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27 Cards in this Set

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What does the heart's conduction system do?
Controls the generation and propagation of electrical signals or action potentials that cause the heart's muscles to contract and pump blood.
How is the heart's electrical activity measured?
Electrodes are placed on the skin from which a composite recording is produced in the form of a graph known as a Electrocardiogram abbreviated as ECG or EKG.
In a normal heart, where does each beat originate?
In the right atrium with an action potential from the sinoatrial node.
The sinoartrial node is referred to as the heart's...
The heat's natural pacemaker.
What phase does the electrical activity of sinoatrial node induce?
Atrial Systole
Describe the Atrial Systole phase.
This is where the electrical signal spreads across both atrium causing the muscles cells to depolarize and contract.
On the ECG the atrial depolarization is represented as what?
The P wave.
The period of conduction that follows atrial systole and precedes the contraction of the ventricles is depicted on the ECG as?
The PR segment.
The PR segment on the ECG is depicted as?
A flat line following the P wave.
When the electrical signal leaves the atria it enters the ventricles via?
Atrioventricular node also known as the AV node.
Where is the atrioventricular node?
In the interatrial septum.
Where does the electrical signal go from the atrioventricular node?
To the Bundle of His.
Where does the electrical signal go after entering the Bundle of His?
Through the bundle branches
How is the electrical activity represented on the EKG as it travels through the Bundle of His?
As the downward Q wave.
How is the electrical activity represented on the EKG as it spreads through the bundle branches?
At the upward R wave.
How is the electrical activity represented on the EKG as it spreads through the Purkinje Fibers?
As the downward S wave.
Where are the Purkinje Fibers located?
Along the ventricle walls.
As the electrical signal spreads through the ventricle walls what do the contractile fibers do?
Depolarized and contract rapidly.
The depolarization and contraction of the ventricle walls induce what?
Ventricular systole.
How is the ventricular depolarization represented on the EKG?
By the QRS complex.
What else occurs during the QRS complex?
Atrial repolarization which is hidden on the EKG by the QRS complex.
What happens as the electrical signal passes passes out of the ventricular walls?
The ventricular walls relax and and recover which is a state that is described as the ventricular diastole.
How is ventricular diastole represented on the EKG
As a dome shape T wave.
The T wave marks what?
Ventricular repolarization.
What is the ST segment on the EKG?
It is a depiction of the ventricular walls repolarization.
What does the QT Interval represent?
The time it takes the repolarization and depolarization to occur.
Is an EKG a tracing of a single action potential?
No. It is a amalgamation of the many action potentials that constitute the electrical activity of the heart.