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72 Cards in this Set

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2 types of immunity?
– Innate Immunity
– Adaptive Immunity
What type of immunity is non– specific and has no memory?
Innate Immunity
What type of immunity has barriers, pH extremes, phagocytes & nk cells, fever, and inflammation?
Innate Immunity
What type of immunity is specific and has memory?
Adaptive Immunity
What type of immunity has lymphocytes (T cells & B cells)?
Adaptive Immunity
With the lymphatic system, lymphatic tissue contains _____?
With the lymphatic system, lymph is formed from _____ fluid?
With functions of the lymphatic system, it activates _____?
With functions of the lymphatic system, it returns _____ filtered fluid to _____?
– Excess
– Circulation
With functions of the lymphatic system, it transports dietary _____?
Lymphatic capillaries have a _____ diameter than blood capillaries, and _____ valves in the veins?
– Larger
– More
Lymphatic system ducts?
– Thoracic Duct (left lymphatic duct)
– Right Lymphatic Duct
Which lymphatic system duct drains most of body?
Thoracic Duct (left lymphatic duct)
Which lymphatic system duct empties into left subclavian vein?
Thoracic Duct (left lymphatic duct)
Which lymphatic system duct empties into the right subclavian vein?
Right Lymphatic Duct
Excessive accumulation of interstitial fluid?
With lymphatic organs, these produce lymphocytes (mature T&B cells), and is in red bone marrow?
Primary Lymphatic Organs
With primary lymphatic organs, what is posterior to the sternum and have mature T cells?
With lymphatic organs, what store lymphocytes that are the sites of immune responses?
Secondary Lymphatic Organs
With lymphatic organs what has lymph nodes, spleen, and lymphatic nodules?
Secondary Lymphatic Organs
Lymph nodes are _____ shaped, and _____ throughout the body?
– Bean
– Scattered
Lymph nodes are concentrated in what areas?
– Mammary
– Axilla
– Groin
Lymph nodes filter _____ & trap _____ substances?
– Lymph
– Foreign
With lymph nodes these are firm, nontender, and fixed?
Cancerous Nodes
Spread of disease via lymphatic system?
The spleen is between the _____ & _____?
– Stomach
– Diaphragm
The spleen is in what quadrant?
Left Upper Quadrant
The spleen is the_____storage site of lymphocytes?
The spleen_____blood and_____blood pathogens?
– Filters
– Destroys
The removal of the spleen increases_____; blood infection?
The spleen stores?
If the spleen is ruptured it may cause?
Internal Hemorrhage
Lymphatic nodules are located in_____membranes?
With lymphatic nodules what participates in immune responses against inhaled or ingested foreign substances?
Which type of immunity is general?
Innate Immunity
With the innate immunity what is the physical barrier?
With the skin, the physical barrier, epidermal shedding removes _____?
With innate immunity, what produces mucus that trap microbes removed by cilia?
Mucous Membranes
With innate immunity, when tears and saliva dilute and remove microbes ?
4 signs and symptoms of inflammation with innate immunity?
– Redness
– Heat
– Swelling
– Pain
With innate immunity, which step of inflammation has mast cells and basophils that release histamines that cause vasodilation?
Step 1
With innate immunity, which step of inflammation is where phagocytes are attracted to infection sites by chemotaxis?
Step 2
With innate immunity, which step of inflammation is pus formed (pocket of dead cells and fluid)?
Step 3
Which type of immunity is specific?
Adaptive Immunity
With adaptive immunity, it involves _____ or _____ production against specific antigens?
– Cell
– Antibody
With adaptive immunity, a foreign substance like microbes, food, pollen, or drugs are what?
Adaptive immunity is normally _____–_____?
Adaptive immunity is normally self tolerant, and does not attack _____ body tissue?
With cell and antibody adaptive immunity, what is where cytotoxic (killer) T cells directly attack infected cells?
Cell Adaptive
With cell and antibody adaptive immunity, this is where B cells form plasma cells that produce antibodies?
Antibody Adaptive
With cell and antibody adaptive immunity, what aids both cell and antibody adaptive immunity?
Helper T Cells
HIV destroys _____ __ cells?
Helper T Cells
With maturation of B and T cells both originate from _____ cells in red bone marrow?
With maturation of B and T cells, _____ cells mature in the red bone marrow?
B Cells
With maturation of B and T cells, _____ cells migrate to thymus to mature?
T Cells
With maturation of B and T cells, following maturation both contain _____ antigen receptors?
With antigens and antibodies, what stimulates antibody (immunoglobin) production?
With antigens and antibodies, what is a major histocompatibility marker, and is unique to each individual?
With antigens and antibodies, what region contain antigen binding sites?
Antibody Variable
5 types of antibodies?
– IgG
– IgA
– IgM
– IgD
– IgE
Which type of antibody is most abundant and crosses placenta?
Which type of antibody is found in breast milk?
Which type of antibody is in the ABO blood group?
Which type of antibody is where B cells surface?
Which type of antibody is allergic reactions?
With cell adaptive immunity, what destroys infected cells?
Cytotoxic T Cells (killer)
With cell adaptive immunity, what remains in lymphatic tissues for years?
Memory T Cells
With immunological memory (antibody secretion) the 2nd exposure is _____ and_____ intense?
– Quicker
– More
With immunological memory (antibody secretion), what is the basis for vaccinations?
Artificially Acquired Active Immunity
With aging, _____ people are more susceptible to all types of infections?
With aging, thymus atrophies has fewer ___cells?
T Cells
With aging, T and B cells are _____ responsive?