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89 Cards in this Set

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1) What does integument mean?
2) What does cutis mean?
1) To cover
2) Skin
What other structures, other than the skin, does the Integumentary system include?
Glands, hair and nail
What are the three layers of skin top to bottom?
Epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous
What is another word for 'subcutaneous/?
Superficial fascia
There are the same number of pain receptors everywhere in the body, but not the equal # of...... receptors.,
The epidermis consists of two primary layers. What are they and what do their names mean?
Stratum Corneum (crown), Stratum basale (base)
The stratum corneum consists of ....
Dead skin cells
What is 'keratin'?
Waterproofing, it is not a layer - it is diffused throughout.
Dermis is what and provides what?

What are the two major layers?
Connective tissue, providing elasticity.

Papillary and reticular
What is the layer called comprised of loose connective tissue, hypodermis/superficial fascia and adipose tissue.
Subcutaneus layer
What are the three glands and their products?
Sebaceous gland - oil
Sudoriferous gland - sweat
Ceruminous - cerumen
What are the compont parts of 'hair'?
Follicle, root and shaft.
What produces goose bumps?
The arrector pili muscle.
What are the four main functions of the skin?
1) Protection against infection
2) Protection against dehydration
3) Regulation of body temperature
4) Collection of sensory information
Three other functions?
1) Excretion
2) Absorb medication
3) Vitamin D synthesis
What are the three main factors influencing skin color?
1) Amount of pigment in the skin
2) Blood in surface blood vessels
3) Composition of blood
Give two examples of pigment.
Melanin, carotene.
What is the blood composed of that effects color?
Oxygen and hemoglobin.
Where do you lose more heat, at the fron or the back of the body?
What is 'ecchymosis'?
Blood from ruptured blood vessels escaping into tissue
What is redness in skin due to capillary dilation called?
What is 'cyanosis'?
Bluish appearance due to decreased oxygen
What is 'decreased amount of blood in an area' called?
What is the basic point of contact of massage?
Skin - which has sensory receptors and is the point of contact between MT and skin
What is a 4 basic effects of massage to the skin?
1) It mechanically warms up the skin and 2) increases circulation and promotes 3) perspiration and 4) oil secretion.
What is a basic high level skin LOCAL contraindication for massage and why?
Any break or compromise in the skin - as it is a potential entry for infection.
What is the worst area for an MT to pick up infection?
Cuticles/hang nails
Name up to 7 contagious skin disorders?
Boils, cellulitis, fungal infections, herpes simplex, impetigo, lice and mites and warts.
Name 4 non-contagious inflammatory skin disorders?
Acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, dermatitis/eczema and hives
What are psoriasis and skin cancer?
Neo-plastic skin disorders
Definition of a 'boil'?
Local staph infection
Hot compresses, drain boil.
What does a boil look like? 4 signs
Large, obvious and painful
Usually one at a time
Develops center of pus
May penetrate deep layer of skin and leave scar
Massage impact of boils?
Locally contraindicated. With signs of systemic infection systemically contraindicated. Isolate and treat sheets.
Cellulitis definition?
Local strep infection
Aggressive Antibiotic
Massage impact on cellulitis?
Systemically contraindicated until all symptoms are gone.
Fungal infection definition?
Fungus superficial on skin, not systemic.
3 examples of fungal infections:
Lesions, ring worm, mycosis
What is tinea corporis?
What is tinea capitis?
What's tinea pedis'?
What is tinea cruris?
Body ring worm
Head ring worm.
Athlete's foot
Jock itch.
Definition of ring worm?
Small, round red scaly patches on trunk and extremities.
Topical fungicide
Massage is ..... for various forms of fungal infections.
Locally contraindicated
Undiagnosed skin conditions are indicated or contraindicated?
Herpes Simplex Virus definition?

HPV -1 mouth, above waist
HSV -2 genitals, below waist

Not treatable, only dormant in nerve root.
Massage is ..... for Herpes.
Acute herpes contraindicates massage.
Skin infection with staph or strep. Mostly in children. Usually begins on head or face - What is it?
Definition of impetigo.

Red sores with small blisters, then yellow-brown crusts.

Oral or Antibiotic cream.
Massage for impetigo?
Contraindicated until all signed of infection are gone
What burrows under skin and cause lesions called scabies?
How does mites spread?

Skin to skin contact

Pesticidal soap.
Massage for mites?
Systemically contrandicated until infestation is over.

Isolate and wash all linens.
Definition of head lice?

Spreads through?
Wingless insect, sucks blood from scalp. Lays eggs (nits).

Human contact and hats, upholstery
Treatment of head lice?

Massage for head lice?
Pesticidal shampoo, wash bedding, clothing, towels. Cover furniture for 2 weeks.

Contraindicated until infestation is over.
Two other types of lice?
Body and pubic lice.
Definition of warts?

Benign growths caused by human papilloma virus. Mostly teenagers.

Benign neglect, liquid nitrogen, blister beetle juice.
Give examples of 4 kinds of warts.
Cystic, genital, deep palmar plantar, butcher's.
Massage for warts?
Local contraindication.
Acne vulgaris definition?

Small bacterial infection on face and upper back. Most common in teenagers - hormone induced.

Gentle cleansing, topical medication antibiotic or steroid.
Massage is.... for acne vulgaris ?
Locally contraindicated.
What does the liver is a 'recycling plant' mean?
It detoxes and converts.
What is the effect of massage on the liver?
It improved deep breathing, which assists in the liver functions.
Some acne is caused by a congested liver. True or false?
True. The liver neutralizes hormones, which could cause acne.
Name 5 factors causing acne vulgaris.
1. Testosterone
2. Bacteria
3. Stress
4. Liver congestion
5. Hormonal imbalance
What are the two major types of eczema/dermatitis skin inflammation?
Eczema -systemic response
Contact dermatitis - local response
Massage for eczema/dermatitis?
It depends....on severity, cause and condition of skin.
Latin word for 'hives'?


Antihistamines or topical/oral steriodal anti-inflammatories
4 types of hives.
1. Acute hives
2. Cholinergic hives
3. Physical hives
4. Chronic hives
Massage for hives?

What kinds of lubricants?
Locally contraindicated.

Pile-up of excess skin cells, that's a chronic skin condition with acute episodes.
Where on the body is psoriasis?

What does it look like?
Usually on knees, elbows and trunk. Also on palms and soles of the feet.

Raised pink patches with silvery scales.
Treatment for psoriasis?

Topical: Vitamin D, steroid cream, Epsom salt baths.

May benefit from stress management
How many people will have some form of skin cancer?
1 in 5
Who are most common candidates for skin cancer? 6 causes
1. Multiple sun burns as a child
2. Live closer to the equator
3. Immune-suppressed
4. Already had skin cancer
5. Have multiple/ atypical moles
Have a history of toxic exposure
Precancerous lesions are called...?
Actinic keratosis
Actinic keratosis may turn into what other type of skin cancer 5-20% of the time?
Squamos cell carcinoma
What does BCC stand for?
Basal cell carcinoma
What is a red flag for a skin condition that should be looked at by a dermatologist?
Sores that don't heal or reappear.
BCC can turn into malignant melanoma. True or false?
Is massage contraindicated for BCC?
Yes, locally.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma can develop out what other conditions? Name 3?
1.Decubitus ulsers
2. Boils
3. Draining sores.
Which two skin cancers can metastasize?
SCC and malignant melanoma
Massage for SCC?
SCC can be aggressive form of cancer.
Guidelines deteremined by treatment options.
What is the type of cancer that is the leading cause of death?
Malignant melanoma
Signs and symptoms to look for with malignant melanoma?
A - Asymmetrical
B - Border
C - Color
D - Diameter
E - Elevated
Massage for malignant melanoma?
Dependent on cancer treatment options.
What is another name for bed sores?
How does decubitus develop?
Through inadequate blood flow by squeezed capillaries in the skin in areas when bone is shallow and in close contact to a surface.
5 early and later signs and symptoms of decubitus?
1. Change in skin temperature
2. Local reddening
3. Local pain
4. Local itching
5. Purple
Treatment of decubitus?

Topical antibiotics, plastic surgery.

Good preventative mewasure. Contraindicated when skin is compromised.
Name two types of scar tissue.
Hypertrophic and keloid
Massage for scar tissue?
Appropriate in post-acute stages. May improve quality of new scar tissue.