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75 Cards in this Set

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name the 3 types of muscles

1 skeletal

2 cardiac

3 smooth

skeletal muscles generally produce ___ in ___

movement; bones

cardiac muscles serve to ___ ___ ard the ___

pump blood ard the body

smooth muscles are gen found in the ___ organs, ___ ___ and ___, and serve to produce ___ in ___ ___

internal organs, blood vessels, eye; produce movement in internal organs

classify the 3 types of msc into voluntary/involuntary nervous ctrl

skeletal - voluntary

cardiac and smooth - involuntary

a msc is made up of ___ ___, which is composed of ___ made of thin ___ filaments and thick ___ filaments

msc fibres; myofibrils; actin; myosin

in ___ and ___ mscs, the myofibrils ___ each other in a ___ ___, giving the msc an appearance of alt light and dark bands or ___

skeletal and cardiac; regular fashion; striations

___ msc fibres dont have the striped appearance of ___ and ___ mscs. their actin and myosin filaments arent arranged in parallel myofibrils, but ___ the msc fibre at various angles as ___ ___ ___

smooth; skeletal and cardiac; crisscross; small contractile units

the typical skeletal msc has a ctrl fleshy part called the ___, and tapers at each end - the ___

belly, head

most skeletal mscs are attached to bones by tough ___ connective tissue bands called ___

fibrous; tendons

some skeletal mscs are attached by broad sheets of connective tissue called ___ to bones or other mscs (one eg is the ___ ___ of the abdo Vt midline)


the starting pt of attachment of a skeletal msc to a bone is called the ___; this moves ___ during a contraction. the other end is known as the ___

origin; least; insertion

a ___ ___ is the site where motor ___ connect to the skeletal msc fibres

neuromuscular junction; neurones

name the small space bw the end of the nerve fibre and the cell membrane of the msc fibre; give the name of this cell membrane

synaptic space; sarcolemma

a ___ ___ is the neurone and all the msc fibres it innervates

motor unit

when a nerve impulse travels down the motor neurone and reaches the ___ ___ at the neuromuscular junction, ___ is released into the ___ ___

acetylcholine; synaptic space

the acetylcholine binds to ___ on the surface of the sarcolemma, which starts an ___ that travels along the ___

receptors; impulse; sarcolemma

___ ions are then released, starting the contraction of the ___, powered by ___

Ca(2+); myofibrils; ATP

___ ___ on the ___ filaments ratchet back and forth to pull the ___ filaments on both sides towards the centre of the ___ filament

cross bridges; myosin; actin; myosin

the ___ of the filaments over each other ___ the msc fibre, producing a ___

sliding; shortens; contraction

msc fibres can store ___ and ___

glycogen and oxygen

the purpose of glycogen is to give ___; O2 is attached to ___, which gives muscle its ___ colour

glucose; myoglobin; red

when O2 supply is adequate to meet the energy demands of the msc, the msc fibres metabolise glucose by ___ ___

aerobic resp

in times of an O2 shortage, the msc fibres switch to ___ ___, which produces ___ ___

anaerobic resp; lactic acid

lactic acid ___ into the bloodstrean where it is converted in the ___ back to ___ in a process that uses ___

diffuses; liver; glucose; o2

thus, the animal continues to breathe or ___ heavily aft a bout of strenuous exercise to repay this "___ ___"

pant; o2 debt

some energy produced by skeletal msc is in the form of ___, which can be used to keep an animal ___ -- when an animal ___, its mscs are actually making small ___ ___ to generate ___

heat; warm; shivers; spasmodic contractions; heat

inst of lrg no.s of msc cells contracting simultaneously, ___ msc cells contract in a rapid ___ fashion that serves to effectively squeeze blood out of the ___ ___

cardiac; wavelike; heart chambers

the ___ that starts each heartbeat begins in the pacemaker of the heart, the ___ ___, which is located in the wall of the ___ ___

impulse; sinoatrial node; R atrium

smooth msc which is found in the walls of int organs is known as ___ ___ ___, and its cells are resp for ___, ___ waves of contractions

visceral smooth muscle; large, rhythmic

give 2 examples of these waves of contraction

1 peristaltic movements of GI tract

2 uterine contraction during parturition

some smooth mscs form a ___ and serve to ctrl the ___ or ___ of a structure

ring; entrance or exit

in other regions such as the ___ and ___ ___ of the eye, and the ___ of the lungs, there are multi-unit smooth mscs present made up of ___ ___ or ___ ___ of cells

iris and ciliary body; bronchioles; ind cells; small grps

these smooth mscs allow for ___ ___ and ___ movements

finely controlled and delicate

name the 6 types of muscles of the head

1 mscs of facial exp

2 mscs of masticatn

3 mscs of the eye

4 mscs of the neck

5 mscs of the tongue

6 mscs of the pharynx, larynx, soft palate

name the 5 structures that the mscs of facial exp move and name the nerve that they are innervated by

1 lips

2 cheeks

3 nostrils

4 eyelids

5 ext ears

facial nerve

name the 4 mscs of masticatn (one of them is actually a group of mscs)

1 digastricus

2 masseter

3 temporalis

4 medial and lateral pterygoids

digastricus - loc and fn

Cd-Vt surface of mandible; opens jaw

masseter - loc and fn

lateral to mandible; closes jaw

temporalis - loc and fn; also the ___ and ___ msc of the head

temples; closes jaw; largest and strongest

medial and lateral pterygoids - loc and fn

deep mscs lying medial to mandible; close the jaw, resp for side to side movements of mouth

the tone in the ___ and ___ mscs keep mouth closed when not in use

temporalis; masseter

name the 3 types of eye mscs

1 rectus mscs

2 oblique mscs

3 retractor bulbi

name the 4 types of rectus mscs and the 2 types of oblique mscs in the eye, along with what type of movement they are resp for

1 Ds- upwards

2 Vt- downwards

3 medial - towards median plane

4 lateral - away from median plane

1 Ds - elevation during abd

2 Vt - depression during abd

state the loc and fn of the retractor bulbi

forms a mscr cone ard the optic nerve and pulls eye deeper into socket

state the fn of the mscs of the neck

extend (raise) and flex (lower) the head and neck

mscs of the tongue enable it to carry out a ___ ___ of ___ ___

wide range of delicate movements

mscs of the pharynx, larynx, soft palate enable ___ and ___ ___ movements

swallowing; sound production

name the 4 types of mscs of the trunk

1 mscs of the vertebral column

2 mscs of the thorax

3 diaphragm

4 abdo mscs

state the 2 types of mscs of the vertebral column

1 hypaxial mscs

2 epaxial mscs

where are epaxial mscs located and how are they arranged?

Ds to the vertebral column and arranged in 3 longitudinal grps

what are the 3 fns of the epaxial mscs?

1 support spine

2 extend vertebral column

3 allow lateral flexion

where are the hypaxial mscs located and what is their fn?

Vt to vertebral column; flex vertebral column

name the 2 types of mscs of the thorax

1 ext intercostals

2 int intercostals

ext intercostals - loc and fn

originate fr Cd border of one rib and insert on Cr border of next rib; assist in inspiration

int intercostals - loc and fn

medial to ext intercostals; assist in forced expiration

the diaphragm separates the ___ ___ from the ___ ___ and consists of a ___ ___ and a ___ ___. the 2 "arms" of the diaphragm are called the L and R ___

thoracic cavity; abdo cavity; central tendon; mscr periphery; crura

the diaphragm is the main msc of ___ - when it ___, the lungs expand and draw in air

inspiration; contracts

name the 3 openings in the diaphragm

aortic hiatus; oesophageal hiatus; caval foramen

name A, B and C and state what they transmit

name A, B and C and state what they transmit

A: caval foramen - Cd VC

B: aortic hiatus - aorta, azygous vein, thoracic duct

C: oesophageal hiatus oesophagus, vagus nerve

name the 4 abdo mscs from superficial to deep

1 ext ab ob

2 int ab ob

3 rectus abdominis

4 transversus abdominis

the ext ab ob, int ab ob and transversus abdominis terminate in an aponeurosis on the ___ ___ in the Vt midline of the abdo

linea alba

the rectus abdominis is a broad band of msc on each side of the linea alba and forms the ___ of the abdo. it originates from the ___ and ___ ___, and inserts on the ___ by means of the ___ ___

floor; sternum; costal arch; pubis; prepubic tendon

the linea alba is the ___ ___ of the 3 lateral abdo mscs (rectus abdominis isnt one of them as it is vertical)

combined aponeuroses

the linea alba extends along the Vt midline from the ___ ___ to the ___ ___

xiphoid process; pubic symphysis

the ext ab ob fibres run ___ from ___ to ___ while the int ab ob fibres run ___ from ___ to ___ and the transversus abdominis fibres run ___ from ___ to ___

diagonally from craniolateral to caudomedial; diagonally from caudolateral to craniomedial; horizontally from lateral to medial

define extrinsic mscs (using forelimbs for exp)

mscs which originate on trunk but insert on forelimb

state the fn of the extrinsic mscs of the forelimbs

protract, retract, abduct, adduct forelimbs

state the fn of the intrinsic mscs of the forelimbs

extend/flex the shoulder joint

state the fn of the mscs of the elbow

extend/flex the elbow joint

the bellies of the msc of the carpus and digits are grouped around the ___ and ___, and exert their actions on the carpus and digits by means of ___ ___

radius and ulna

the mscs of the carpus and digits are resp for the ___/___, ___/___, and ___/___ of the corresponding joints

extension/flexion; abduction/adduction; pronation/supination

mscs of the thigh ___ or ___ the hindlimbs, ___ or ___ the hip joint, and also ___ or ___ the stifle joint

abduct or adduct, extend or flex, extend or flex

mscs of the tarsus/hock and digits ___ or ___ the hock joint, ___ or ___ and ___ or ___ the digits, and ___ the hindpaw

extend or flex; extend or flex and abduct or adduct; rotate

the ___ ___ runs down towards the ___ aspect of the hindlimb, inserting on the ___, and is formed fr the ___ of some of the hindlimb mscs

achilles tendon; plantar; calcaneus; tendons