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36 Cards in this Set

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Free Soil Party
Who: Drew from the existing Liberty Party and the antislavery wings of the Whig and Democratic parties endorsed by the Wilmot Proviso; opposed the expansion of slavery into western regions
When: arose in presidential campaign of 1848
Significance: Signaled the inability of the existing parties to contain the political passions slave was crating; important part of a process that would lead to the collapse of the second party system
Fugitive Slave Law
What: Southern slave holders demanded the return of any runaway slave caught in the North
When: as part of Compromise of 1850
Significance: Heightened northern fears of south slave holding conspiracy
Harriet Tubman
Who: Runaway slave from Maryland, abolitionist, humanitarian and Union Spy during the American Civil War who rescued and took to safety many slaves through a slave network known as the Underground Railroad
When: Began her missions after the passing of the Compromise of 1850
Significance: Led many from slavery to freedom; was the "Moses" of her time"; contradicted the views of white superiority and back inferiority
Ostend Manifesto
What: U.S purchase of Cuba from Spain and if refused, a declaration for war would take place
When: October 1854
Significance: Enraged many antislavery northerners who charged the administration with conspiring to bring a new slave state into the Union; South was willing to provoke war with Spain to extend more slave holding states
Kansas Nebraska Act
What: Region north of Missouri Compromise in Louisiana Territory would have the territory legislature determine slavery ("popular sovereignty"; area would be divided in two- Kansas and Nebraska.
When: Became law in 1854
Significance: Divided and destroyed the Whig party, divided the northern Democrats, and spurred the creation of a new Republican Party
Wilmot Proviso:
What: Prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico
When: August 1846
Significance: Debated on and voted on repeatedly for years; Southerners contented that all Americans had equal rights in the new territories including the right to move their property (slaves)
William Lloyd Garrison
Who: Anti-slavery; author of the Liberator
When: 1830's
Significance: Influenced the views many had on slavery; formed the New England Antislavery Society in 1832
Frederick Douglas
Abolitionist reformer who was born a slave, struggled for his freedom, and who then devoted his life to the abolitionist cause. This lifetime battle for freedom in America makes him perhaps the most important African-American leader of the 19th century
Popular Sovereignty
The status of slavery in the territories was to be determined by the settlers themselves
Underground Railroad
(Not really underground); a slave network which led many slaves to freedom from the south to Canada; Harriet Tubman influenced this network alot
Compromise of 1850
California was entered as a free state, New Mexico and Utah were each allowed to use popular sovereignty to decide the issue of slavery. In other words, the people would pick whether the states would be free or slave, the Republic of Texas gave up lands that it claimed in present day New Mexico and received $10 million to pay its debt to Mexico, the slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia, applied the Fugitive Slave Law
Dred Scott Decision
It was an opportunity for abolitionists to win an early victory against the institution of slavery in the United States.
Panic of 1857
Declining of the international economy and the over expansion of the domestic economy.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe (abolitionist) who made the world realize through her book the evils of slavery. She changed the way many people viewed slavery
Bleeding Kansas
Caused by the Kansas-Nebraska Act- Kansas territory was the site of much violence over whether the territory would be free or slave
Crittenden Compromise
six amendments to the Constitution in an attempt to appease the Deep South and preserve the Union of the United States. The compromise failed due to a lack of support among Republicans, including President Abraham Lincoln.
Fort Sumter
First Engagement of the Union and the Confederacy in the American Civil War in which the Confederates managed to come out victorious. This demonstrated the capability of the South and also weakened the morale of the north
Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederacy during the American Civil War but was also the cause of corruption in the South and their disadvantages
Anaconda Plan
Union planned to surround the South, keeping them from access to any outside relation, and the Union would squish in. The plan failed
Robert E. Lee
Aggressive Confederate commander of war who led the Confederate to many strategic victories
Ulysses S. Grant
Union commander in war who shared the same viewpoints as President Lincoln; in the end, he came out victorious as Robert E. Lee surrendered to him
Iron Clads
Naval ships which were practically impossible to take down. Didn't help much to either side
Battle of Antietam
Single bloodiest battle in the north; the Battle of Antietam forced the Confederate Army to retreat back across the Potomac River. President Lincoln saw the significance of this and issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862.
Emancipation Proclamation
Document issued by President Lincoln which freed all slaves in the Confederacy except for those in the border states (punishment for seceding)
54th Regiment
One of the first official black units for the Union during the American Civil War; this step was the great turning point in the development of the movement to arm the Negro as a soldier; blacks were being noticed as humans
Morril Tarrtif Act 1861
Protective tariff act which raised rates to protect and encourage industry in high wages of industrial workers
Homestead Act 1862
Gave 160 acre of undeveloped, federal land which included free slaves but had to live on it a minim um of five years and be over 21
Legal Tender Act 1862
Was created to issue paper money to finance the Civil War without raising taxes
Pacific Railway Act 1862
Promoted the construction of the transcontinental railroad through gov. bonds and grants of land to railroad companies
National Bank Act 1863
Established a national charter for banks and encouraged the development of a national currency
Battle of Vicksburg
The Union took control of the Mississippi River
Battle of Gettysburg
The Civil Wars turning point; Union victory and ended Lee's invasion of the North
Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War and who advocated for peace; were given their name after a poisonous snake
New York Draft Riots 1863
Violent riots against the draft which made it made it legal for Congress to use any man for battle
Place where Lee and Grant came up with their decision for the ending of the war
Trent Affair
Union interfered in a relationship the south was having with other international countries (England and France); increase desire for war