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30 Cards in this Set

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The day that Thomas worked with Zart in the Gardens, Newt was very upset and worried. Why?

b/c Alby and Minho went to see the dead griever and had not returned.

When Thomas suggested that a search part be sent out, Newt became angry and said no. Why?

Can't risk more lives and 100% against the rules.

Thomas saw Minho and Alby trying to return to the Glade. Who is injured?

Alby is injured.

They aren't going to make it. What does Thomas do?

Thomas ran in the maze.

How did Minho feel about what Thomas did?

He told Thomas he had just killed himself.

What did Minho say about the Griever that he and Alby went to investigate?

The grievers play dead really well.

When Thomas and Minho heard the Grievers, what was Minho's idea?

To split up and keep moving.

When Thomas heard the Grievers, what was his idea to save himself and Alby?

To tie Alby and himself to the vines on the wall in the maze.

How high up on the wall did Thomas and Alby end up?

30 feet off the ground.

What did Thomas see scurrying in the ivy where they were hiding and what was written on it?

Thomas saw a beetle blade and Wicked was written on the back of it.

When the griever stopped at the very spot where Thomas and Alby were hiding in the ivy, what frightened Thomas the most?

When the griever completely shut down.

How did Thomas know the Griever would find him? ( What gave them away )

The beetle blade gave Thomas and Alby away.

When the Griever sprang to life, what did it begin to do in pursuit of Thomas and Alby?

It had started to climb the wall.

In order to get away from the Griever, what direction did Thomas have to go in and what did he do with Alby?

Thomas swang side to side and he had to leave Alby on the wall.

When he finally reached the maze floorand began to run, Thomas rounded a corner and stopped?

He saw 3 more grievers in front of him.

What did Thomas decide to do?

Run towards the Grievers and dive to the side at the last second.

With 4 Grievers chasing Thomas now, who grabs Thomas and where do they go?

Minho grabs Thomas by the shoulders and they go to the cliff.

How do they defeat the Grievers?

They do the wait and dive thingy so the Grievers will fall off the cliff.

What does Thomas notice that is odd about the Grievers going off the cliff?

The grievers just disappear.

How does Minho prove Thomas wrong?

He throws a rock off the cliff.

When Minho and Thomas get back to Alby, who is there?

Newt and some other gladers are with Alby.

What does Newt do?

He sends Thomas and Minho to the Med-Jacks.

What news about Alby does Chuck later deliver to Thomas?

He is alive and going through the changing.

Who is only person on the agenda at the gathering called by Newt?


Which keeper is against Thomas the most?


Which 2 kepers almost got into a fight?

Minho and Gally

What was Minho's recommendation for Thomas?

Become keeper of the runners.

What was the final decision in regards to Thomas?

Spend a day in the slammer and enter the runner training program

Who is the only keeper that did not agree with the decision?


