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98 Cards in this Set

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This accompanies arm movement in the same direction; increases range of motion of arm?
Movements of Scapula Muscles
Shrugging shoulders has what movement on scapula?
Elevation (superior movement of scapula)
Pulling a rope down or doing a pull-up has what movement on the scapula?
Depression (inferior movement of scapula)
Doing push ups or punching (arms forward) has what movement on the scapula?
Abduction (protraction)
(lateral and anterior movement of scapula)
Lateral and anterior movement of scapula is what?
Abduction (protraction)
Medial and posterior movement of scapula is what?
Pulling arms back in rowing has what movement on the scapula?
Adduction (retraction)
Anterior muscles that move the pectoral girdle are?
– Subclavius
– Pectoralis Minor
– Serratus Anterior
Innervation for the pectoralis minor?
Pectoral Nerve
What is the serratus anterior's insertion?
Vertebral (medial) Borders of Scapula
What anterior pectoral girdle muscles protract (abduct) scapula and elevates ribs during forced inhalation?
– Pectoralis Minor
– Serratus Anterior
What are the posterior pectoral girdle muscles?
– Trapezius
– Levator Scapulae
– Rhomboid Major
– Rhomboid Minor
Most superficial upper back muscle?
The trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboids major, and rhomboids minor all originate on the?
Axial Skeleton (vertebrae)
The levator scapulae, rhomboids major and minor all insert on the?
Vertebral (medial) Border of Scapula
All posterior pectoral girdle muscles retract/adducts the scapula except the?
Levator Scapulae
What is upward rotation of the pectoral girdle?
Moving inferior Angle of Scapula Laterally
What is downward rotation of the pectoral girdle?
Moving Interior Angle of Scapula Medially
What are the 7 scapular muscles?
– Deltoid
– Teres Major
– Coracobrachialis
– Supraspinatus
– Infraspinatus
– Teres Minor
– Subscapularis
Most superficial lower back muscle that forms the posterior wall of axilla?
Latissimus Dorsi
Both of these muscles move humerus, adduct (O below I) and medially rotate (I inside arm)
– Pectoralis Major
– Latissimus Dorsi
The deltoid has 3 sets of fibers, they are?
– Anterior
– Middle
– Posterior
What are the 5 actions of the deltoid?
– Flexes
– Extends
– Abducts
– Medial Rotation
– Lateral Rotation
This scapular muscle originates on the coracoid process?
Suitcase muscle?
The supraspinatus originate on the?
Supraspinatus Fossa
The infraspinatus originates on the?
Infraspinatus Fossa
Muscles that circle the tendons around shoulder joint are the?
Rotator Cuff Muscles
What muscle is most often involved with rotator cuff injuries?
Continual pinching of the supraspinatus tendon may tear tendon from the bone is called what?
Impingement Syndrome
The rotator cuff muscles are also known as the?
SIT S Muscles
What are the anterior (flexor) arm compartment muscles that move the forearm at the elbow joint?
– Biceps Brachii
– Brachialis
– Brachioradialis
This anterior arm compartment muscle is deep to the biceps and is the most powerful forearm flexor known as the "workhorse"?
The brachialis flexes forearm, and inserts on the?
Ulnar Tuberosity
The brachioradialis flexes forearm, originates on the__________, and inserts on the__________?
– Brachium
– Radius
The posterior (extensor) arm compartment muscles that move the forearm at the elbow joint are?
– Triceps Brachii
– Anconeus
– Supinator
– Pronator Teres
– Pronator Quadratus
Innervation for all posterior arm muscles?
Radial Nerve
These muscles both pronate forearm (rolls radius in)?
– Pronator Teres
– pronator Quadratus
What are the superficial flexors that move wrist and digits?
– Flexor Carpi Radialis
– Palmaris Longus
– Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU)
The superficial flexors, the flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, and flexor carpi ulnaris all originate on the?
Medial Epicondyle
All the superficial flexors, the flexor carbi radialis, palmaris longus, and the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) has what action?
Flex Wrist Joint
All superficial flexor muscles, except that FCU, innervate where?
Median Nerve
The innovation for the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), a superficial flexor is where?
Ulnar Nerve
This superficial flexor muscle weekly flexes wrist and insert on the Palmer Aponeurosis?
Palmaris Longus
The deep flexor, flexor digitorum profundus inserts where?
Distal Phalanges (digits 2 – 5)
What are the superficial extensors that move wrist and digits?
– Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
– Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
– Extensor Digitorum
– Extensor Digiti Minimi
– Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
All superficial extensor muscles originate where?
Lateral Epicondyle
All superficial extensor muscles innervate on the__________, and all___________ wrist joint?
– Radial Nerve
– Extend
What superficial extensor muscles abduct wrist?
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus & Brevis
What superficial extensor muscle adducts wrist?
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (I – ulnar side)
What are the deep extensors that move wrist and digits?
– Abductor Pollicis Longus
– Extensor Pollices Brevis
– Extensor Pollicis Longus
– Extensor Indicis
What deep extensor muscle abducts thumb (digit 1
Abductor Pollicis Longus
What deep extensor muscles extends thumb?
– Extensor Pollicis Brevis
– Extensor Pollicis Longus
With repetitive strain or motion injuries, name some conditions that result from poor posture, poor body mechanics or repeated activities?
– Tennis Elbow
– Golfers Elbow
– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Strain of the forearm extensors result and pain of lateral epicondyle (origin) is what type of condition?
Tennis Elbow
Strain of the forearm flexors result in pain of medial epicondyle (origin) is what type of condition?
Golfers Elbow
Compression of median nerve is what type of condition?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
What are the intrinsic muscles of the hand?
– Thenar
– Hypothenar
– Intermediate
Which intrinsic muscle is at the ball of the thumb?
Which intrinsic muscle is at the ball of the little finger?
Which intrinsic muscle is midpalmar?
What are the midpalmer muscles?
– Lumbricals
– Palmer Interossei
– Dorsal Interossei
Which midpalmer muscle of the hand adducts fingers?
Palmer Inrtossei (PAD)
Which midpalmer muscle of the hand abducts?
Dorsal Interossei
This muscle inserts on the coracoid process of the scapula, and it innervation is the pectoral nerve?
Pectoralis Minor
What's the name of the boxers muscle?
Serratus Anterior
The subclavius, pectoralis minor, and serratus anterior all originate where?
Axial Skeleton (ribs)
The most superficial upper back muscle?
The innervation for the trapezius?
Accessory Nerve
The trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboids major and rhomboids minor all do what to the scapula?
This posterior pectoral girdle muscle elevates and depresses scapula?
What are the 2 axial muscles that move the humerus?
– Pectoralis Major
– Latissimus Dorsi (swimmers muscle)
Actions for the pectoralis major?
Flexes Arm and Extends Flexed Arm Back to Trunk
What muscle is the swimmers muscle?
Latissimus Dorsi
Insertion for the deltoid?
Deltoid Tuberosity
Innervation of the deltoid?
Axillary Nerve
Deltoid, coracobrachialis does what?
Flexes Arm
Deltoid and supraspinatus does what?
Abduct Arm
Deltoid, infraspinatus and teres minor do what?
Laterally Rotate
What are the sit s muscles?
– Supraspinatus
– Infraspinatus
– Teres Minor
– Subscapularis
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor insert where?
Greater Tubercle
Subscapularis inserts where?
Lesser Tubercle
The biceps brachii inserts where?
Radial Tuberosity
This muscle has 3 heads (long, lateral and medial) and crosses shoulders (extends arm) and elbow joints?
Triceps Brachii
This muscle is synergist to triceps?
The triceps brachii and anconeus both insert where?
Olecranon Process
Innervation for all posterior arm muscles?
Radial Nerve
This muscle roles radius out?
These muscles roll radius in?
– Pronator Teres
– Pronator Quadratus
The pronator teres and pronator quadratus both do what?
Pronate Forearm
The flexor carpi radialis does what?
Abducts Wrist
This muscle is absent in 10% of individuals; tendon repairs?
Palmaris Longus
The flexor carpi ulnris does what?
Adducts Hand
Action for the flexor pollicis longus?
Flexes Thumb
The flexor digitorum profundus does what?
Flexes Digits 2 – 5
The extensor digitorum does what?
Extends Digits 2 – 5
The extensor digiti minimi does what?
Extends little finger (digit 5)
The extensor indicis does what?
Extends index finger (digit 2)