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166 Cards in this Set

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2 details of the political impact of German invasion from 1941.
1. Fuelled existing soviet suspicions about the outside world.
2. Made Stalin more determined to have soviet influence in central and eastern europe.
3 details on the military impact of German invasion from 1941.
1.150,000 soldiers dead or injured in the first week of invasion.
2.The morale was lowered as many got frostbite or illness and there were lots of killings in cold blood.
3. Creation of Stavka (centralized military command) fueled by Sep 41, disaster at Kiev, Stalin said to retreat and they were encircled.
5 details on the civilian impact of German invasion from 1941.
1. more women left than men, led to intermarriages and increased russification.
2.lack of consumer goods as large focus on defence.
3.more civilians died on the front than any other war.
4. Order 270 meant every man must fight, deserters were shot and their families imprisoned.
5. 20m civilians killed and villages were destroyed by Germans.
4 details on the economic impact of German invasion from 1941
1. economy declined dramatically, coal oil and steel all fell.
2.1/8 of labour force in occupied territory.
3. agriculture decimated by scorched earth policy.
4. all efforts went into war production and central planning worked well.
The GKO in relation to Stalin's role in the management of the war effort.
It was set up quickly after invasion and controlled war time decisions acting as an inner politburo.
Fog of war n relation to Stalin's role in the management of the war effort.
Created confusion and the central administration did not always know what was happening and it was simply not possible to make all war time decisions in Moscow.
The Soviet System in relation to Stalin's role in the management of the war effort.
much more effective than hitlers
Big errors in relation to Stalin's role in the management of the war effort.
Kharkov 1943, told soldiers to retreat and they became encircled.
Soviet armed forces in relation to Stalin's role in the management of the war effort.
Kept under political control at all time. Political commissars attatched to army officials at all levels in July '41 just like old Leninist system. Abolished in Oct '42 as military commanders grew in confidence.
Punishment in relation to Stalin's role in the management of the war effort.
Stalin brutally punished failure for examples generals whose forces defected early in the war.
Stalin's image in relation to Stalin's role in the management of the war effort.
Stalin was an effective symbol of resistance for example he stayed in Moscow.
Concessions in relation to Stalin's role in the management of the war effort.
Stalin made concessions to straighten the regime eg opening churches
How did Khrischev build up a power base?
appointing followers to the CC
Malenkov gave up what role after stalins death
head of the party
how malenkov was seen by others
hated and colourless
what was wrong with 7 yr plans in K's time
same faults as 5yp mismanagement of resources obsession with targets and quantity over quality s
what did each region do with their resources in K's time
jealously guarded them
when did K say full socialism had been achieved
what happened with the hungarian uprising in 1956
K allowed reformist imre nagy to take power in hungary and then they tried to leave warsaw pact and K had to send warsaw pact forces in
khruschev gave more attention to consmer good t/f
Khruschev's great space achievement
Sputnik I and yuri gagarin is first man in space
how did working conditions improve in K's time
shorter working day, more holidays, longer maternity leave, better pensions
how did Khruschev make agriculture better
higher state prices for deliveries, reduction in taxes on private plots, collectives merged into larger state farms
after the secret speech in 1956 how was stalin seen
as a non person, renamed stalingrad to volgograd and moved his body
did khruschev danger himself by doing the secret speech
yes as he had links with the great terror in the 30's
what did the cuban missile crisis almost lead to
war with the USA, and embarassment for USSR bc they had to back down
what happened to economic growth in K's time
it declined
ultimately, did khrischev's agricultural reforms help
no they had failed to resolve shortfalls in production
when was the anti party plot
In K's time, what book was published
solzhenitsyn's a day in the life of ivan denisovich
what book was still banned in K's time
pasternak's doctor zhivago
how did K show antisemitism remained
banned russian jews from emigrating to israel
How did K treat religion
priests harassed and churches shut
what did government spendinf also do
provided educational and medical care reforms
who did K release
thousands of pol prisoners
Laver: "If Khruschev's aim had been to.."
"modify stalinism....he probably succeeded"
Mcauly: "His optimism..." (K)
"led to hasty reforms"
Roberts: "made life..." (K)
"less dangerous and unpredictable"
Kenez: "the problems he recognised were" (K)
"inherenet in the system he wanted to save"
Filtzer: "He could not.." (K)
"solve the essential problems"
How did Gorbachev try to get rid of corruption
sacked key officials in the republics eg the kazakh party leader which led to riots
how did gorbachev want to redirect spending
move away from defence towards consumer goods which would help detente with the usa
gorbachev wanted to maintain the centrally planned ecomony and make it more efficient how
put 60 industrial ministries into 7 super ministries
what did Gorbachev do in his new contitutuion
made clear distinctions between the party, the administration and judges, guarentee individual rights
what happened when gorbachev was the only candidate for executive presidency in 1990
71 percent of the congress of peoples deputies voted for him but normal soviets didnt vote, which dented his reputation and the executive presidency was like a dictatorship
why was there ideological suspicion from as early as 1986
G encouraged private enterprises
description of Gorbachev's reforms and perestroika
no coherent programme and unplanned and constatntly changing
why did gorbachev reject the shatalin plan in 1990
did not want to decentralise economic power to the republics
what happened in june 1990 at the 28th party congress
radical yeltsin walked out and resigned after rifts between him and the conservatives. media glare etc etc
august 23rd 1991 what did yeltsin do to gorbachev
showed gorbachev that every member of gorbachev's cabinet supprted the coup
why did republics have little choice but to break away from communism
not recognised by yeltsins russia
Laver: "Gorbachev never understood.."
"the strength of nationalist feeling unleashed expecially by glasnost"
Laver: "There was no substance to Gorbachev's policies.."
"they were sometimes little more than slogans"
Marples: "Gorbachev was"
"a cautious leader"
Why did the supreme soviet ban all communist activity in the USSR
because of communist role in the coup....treason
what did Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia form in Dec 1991
the Commonwealth of Independent states, cancelling the 1922 setting up of the USSR
why did the coup fail?? 4REASONS
1. didnt arrest yeltsin
2.didnt have all of armed forces support
3. conservatives lacked a coherent policy
4. Gorbachev dint buckle to pressure
what was phase 1 acceleration about (4 things)
need for efficiency, closed distilleries, regroup 60 ministries to 7 super ministries, individual labour activity encouraged private enterprise
what was phase 2 radical reform from above about
reduce parties economic interference, made private enterprises legal. economic growth shrunk leadeing to rationing
what happened in phase 4 break up of soviet union
planned economy brought to an end after supreme soviet permitted private property ownership
glasnost facts
lolita published
films on social issues abortion etc
bad start bc of chernobyl disaster not reported for 2 weeks
what did august 1991 draft for communist party barely mention?? and what did it lead to??
no ref basically to communism and led to coup
why did gorbachev seperate judges and law to party
so all party members accountable to law
how often did the supremee soviet meet
twice a year for several months
nobody could hold a what and and what at the same time (G)
party position and state position
Andropov has what kind of behaviour according to Lacer
what did andropov want to do (4)
increase work efficiency, he ruined detente (korean airplane thing), halted jewish emigration, clamped down on corruption
chernenko facts (5)
in power barely a year, dropped anti corruption campaign, tried to resurect detente, harsh on dissidents, did something like VL scheme
wat problems faced the USSR by the 1980s
economic stagnation and stuggling to maintain super power status
in Nov 1964 what did brezhnev do
abolished all of Khrichev's previous policies including putting job secuirity (stability of cadres) and party priveleges
what was the nomenklatura
list of half a million party members. food for B's leadership as saved tie finding people and helped loylty etc
what was widespread with brezhnevs family
corruption x
Laver on Brezhnev: "No particular..."
"drive or obvious skill"
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
military production was....
a strain and took resources
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
to much investment in..
agriculture and less in industry
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
central planning system could not...
compete with complex economy
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
obsession with
growth, cost and quality given low priority
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
signs of stagnation were ignored bc..
living standards were improving
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
targets were too
SHORT TERM "chronic short termism" johnson
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
failure of..
kosygin reforms
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
continuation of..
5YP prevented innovation
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
Gosplans targets and prices were
badly worked out
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
a quarter of investment went into
military defence and stuff despire detente
reasons why Brezhnev's economy stagnated:
nobody was kept on their toes as in Khrsuschev's time bc
they were complacent and didnt worry about jobs for life scheme by him
In Brezhnev's time politburo age increased by
10 years
Laver: Brezhnev "let.."
"sleeping dogs lie"
what was the prague spring
warsaw pact forces invaded czechoslvakia to crush human rights freedoms given and the regime was replaced with hard line communists
what happened to helsinki motinoring groups
harassed and imprisoned, by drawing attention these groups their cause became more well known!
Brezhnev allowed the jews to do what
emigrate although they were taxed heavily
what happened with sinyavsky and daniel
sinyavsky supported doctor zhivago and daniel had anti soviet writings and intellectuals protested for them.
what new law did the KGB introduce after demonstattions
criminal act to "distibute false media harmful to soviet state and society"
what did the afgan war lead to
USA and other countries boycotting 1980 olympics
what did kosygins reforms encourage
intiative and wanted workers and managers to innovate but still old problems remained eg not wanting to delay targets
what was the result of soviet citizens earning more in brezhnevs time
there was a higher demand for food etc leading to shortages
what did the 10th and 11th 5YPs do
put to use oil found in siberia. focused on space and defence too
peasents were treated how in brezhnevs time
better, internal pasports and less targets to meet
what tripled in brezhnevs era
in the 1970's, the USSR was the worlds largest
wheat producer
what was the 1977 constituion about (4)
USSR a "mature socialist society", peasents could have private plots, freedom of speech, A new "soviet people" would emerge
why did life expectancy fall in brezhnevs time
pollution and alcohol abuse
in the republics, what ethnic group rose rapidly
there was a growth of adults with what in brezhnevs time (2)
higher education, divorce
what became the norm in B's time
5 day working week
what were doctors and hospitals like in brezhnevs time
hospitals badly run and doctors prone to bribes
women in brezhnevs time
second class citizens and few reached the top of their job
Brezhnev abolished
decentralised ministries
Brezhnev promoted..
his supporters to the politburo
The central committee increased in size considerably in Brezhnevs time but
only met 12 times bwteren 15 years so not much influence
brezhnev was strong because he had
no obvious successor
why did growth in party membership fell
stricter admissions and requirements
what was mentioned in the secret speech 1956
kirov assasination and lenins testament, said stalin was against essence of maxism leninism
Laver: K's secret speech "created..."
"waves within the leadership"
Keep: "The speech was an act.."
"of considerable political courage"
Khruschev gave ecomomic aid to
3rd world countries but didnt rlly get anything back
khruschev gave less money to
the military which upset them as he was spending it on nukes
khruschev's jobs forlife scheme meant
a bit of opposition as privelages were threatened
who was in the anti party plot
malenkov, molotiv bulganin kaganovich
who saved K in the anti party plot
military commander zhukov
what did governement officials resent
the 105 regional ministires as didnt wanna move from moscow
malenkov info
colourless, made errors (gave up party position), all about the consumer goods.
in Kruschev's time, the death penalty was reduced to
thecrime of treason and ten "large scale economic crime"
in Khruschevs leadership the fundamental feautures of stalinism stayed such as
command economy, one party state
Keep: "Khrischev kept.."
"peasent affair at the centre of attention for an entire decade"
medical care under K
good, infant mortality dropped
living standards under K
better but still backwards compared to west, still major housing shortage
(khruschev slums)
what happened to city peoples land in 1958
couldnt keep cattle on it so had to buy meat from shops but was often in little supply
educational reforms under K
abolished college fees,emphasis on evening classes
what could peasents buy
tractors, small collectives struggled
what did khrischev introduce in 1961
"RULE 25" ONE QUARTER of the cc and presidum had to be new each election to reduce complacency
what were comrade courts in khruschev's time
where minor offences were dealt with at a local level, often corrupt and subject to bribery
what could secret police no longer do in Khruschevs time
could not conduct trials without evidence and a confession was not enough!!
brezhnev/ Laver: "period..."
"of complacency"
volkogonov: "Brezhnev symbolised..."
"the decline of the USSR"
Bialer: brezhnev era a time of "lost...""
Laver: Brezhnev "Oozed.."
June 1941
german invasion of USSR
July 1941
stalins first war broadcast calling for fierce resistance
may 1945
germans surrender
the ussr gave priority to what in the war
defence, reflecting fear of attack
how was agriculture ruined in the war
scorched earth policy
how was moral lowered in the war
frost bite, deaths in cold blood
what was created 2 days after german invasion
stavka, centralised military command
who announced invasion of ussr
Laver: "films depicted stalin.."
"winning the war single handendy"
coal production fell in the war why
coal miners unskilled
what was lend lease
usa gave ussr trucks and one ffth of soviet resources
what losses during ww2 were about a third
economy strained to breaking point why
children and oldies orked and workers often had to join in fighting
munitions output doubled
half a billon shells produced
what hapened in moscow oct 1941
looting and rioting as party members were seen leaing bc of imminent attack
who did the NKVD round up during the war
anyone with a history of opposition "rumour mongers" people who retreated on battlefield
during the war bad news was
witheld and german losses exagerating
what was set up during the war by soviet ppl
peoples militias to back up but often unskilled
zhdanhov intoduced
anti cosmo
what did the trueman doc and marhsall aid do
provided support to european countrues vulnerable to communism
who was vlaslov
russian liberation army, hanged as fought for germans
after the war stalin called for
"sacrifice and eternal vigilance"
what as reconstucted after the war
hydro electtric power station and soviet rail system
after the war economc help was lost from
usa and us
after the war, the state took 70 percent of
harvested grain
after the war what was reported what in the ukraine
ward described stalin like
doctors plot was what
jewish doctors killed zhdanov
russian jews tortured to confessing treason
Laver on high stalism "independent..."
"thought was stifled."
Kenez on high stalinism "fear..."
"governed the life of all"
mcauly on stalins time " a dark.."
"time for jews"