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39 Cards in this Set

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The _________ has preserved the basic design of Federalism.
_______ is not a static relationship between different levels of gov't.
Powers that the Constitution grants or delegates to the national gov't.
Delegated Powers
The ________ are those powers directly expressed or stated in the Constitution by the Founders.
Expressed Powers
Most of the ________ are found in the first three articles of the Constitution.
Expressed Powers
Another name for Expressed Powers
Enumerated Powers
________ powers are the powers that the national gov't requires to carry out the powers that expressly defined in the Constitution.
Implied Powers
The basis for the implied powers is the _____________.
Necassary and Proper Clause
Another name for the Necessary and Proper Clause.
Elastic Clause
The _______ allows the powers of Congress to be stretched.
Elastic Clause
Congress has used the __________ to regulate nuclear power plants and to develop the space program.
Implied Powers
Ex. the nat' gov't must control immigration and establish diplomatic relations with other countries.
Inherent Powers
These powers arent out spelled out in the Constitution.
Inherent Powers
The Constitution reserves certain powers to the _______.
The Constitution does not list these powers.
Reserved Powers
Article VI requires that national and state officials and judges be bound to support the __________.
Local gov'ts are also bound by the Constitution's _________.
Supremacy Clause
The Federal Gov't and the states also have certain _________.
Concurrent Powers
examples: power to tax, to maintain courts and define crimes, and to appropriate private property for public use.
Concurrent Powers
the Constitution specifically denies some powers to all levels of _______.
Article I presents a long list of powers denied to the ____.
The national gov't must guarantee each state a ______ form of gov't.
The national gov't must _________ from ivasion and domestic violence.
protect states
An attack by a foreign power on one state is considered an attack on the __________
United States
The national gov't has the duty to respect the ___________ of each state.
territorial integrity
The Constitution give Congress the power to ________ new states to the Union.
The procedure for admission begins when Congress passes an ____________
enabling act
after the Constitution has been drafted and approved by a popular vote in the area, it is submitted to __________.
The _______ _______ has ruled that the president or Congress may impose conditions for admission of a state.
Supreme Court
Once admitted to the Union, each state is equal to every other state and has rights to control its __________.
internal affairs
State and local gov'ts conduct and pay for _________ of all national gov't officials.
The ________ play a key role in the process of amending the Constitution.
__________ divides the powers of gov't.
_______ ________ serve as umpires of federalism when the review the actions of state and local gov'ts.
Federal Judges
Means to return to a state- criminals and fugitives who flee across state lines to escape justice.
The Constitution state that "___________" shall be given in each state to public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.
"full faith and credit"
The courts have never given a complete list of "________________."
"priveledges and immunities"
states may make reasonable ____________ against non residents.
Such compacts are written agreements between two or more states.
interstate compacts