE: the bones act as ___ for the ___ ___ to move the body

levers; skeletal mscs

STORAGE: ___, particularly ___, are stored in bones, and are ___ whenever the body is in shortage

minerals; calcium; mobilised

BLOOD CELL FORMATION: the ___ ___ which occurs in the hollow interior of the bones serve as sites for ___ (aka ___)

bone marrow; haemopoiesis; haematopoiesis

name the 7 types of bones (inc the special bones)

1 long bones

2 flat bones

3 short bones

4 irregular bones

5 sesamoid bones

6 pneumatic bones

7 splanchnic bones

long bones are typical of ___ bones and have a ___ containing a ___ ___ (5 eg.s)

limb; shaft; medullary cavity

1 femur

2 humerus

3 metacarpus

4 metatarsus

5 phalanges

flat bones have an outer layer of ___ bone with an int layer of ___ bone and there is no ___ ___ (3 eg.s)

compact; cancellous; medullary cavity

1 skull

2 ribs

3 scapula

short bones have an outer layer of ___ bone with a core of ___ bone (2 eg.s)

compact; cancellous

1 carpal bones

2 tarsal bones

irregular bones have a sim structure to short bones but with a less ___ ___ (1 eg)

uniform shape


sesamoid bones are ___-___-shaped bones which develop within a ___ or ___ that runs over a ___ ___, and serve to change the ___ at which the tendon passes over the bone and reduce ___ and ___ (1 eg)

sesame-seed; tendon; ligament; bony prominence; angle; wear and tear

patella of stifle

pneumatic bones contain ___ which ___ the weight of the bone (2 eg.s)

sinuses; reduce

1 maxillary bone

2 frontal bone

a splanchnic bone is a bone which develops in a soft ___ and is ___ to the rest of the skeleton (1 eg)

organ; unattached

os penis of the dog and cat

name the 3 parts of the skeleton

1 axial skeleton

2 appendicular skeleton

3 splanchnic skeleton

the axial skeleton runs from the ___ to the tip of the ___ and includes the s___, m___, v___, r___ and s___

skull; tail; skull; mandibles; vertebrae; ribs; sternum

the appendicular skeleton comprises the ___ and ___ limbs and the ___ ___ and ___ ___ which attach them to the body

pectoral; pelvic; shoulder girdle; pelvic girdle

the splanchnic skeleton is represented by the ___ ___ within the ___ of the ___ in the dog and cat

os penis; tissues; penis

define "tuberosity/tubercle/trochanter" (hint)

protuberances on bones usually for attachment of mscs

___ on ___ usually for ___ of ___

define "trochlea" (hint)

bony structure thru/over which tendons pass

___ ___ thru/over which ___ pass

trochlea are usually ___ in the bone and allow ___ to act as ___

grooves; tendons; pulleys

define "condyle" (hint)

a rounded projection on a bone, usually for articulation w another bone

a ___ ___ on a ___, usually for ___ w another ___

define "epicondyle" (hint)

projection of bone on side abv condyle

___ of ___ on side ___ condyle

define "foramen"

opening into/thru a bone

define "fossa"


define "ligament"

connects one bone to another

what is the cranium?

the bony case in which the brain sits

what are the 5 bones that the cranium consists of? (more than 5 but need not know)

1 parietal bone

2 temporal bone

3 frontal bone

4 occipital bone

5 zygomatic bone

the parietal bone forms much of the ___ and ___ walls of the cranium

dorsal; lateral

the temporal bone lies below the ___ bone on the ___ aspect of the skull, and the most Vt part of the bone forms a rounded prominence called the ___ ___, which houses the structures in the ___ ___

parietal; caudolateral; tympanic bulla; middle ear

in the tympanic bulla, the ___ ___ ___ is closed by the ___ ___

ext auditory meatus; tympanic membrane

the frontal bone forms the ___ aspect of the cranium (the forehead) and contains the ___ ___ which connects to the ___ ___

rostral; frontal sinus; nasal chamber

the occipital bone lies at the base of the skull on the ___ aspect and there is a lrg hole called the ___ ___ thru which the ___ ___ passes

Cd; foramen magnum; spinal cord

the zygomatic bone is an arch of bone projecting ___ from the skull, forming the ___

laterally; cheekbone

the nasal chamber lies on the most ___ part of the skull. the sides of the chamber are formed by the ___ (aka the ___ ___) and the roof is formed by the ___ ___. the chamber is divided lengthwise (along the median plane) into 2 by the ___ ___

rostral; maxilla; maxillary bone; nasal bone; nasal septum

the ___ bone at the Cd part of the nasal chamber forms a boundary bw the ___ and ___ cavities, and the ___ nerves pass thru the centre of this bone into the ___

ethmoid; nasal and cranial; olfactory; brain

the roof of the mouth

hard palate

the mandible is comprised of 2 halves or ___, joined tgt at the chin by a ___ joint called the ___ ___

dentaries; cartilaginous; mandibular symphysis

the dentaries contain spaces called ___ for the teeth, and the mandible articulates with the ___ at the ___ ___, which is a ___ ___ joint

alveoli; temporomandibular joint; modified hinge joint

the hyoid apparatus consists of fine ___ and ___ joined tgt, and is a means by which the ___ and ___ are suspended fr the skull

bones; cartilages; tongue and larynx

name the 3 types of shapes of dogs' skulls

1 brachycephalic

2 mesaticephalic

3 dolichocephalic

in a brachycephalic dog skull, the cranium is more ___ and the nasal chambers, hard palate and mandible are ___ (3 eg.s)

rounded; shorter

1 bulldog

2 boxer

3 pug

the mesaticephalic dog skull is the "___" shape of a dog skull (3 eg.s)


1 beagle

2 labrador

3 pointer

in the dolicocephalic dog skull, the head, particularly the nose, is ___ and ___ (3 eg.s)

long and narrow

1 greyhound

2 borzoi

3 Afghan hound

the bones of the skull are joined tgt by ___ joints called ___. they are ___ and ___ joints, but allow for ___ of the skull in a growing animal

fibrous; sutures; firm and immovable; expansion

name the 5 regions of the vertebral column and where they can be found

1 cervical (C) - neck region

2 thoracic (T) - thoracic region

3 lumbar (L) - lower back/abdo region
4 sacral (S) - pelvic region

5 caudal (Cd) - tail region

a typical vertebra consists of a ___ Vt ___ and Dsly placed ___ ___ which forms a tunnel-like ___ ___

cylindrical Vt body; neural arch; vertebral foramen

when joined tgt, the vertebral foramina constitute the ___ ___. the neural arch has a Ds ___ called the ___ ___ or ___ ___

vertebral canal; projection; spinous process; neural spine

on either side of the neural spine are the ___ ___, and these divide the mscs of the vertebral column into ___ and ___ groups

transverse processes; epaxial and hypaxial

bw the bodies of each pair of vertebrae is a fibrocartilaginous ___ ___, which acts as a ___ ___, and is composed of an outer tough ___ ___ tissue, called the ___ ___, and an inner core of ___ material called the ___ ___

intervertebral disc; shock absorber; fibrous connective; annulus fibrosus; gelatinous; nucleus pulposus

the C1 vertebra, aka the ___, has 2 ___-like ___ ___ joined by a Vt and Ds ___

the C2 vertebra, aka the ___, has an ___ spinous process for the attachment of ___ mscs, and a projxn of bone called the ___ or ___ ___ which fits into the vertebral foramen of the ___, serving as a ___ around which it can be rotated

atlas; wing-like lateral masses; arch

axis; elongated; neck; dens; odontoid process; atlas; pivot

how many C vertebrae are present in most mammals?


the remaining 5 C vertebrae get progressively ___ as they advance towards the ___ vertebrae

smaller; thoracic (T)

how many T vertebrae are present in most mammals?


T vertebrae are characterised by ___ spinous processes and ___ bodies, and they articulate (form a joint) with the ___

tall; short; ribs

state the fn of the lumbar (L) vertebrae

they allow the L (lower back) mscs to attach

how many sacral (S) vertebrae are present in most mammals?

3, but they are fused tgt to form the sacrum

the sacrum forms a joint with the ___ of the pelvic girdle, known as the ___ ___

ilium; sacroiliac joint

the caudal (Cd) vertebrae vary in ___ and ___ according to the ___ of the tail, and they get progressively ___ and ___ in structure: the last few Cd vertebrae are reduced to little ___ of bone

shape and number according to the length of the tail; smaller and simpler; little rods

the ribs form the walls of the ___ ___ that protects the organs of the chest. each rib has a ___ Ds part and a ___ Vt part called the ___ ___

thoracic cage; bony; cartilaginous; costal cartilage

the costal cartilage articulates with the ___, either directly or indirectly. the first ___ pairs of ribs attach ___ to the ___ and are called the ___ ___

sternum; 8; directly; sternum; sternal ribs

rib pairs ___ to ___ are called the ___ ___ or ___ ___, and they attach ___ via their costal cartilages to the ___ rib, forming the ___ ___

9 to 12; fasle ribs; asternal ribs; indirectly; adjacent; costal arch

the last ribs, pair ___, lie free in the ___ ___, hence the name ___ ___

13; abdo msc; floating ribs

the space bw each successive rib is the ___ ___ and is filled by the ___ ___

intercostal space; intercostal mscs

the sternum forms the floor of the ___ ___. it consists of ___ bones, the ___

thoracic cage; 8; sternebrae

the most Cr sternebra is the ___, and the most Cd sternebra is ___ flattened, the ___ ___

manubrium; dorsoventrally; xiphoid process

attaching Cdly to the xiphoid process is the ___ ___, onto which the ___ ___ attaches

xiphoid cartilage; linea alba

in the forelimb, the ___ bone is usually absent, but if present, exists as a ___ in the mscs ___ to the ___ joint - a ___ (redundant) structure

clavicle; remnant; Cd; shoulder; vestigial

in the ___, the clavicle is normally present but does not ___ with other ___

cat; articulate; bones

in the scapula, aka the ___ ___, a prominent ridge, the ___, runs down the middle of its ___ surface

pectoral girdle; spine; lateral

the spine of the scapula ends in a ___ at the ___ end of the scapula, the ___

projxn; distal; acromion

the ___ ___ is an ___ ___ at the ___ end of the scapula, which forms the ___ joint

glenoid cavity; articular socket; distal; shoulder

the ___ forms the arm or ___ of the forelimb and articulates w the ___ proximally at the ___ joint and w the ___ and ___ distally at the ___ joint

humerus; brachium; scapula; shoulder; radius and ulna; elbow

the radius and ulna form the forearm or ___ of the forelimb


the proximal end of the ulna is a projxn called the ___, which carries the ___-like ___ ___ for articulating with the ___

olecranon; beak-like anconeal process; humerus

the ulna tapers distally to end in the ___ ___. the radius is a ___-like bone ___ than the ulna

styloid process; rod-like; shorter

the arrangement of the radius and ulna allows the ___ and ___ of the forearm, movements only found in the ___ and ___ among domesticated mammals

pronation and supination; cat and dog

the carpus consists of ___ short bones arranged in ___ rows, the proximal row containing ___ bones and the distal row containing ___ bones

seven, two, three, four

name the 3 bones in the proximal row of the carpus

1 radial carpal bone

2 ulnar carpal bone

3 accessory carpal bone

the distal row is named in the order or carpal bones C I to C IV, from ___ to ___

medial to lateral

the ___, ___ and ___ tgt make up the ___ or hand of the forelimb

carpus, metacarpus and digits; manus

the metacarpus consists of ___ small ___ bones, named in order of metacarpal bones MC I to MC V, from ___ to ___. in dogs and cats, the ___ bone is non-weight bearing and forms part of the ___ ___

5 small long bones; medial to lateral; MC I; dew claw

the digits are made up of 3 ___ , except the ___ ___, which has only ___

phalanges; dew claw; 2

the proximal phalanx articulates with the ___ ___; the middle phalanx w the ____ ___ and the ___ ___; the distal phalanx ends in the ____ ___ which forms part of the ___

MC bone; proximal phalanx and distal phalanx; unguicular process; claw

the dew claw is almost always present in the ___ of the ___

forelimb; dog

the horse assumes an ___ posture (comp to the ___ posture of the dog and cat), as are ___ and the ___

unguligrade; digitigrade; ruminants; pig

HORSE: the ulna tapers to an end at ___-___ level, and the distal part becomes ___ into the ___, thus prohibiting ___ (___ and ___)

mid-forearm; incorporated; radius; rotation; pronation and supination

HORSE: MC ___ or the ___ bone is the only MC bone to survive in ___ form. MC ___ & MC ___ are reduced to ___ ___

MC III; cannon bone; functional; MC II and MC IV; splint bones

HORSE: a pair of ___ ___ ___ are found in the ___ aspect of the ___ joint

proximal sesamoid bones; palmar; metacarpophalangeal joint

HORSE: only Digit III exists, and the proximal phalanx articulates proximally w MC III to form the ___ joint, and distally w the middle phalanx to form the ___ joint

fetlock; pastern

HORSE: the middle phalanx articulates w the distal phalanx to form the ___ joint (the distal phalanx is aka the ___ bone in horses)

coffin joint; coffin bone

HORSE: the ___ surface of the distal phalanx is slightly ___ to form the ___ of the ___

palmar; concave; sole; hoof

HORSE: a distal ___ bone, the ___ bone, is present at the ___ joint

sesamoid; navicular bone; coffin joint

HORSE: the incorporation of sesamoid bones in the ___ and ___ joints divides the weight pressing onto the ___ part of each joint over 2 bones, the phalanx and the sesamoid

fetlock; coffin; lower

HORSE: the ___ of the sesamoid ligaments and the ___ ___ allow the joints to ___ slightly during foot impact, and this serves to ___ the ___ forces during ___

elasticity; flexor tendons; yield; dissipate; concussive; galloping

BOVINE AND OVINE: the ulna is fused to the radius and ___ only at its ___, the ___ and ___ processes

palpable; olecranon and styloid

BOVINE AND OVINE: C I is ___ while C II and C III are ___, and C IV still ___

lost; fused; exists

BOVINE AND OVINE: MC I and MC II are ___, MC V is ___, MC III and MC IV are ___

lost; vestigial; fused

BOVINE AND OVINE: MC III and MC IV fuse to form a single ___ ___

cannon bone

BOVINE AND OVINE: the cannon bone divides into 2 separate ___ surfaces for the 2 ___ ___ of the ___ ___

articulate; proximal phalanges; principal digits

BOVINE AND OVINE: the principal digits are D ___ and D ___. D ___ and D ___ are ___ and only ___ ___ are present as ___ ___

III and IV; II and V; vestigial; rudimentary remnants; dew claws

in equine, bovine and ovine species, metacarpophalangeal joint->___ joint

fetlock joint

in equine, bovine and ovine species, interphalangeal joint bw proximal and middle phalanx->___ joint

pastern joint

in equine, bovine and ovine species, interphalangeal joint bw middle and distal phalanx->___ joint

coffin joint

in equine, bovine and ovine species, the proximal and distal ___ ___ are present, and the distal one is aka the ___ ___

sesamoid bones; navicular bone

in pigs, D I is ___, D ___ and D ___ are very much ___, but with complete bones (compared to those of ruminants, which have ___ ___ present as ___ ___ and are ___)

D I is lost, D II and D V; reduced; rudimentary remnants; dew claws; vestigial

the pelvic girdle consists of 2 ___ ___ joined tgt at the ___ ___

hip bones; pubic symphysis

name the 3 bones that each hip bone is formed from

1 ilium

2 ischium

3 pubis

all 3 bones in the pelvic girdle meet at the ___, which forms the articular surface for the head of the ___, forming the ___ joint

acetabulum; femur; hip

the femur forms the ___ of the hindlimb. the ___ (knee cap) lies in the ___ ___, and it is essential for the movement of the ___ joint

thigh; patella; trocheal groove; stifle

the ___ and ___ form the lower leg. they lie ___ to each other and the ___ is the larger bone and also the more ___ bone

tibia and fibula; parallel; tibia; medial

the tarsus consists of 3 tiers - the ___ tier, ___ tier and ___ tier

proximal, middle, distal

name the 2 bones of the proximal tier and state which is medial and which is lateral

talus (medial) and calcaneus (lateral)

the middle tier has only a single ___ ___ bone

central tarsal

the distal tier comprises T _ to T __ in ___ sequence

T I to T IV in mediolateral seq

the calcaneus has a lrg ___ ___ called the ___ ___, which forms the point of the ___

Cd projxn; tuber calcis; hock

the metatarsus is composed of ___ MT bones, and dew claws are normally ___ in the hindlimbs of dogs

4; absent

HORSE: the ___ is fused to the ___ except for its most ___ part

fibula; tibia; proximal

COW: the ___ exists as a sml ___ ___ at the articular surface of the ___, the rest of the bone is fused to the ___

fibula; malleolar bone; talus; tibia

COW: the rest of the ___ hindlimb is sim to that of the forelimb


PIG: arrangement of hindlimb is v sim to that of the ___, exc that D _ is ___

dog; D I; lost

the os penis is only present in the ___ and ___ of ___ ___ and is found in the ___ - a ___ ___ allows the ___ to pass thru

cat and dog; domestic mammals; penis; urethral groove; urethra

when one bone connects to another, they form an ___, aka an ___ or ___

articulation; arthrosis; joint

name the 3 types of joints

1 fibrous joints

2 cartilaginous joints

3 synovial joints

fibrous joints are ___ (2 eg.s)


1 sutures of skull bones

2 attachment of teeth to sockets in jaw bone

cartilaginous joints are ___ by cartilage, and allow ___ ___ or none at all (3 eg.s)

united; ltd movement

1 mandibular symphysis

2 pubic symphysis

3 joints bw bodies of vertebrae

synovial joints allow for a ___ range of movement. the bones are separated by a ___, the ___ ___, and a ___ ___ surrounds the whole joint

wide; space; joint cavity; joint capsule

the joint cavity is lined by the ___ ___, which secretes ___ ___ into the cavity to provide ___ and ___ to the ___ cartilage covering the ends of the bones

synovial membrane; synovial fluid; lubrication and nutrition; hyaline

the joints may have additional ___ fr ___ within the fibrous tissue of the joint capsule

stabilisation; ligaments

name the 4 types of synovial joints

1 plane/gliding

2 hinge

3 pivot

4 ball and socket

plane/gliding joints allow ___ of one bony surface over another (1 eg)


joints bw carpal and tarsal bones

hinge joints allow movement in ___ plane(s), i.e. ___ and ___ (1 eg)

one; flexion and extension

elbow joint

pivot joints consist of a ___ sitting within a ___, and allow ___ (1 eg)

peg; ring; rotation

atlanto-axial joint

ball and socket joints consist of a ___ ___ sitting within a ___ (2 eg.s)

rounded end; socket

shoulder joint

hip joint