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33 Cards in this Set

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Translated as "Self"

It + avidya (ignorance) = Jiva

3) Body

2) Jiva

1) Atman/Brahman (n)


Brahman or Brahma, neuter

Brahman = "Ultimate"

"Neti, neti" = not this, not that

Nirguna = "w/out qualities"

"One alone w/out a second"

Brahma (m) = Creator God


Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga

1 & 2 are to get distractions of the mind and body out of the way

3 is to find a yogic posture, one of the best known of which is the lotus posture

4 is to master one's breathing. In addition to making it regular, one must make it so that breathing is almost undetectable

5 is to concentrate completely inwardly, leaving behind all connection with the outward senses.

6 is to learn to focus all energies of the mind to one singular object, allowing the memories and thoughts of the mind to manifest and then subside until serenity in concentration is attained

7 is to deepen in concentration until all self-awareness has disappeared. Instead, the yogi and the object on which he or she focuses come into union

8 is where the intellect is lost in the infiniteness of God and realizes what was meant by the Upanishads, "You are that."

(royal yoga)

Four Ends/Wants of Man

kama is "pleasure"

artha is "success/wealth"

dharma is "civic duty/virtue"

moksha "freedom/liberation"

None are viewed as bad goals, just as things to experience, only to find that moksha is the final and most fulfilling/important want of man

Moksha actually doesn't exist: it is to escape from samsara, but one can't because Brahman is everything, including samsara


Sva-dharma is one's duty pertaining to their station

Sadharana Dharma is your Universal Duty regardless of your position

(pleasure, success, duty, liberation)


Brahman + avidya = Jiva

Avidya is caused by the illusion of maya

The individual person, ego, personality

The idea of moksha returning Jiva to Brahman is false because your Atman is Brahman

Idea is to realize that you are Brahman, you are one with the Ultimate Self

(individual ego)

Jnana Yoga & Bhakti Yaoga

Jnana = knowledge, realization that one is Brahman

Giving up own individuality and personal power, agency

Practiced in non-theistic hindu tradition

Bhakti = discipline of love or devotion to God

"I'd rather taste sugar than be sugar." - Sri Ramakrishna

I'd rather serve God than be God.

(knowledge yoga)

(yoga of devotion or love)


Translated as "action"

A law of nature that occurs regardless of what you do

For every action there is an equal and later reaction

Vedanta = one cannot blame God because it is a law of nature

The future can be changed, but present events are unavoidable

Samskara = "grooves on your mind" from past lives that affect how you live your current life, habits and thought-processes created by repeated actions and thoughts

Used as a tool of the wealthy to justify the status quo.

(action; law of rehabilitation)

Karma Yoga

Work without attachment to the fruits of your actions, you must work and then renounce the fruits

Bhagavad Gita

This is the thrust of Krishna's argument as to why Arjuna should fight

Violates sadharana dharma, but if acts without attachment to fruits of action, is achieving Karma Yoga, one of the Three Paths to Moksha

(action yoga)

Kali Yuga

The last of 4 Ages of Mankind that cycle through

1 cycle = Maha Yuga




***Iron/Rust = the Age of Discord

Samsara = 1 Maha Yuga

Dharma declines over the 4 ages

(Age of Discord)


1. Mystical power of creation and illusion

2. Relation to Brahman: Brahman + maya (cosmic ignorance) = samsara

3. Relation to Shakti: transformative power to make creation, one of her aspects is as temptress Maha Maya, deluder, creates the maya that deludes us, spreading the cosmic ignorance, gives Shiva the ignorance that he has power over her

4. Relation to Krishna: reveals the appropriate emotional response (Ex: Yashoda looks into mouth, sees universe, begins to worship Krishna, he makers her forget so that she can return to nurturing him)

5. The human predicament is ignorance - you're deluded into the fact that you have agency

(mystic power of creation, illusion)

Moksa or Mukti

Escape from samsara to the Ultimate Reality

Doesn't exist


Saguna and Nirguna Brahman

Saguna = theistic side

iconic - can represent them with some sort of picture

Nirguna = non-theistic side

cannot portray Brahman


(qualified and unqualified Ultimate)


Realm of suffering

(world cycle)

Sat Chit Ananda

Brahman's 3 aspects

The true wants

Attained through moksha

1. Sat = Infinite Being

2. Cit = Consciousness as opposite of maya, delusion

3. Ananda = bliss

(Infinite Being, Consciousness, Bliss)

"Tat Tvam Asi"

"That thou art"

Dissolved salt = we can use other senses to detect Brahman

Clay example

("You are That")


Incarnations of Visnu

Krishna and Rama are most famous

He incarnates whenever there's a serious decline in virtue to protect the good and punish the evil

(incarnation or descent)


One of the forms of Shakti

Maternal axis opposite of Good Mother

Kali destroys the finite to make way for the infinite

Not necessarily evil, but dangerous and destructive

Power that arouses creation from Shiva

She eats what she has given birth to for she has given birth to everything, and how else will she sustain her suckling creation?

(the Terrible Mother)

Krsna or Krishna

Avatar of Visnu

Takes on the disguise of Krishna with maya to play

Pranks with mother, butter thief, gopis

Goal: to experience the joy of being Krishna

Bhagavad Purana = no purpose in incarnation other than to play, no ulterior motive

Bhagavad Gita = incarnates when decline in virtue

Teaches Arjuna role of Dharma and Moksha

Kansa demon

(the God of Play)



purpose for our existence, for maya and samsara is to play

just so that we can experience things, emphasis is on the process, not the goal

Theater play: Krishna’s play allows for him as the absolute to take on a persona, to wear a mask, a disguise that allows for response to the divine that otherwise would be impossible

Sport play: reveals the freedom and spontaneous self-expression of the divine


Linga or Lingam


symbol of Shiva, symbol of Shiva's creative side as opposed to destructive

together with the Yoni (Shakti's symbol)

prominent in all representations of Shiva

Shaft of light, Shiva appears after Brahman lies, Folly of Brahma = Brahma will not be worshiped

(symbol of Siva)

Murti and Vigraha

Theistic side of Hinduism

Murti = anything that has definite shape and limits

Vigraha = that form which enables the mind to grasp the nature of god

Icons are fantastical, 5 heads, 6 arms, blue skin, elephant head

Through consecration, the deities are invited to inhabit the icons in a ritual of hospitality

Puja = traditional customs and rules of hospitatlity

They're not worshiping the man-made icon, they're worshiping the deity inhabiting the icon

Darsan = to see and be seen

Like touching the divine

(icon, image)


Practice of Bhakti-Yoga

Basic model i to go thrugh the domestic customs of hospitality

1. Bathing deity in milk and water and ghee

2. Flowers, music, sound

3. Basically what you would do for your most honored house guest

(ritual worship)

Sakti or Shakti

Shakti = energy/power

Maha Devi = the Great Goddess

Shaikites say she's the mother of the Tri-Murti

Symbolized by the Yoni, the womb

Symbolizes transformative power


Maternal/Natural axis:

1. Good Mother life-giving

2. Terrible Mother destructive

Psychological/Spiritual axis

1. Giver of Wisdom - Maha Vidya

2. Temptress/Deluder - Maha Maya - delused us into thinking that we have earned our own energy, demonstrated in her relationship with Shiva

According to Shakti-followers, Shakti-mat = "he [Shiva] is possessed by Shakti"

(the Goddess of Energy)

Siva or Shiva

According to followers, described as Shakti-mat = "he who possesses Shakti"

Followers say that Shakti is his consort

Takes on the form of Brahma to create and the form of Shiva to destroy

Manifest and Unmanifest parts

1. Param Brahma, nirguna, infinite consciousness, symbolized by linga

2. Maha Isvara, saguna

1) Creator

2) Maintainer

3) Destroyer

4) Remover of maya







(the Destroyer)


the Cosmic Yoni

temporal order, cycles of growth, natural process

transformative power

(symbol of Devi)


Got it

(cosmic, social, and moral order)

Four Stages of Life

Student - education, growing

Householder - responsibility, artha and kama

Hermit - renounces physical material and sexual pleasures, retires from social and professional life

Renouncer - totally devoted to God, state of detachment from physical things and fruits of labor and desires, MOKSHA

(student, etc.)

Four Stations of Life

Caste system

Chapter Huston Smith

(the Four Classes)

Raja Parba

Ritual celebration of the menses of the earth (raja = king, parba = earth)

* husbands leave the village
* brothers and fathers care for women

(menses of the earth)



Giving up worldly attachment, seeking oneness with God

Raju appeared to be a renouncer

At the end he became it, as demonstrated by becoming one with creation/Brahman

Darsan as well


Bhagavad Gita

"Lord's Council to a Disciple"

Short and fairly recent work

700 verses

dialogue of Krishna with Arjuna

Krishna is charioteer of Arjuna, who a self-reflective archer

Sees family and friends on both sides, so doesn't want to fight

Krishna goes through several reasons as to why he must fight

Reason it is influential workc= addresses what to do when your sva-dharma and sadharana dharma seem to conflict

Leads to idea of Karm-Yoga - working w/out attachment to the fruits of your actions

Purusha Sukta (Rig Veda X.90)

By the seer Rishi Narayana

Cosmic Man in whom consists all of creation

1000 heads

1000 eyes

1000 legs

This is the only God who is everywhere at every time in whom consists everything

No desire is possible when all of creation is one Purush

The Purusha is not the ‘seen’ but the ‘seer’ => “seer seeing himself without a seen"

shortcut to Superconsciousness for the seeker of Reality


Series of works

Part 6

Sage by the name of Uddalaka and his son, Svetaketu

Father to son: To know the Vedas is not enough – one needs instruction in that which cannot be perceived (composition of all clay is known by having one tiny clod, only distinguishable from other clods of clay by name)


Dissolved salt

Fig seed