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33 Cards in this Set

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When was the Medieval Period?
It was from about 500 CE to about 1500 CE
What are two other names for this time?
The Dark Ages
The Middle Ages
why was it a "dark" period of time? (2)
A lack of information and literacy meant it lacked (was dark) human knowledge and progress.

we have a lack of art and recorded histiory from this period so it is therefore "dark".

The Medieval Period is in the middle of what? (2)
Greek and Roman Empires (before 500 CE <--)
The Renaissance (after 1500 CE -->)
What is Feudalism?
Feudalism was a type of social hierarchy based on land ownership and loyalty
How did it work? (In terms of land)
Kings gives manors (land) to his Lords.

Serfs/peasants workd on the manors and were 'bounded to the land'. The serfs belonged to that land even if their Lord died.

Lords owned serfs therefore the Serfs provided services such as plowing and haying, and were required to fight for their in conflicts.
In exchange for this, the Lord provided safety and protection for his Serfs. This could be called 'manorialism'.
How did the Serfs maintain land and protection?
Taxes - They had to turn over large portions of what they produced through taxes.
What did the peasants do all their lives?
peasants worked hard from sunrise to sunset for their entire lives. They were uneducated, illiterate and very few ever left their manors.
If the Serfs left the Manor, who did they have to get approval from?
Their Lord
How would a serf become a Freeman?
Run away for 1 year and 1 day and then they would be considered a Freeman
What could a freeman do?
They could rent land from a Lord or work in the towns
Who controlled life in the Middle Ages?
The Catholic Church. Even the King had to answer to the Catholic Church
Where did Monks and Nuns live?
Why were their Monks and Nuns?
They were educated members of Society. They mostly worked to copy religious books and manuscripts.
Why did almost everyone believe in god?
They believed in god because they believed that he was the one that would give them "thier ticket to heaven" so they worked very hard
Why was it hard for people to innovate and change their society?
It was because only Monks and Nuns were educated
What was a type of Architecture in the Middle Ages?
Gothic Architecture
What characterized Gothic Architecture?
- Emphasized LIGHT and HEIGHT (very high and lots of windows)
- Used tall SPIRES (towers)
- Included high ceilings and triangular arches
- Were often incredibly detailed
What threatened Feudalism?
The Black Death
How did it get to The Middle Ages?
It arrived from Asia. It was first passed to men who worked on trading ships near the Mediterranean Sea.
What was the Black Death also known as?
The Plague

The Bubonic Plague
What were some Symptoms of the Black Death?
Symptoms included:
- a purplish rash
- swelling in the neck and armpits
- large black blisters called pustules that would erupt (this would cause the victim to be highly contagious)
Who did people believe started the Plague?
Many people thought it was God
They thought it was good to punish themselves in order to stay free of the plague.
What did people believe could cure the Plague?
Sleeping next to a chicken

Drinking their own pee
What was a good way how this disease spread?
The disease spread when panicked people would flee, carrying the illness with them
When was the Plague in affect to Europeans?
Between 1346 and 1350 (4 years) millions and millions of Europeans died of this disease.
Why could the Plague spread so quickly?
It spread so quickly because the people in the Middle Ages had poor Medical Knowledge.
How much of Europe's population died in the years the Plague hit? How many years did it hit for?
About half of Europe's Population died

It was in Europe for 4 years
What happened to the Feudal Hierarchy?
It began to disintegrate and die down
What happened to Medicine in the Middle Ages?
Medicine was introduced a lot more because people wanted to know how to stop the disease
What did the Serfs start to do when their Lords died?
They didn't follow the rules to stay on their land and they left to the towns
What happened to the workers in the Middle Ages?
They became a higher demand because there wasn't enough people to farm the crops and farms.
What happened to the power of the Church?
Many people began to doubt their religious beliefs, leading to a less powerful Catholic Church