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26 Cards in this Set

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Difference between a need and a want


A need is something that we cannot do without we want to survive aka primary needs e.g. oxygen, food and water


A desire or craving for certain things that we would like to have aka secondary needs e.g. expensive means

Everything other than a roof over your head, food and water, basic health care and clothing, is a want

Natural needs and wants

Need for food, clothing, love, power, sympathy, relaxation, happiness and comfort

Essential needs

People cannot survive without them

Food, housing and health services

Luxury wants

Expensive furniture and clothes and a motor car

Need for safety, security and protection

People need protection against criminals and disasters

Spiritual needs and wanrs

People have an internal need for religious or spiritual values

Cultural needs

People have a need to belong to a certain cultural group

The cultural life of different people differs a lot and so do their needs

Basic needs of individuals and families

Individual needs and wants depend on personal likes and dislikes and the money available

Basic needs of communities

Proper roads etc

Basic needs of a country

A country gets it's income or revenue mainly from taxes

This money is then used to satisfy the needs and wants of the country

Primary and secondary needs

Abraham Maslow, an American professor used a pyramid to show the different kinds of needs and wants

He believed that to be happy, we have to meet our survival needs first

Physiological needs

Food, water, oxygen and warmth

Safety and security needs

Safety of body, health, property and famiky

Social needs

Love, belonging, family and friendship

Esteem needs

The need for confidence, achievement and respect

Self-actualisation needs

The need for self-development and creativity

Unlimited wants

The basic economic problem is that needs and wants are unlimited, while the resources to satisfy them are limited

Needs and wants are unlimited

People have many needs and wants and as soon as a need or want is satisfied, another one takes place

Needs and wants have limited intensity

Sometimes the satisfaction of having a need or want metadata only a short time, and in other cases it is more permanent

Needs and wants compete with one another (supplementary) and can replace one another

A person may easily change from needing or wanting one product or service to needing another similar product or service

Needs and wants are complementary or are derived from others

Some needs and wants involve other needs and wants. The need for tea crates the need for milk, sugar and cups. Such needs are complementary

Wants become habits

Satisfying a want for smoking and drinking, especially alcohol may result in a habit

Wants differ with time

As time passes people's needs and wants change

Needs and wants differ from place to place

People living at the South Pole need very warm clothes, whereas people living near the equator need cooler clothes

Needs and wants differ from person to person

People do not have the same needs and wants. A cellphone might be a necessity, but it is a luxury for a school going child

Limited resources to satisfy needs and wants

Since needs and wants are unlimited, the problem of scarcity exists

This problem must be dressed, which leads to the economic problem: how to allocate scarce resources to satisfy unlimited needs and wants