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82 Cards in this Set

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What are the three types of muscles?
1. Smooth
2. Cardiac
3. Skeletal
Nonstriated, involuntary
Smooth muscle
Found generally in the walks if the viscera (stomach)
Striated, involuntary
Cardiac muscle
Found only in the heart.
Striated, voluntary
Skeletal muscle
Generally attached to a bone.
Purposes of skeletal muscle.
1. Movement
2. Maintain body posture
3. Stablize joints
4. Produce heat (maintain body temperature)
These have more than one nucleus..
Muscle fibers
What two things play important roles in contraction and relaxation of muscles?
Calcium and ATP
What happens when ATP splits to make ADP?
Energy is released.
What aids in muscle relaxation?
Acetylcholine (Ach)
A binding stimulant.
Stops stimulant.
Myasthenia Gravis
Muscle weakness - acetylcholine (Ach) cannot effectively bind.
Neuromuscular blockades
Curare (skeletal muscle blocker drug) blocks the receptor sites on the muscle membranes, because the receptor sites are occupied the Ach cannot effectively bind with the receptor sites.
Cause excessive firing of neurons, disrupting the normal function of the nervous system.
If a single electrical stimulus is delivered to a muscle fiber, the fiber contracts and then fully relaxes. This single muscle response is called...
Sustained muscle contraction
The continuous contraction of a muscle
With oxygenation
Without oxygenation
Attached to a stationary bone
Attached to more moveable bone
Prime mover
Generally responsible for most of the movement
Chief muscle
Assist the prime mover
Helper muscles
Muscles that oppose the action of another muscle
Overuse of muscles
Body builders
Under use of muscles
Broken leg in a cast
The Muscles are frozen in a flexed position and severely restricts joint mobility
How are muscles named?
1. Shape
2. Size
3. Direction of fibers
4. Location
5. Number of origins
6. Origin and insertion
7. Muscle action
Above eye; raises eyebrows, wrinkles the forehead
Surprised look
Obicularis oculi
Around the eye; opening and closing of the eye
Assist in winking, blinking, squinting.
Obicularis oris
Around the mouth; assists on closing mouth
The kissing muscle
In the cheek; sucking, whistling, and playing the trumpet
Used in ********
Muscle over the cheek bone
Smiling muscle
What are 5 facial muscles?
1. Frontalis
2. Obicularis oculi
3. Obicularis oris
4. Buccinator
5. Zygomaticus
Chewing muscles
1. Masseter
2. Temporalis
3. Buccinator
Zygomatic prosses to the mandible; Closes the jaw
Chewing muscle
Over the temple
Sternum and clavicle to the Mastoid; head rotation to the opposite side, flexion of head
Praying muscle
Base of occipital to spine of upper vertebral column; tilts the head back, moves shoulders
Shoulders and upper back muscle
Muscles of the trunk
1. Intercostal muscles
2. Diaphragm
Abdominal wall muscles
1. Rectus abdominis
2. External obliques
3. Internal obliques
4. Transversus abdominis
Intercostal muscles
Meat between the ribs; raise and lower rib cage during breathing
Eating bbq
Separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity; chief muscle of inhalation
Use this sing
Rectus abdominis
Superior abdominal muscles; flexes the vertebral column
Six pack
External oblique
Lateral walls of the abdomen
Internal oblique
Part of the lateral walls of the abdomen; add strength to the external oblique
Transversus abdominis
Innermost later of the abdominal muscles
Shoulder muscles
1. Trapezius
2. Pectoralis major
3. Latissimus dorsi
4. Deltoid
5. Rotator cuff muscles
Pectoralis major
Anterior chest wall; moves arm in front of chest
***** muscles
Latissimus dorsi
Middle-lower back region; lowers shoulders and brings arms back as if pointing behind you.
Rounded part of the shoulder raises arm to horizontal position
Rotator cuff muscles
Attach the humerous to the scapula; help rotate the arm at the joint
Muscles that move the lower arm
1. Triceps brachii
2. Biceps brachii
Triceps brachii
Posterior part of the arm
Biceps brachii
Anterior surface of the arm
Make a muscle
Muscles that move the hand and fingers
1. Flexors
2. Extensors
Gluteal muscles
1. Gluteus Maximus
2. Gluteus medius
3. Gluteus minimus
Gluteus maximus
Butt muscle you sit on; rotates the thigh laterally and extends the thigh at the hip
Climbing or walking up stairs
Gluteus medius
Over back of hip; rotates the thigh medially; common for IM injections
Gluteus minimus
Rotate the thigh medially and common for IM injections
Quadriceps femoris
1. Vastus laterals
2. Rectus femorus
3. Vastus medialis
4. Vastus intermedius
Rectus femoris
Anterior thigh
Vastus lateralis
Outside thigh
Vastus medialis
Inside of thigh
Assists in knee and hip flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation of the thigh
Posterior thigh; flex leg at the knee, antagonistic to the quadriceps
Calcaneal tendon
Heel muscle
Achillies tendon
What are the muscles involved with breathing?
1. Intercostal muscles
2. Diaphragm
Calf muscle
Movement of a body part toward the midline of the body
Abduction movement of a body part away from the midline of the body
What muscles do you give IM shots in?
Deltoid, rectus femoris, gluteus medius
What is the longest muscle?
What muscle shrugs the shoulders?
What is the kissing muscle?
Obicularis oris
What is the surprised muscle?
What opens the jaw/eating muscle?
What is the winking muscle?
Obicularis oculi
What is the smiling muscle?
This muscle is the one little boys use when showing of their muscles..
Biceps brachii
What are the butt muscles?
1. Gluteus Maximus
2. Gluteus medius
3. Gluteus minimus
What muscle do you sit on?
Gluteus Maximus