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12 Cards in this Set

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Shape / Form
________ implies spatial form and is usually perceived as two-dimensional. __________ has depth, length, and width and resides in space. It is perceived as three-dimensional.
_________ all come from the three primaries and black and white. They have three properties – hue, value, and intensity.
_________ refers to relative lightness and darkness and is perceived in terms of varying levels of contrast.
__________ refers to the tactile qualities of a surface (actual) or to the visual representation of such surface qualities (implied).
Space / Perspective
___________refers to the area in which art is organized. __________ is representing a volume of space or a 3-dimensional object on a flat surface.
___________ refers to the repetition or reoccurrence of a design element, exact or varied, which establishes a visual beat.
Rhythm / Movement
__________or __________ refers to the suggestion of motion through the use of various elements.
Proportion / Scale
___________ is the size relationship of parts to a whole and to one another. Scale refers to relating size to a constant, such as a human body.
__________ is the impression of equilibrium in a pictorial or sculptural composition. Balance is often referred to as symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial.
_________ is achieved when the components of a work of art are perceived as __________, giving the work a sense of completion.
__________ refers to the created center of __________, the place in an artwork where your eye first lands.
______a fundamental mark or stroke used in drawing in which the length is longer than the width. Two connected points form a line and every _______ has a length, width, and direction if it is straight