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63 Cards in this Set

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What is the basic unit of all structure?
What is a fundamental substance composed of atoms that have the same atomic number?
Most important elements are from a quantative point of view are?
What is defined as the sum of numbers of protons and neutrons in its nucleus?
Atomic Weight
Isotopes are best known for the fact that some of them are?
____________ are structures that result from attachment of atoms to one another by chemical bonds.
____________ are substances composed of molecules of the same type.
____________ processes that form or break chemical bonds, resulting in the formation of new compunds.
Chemical Reaction
Atoms that are more stable, with nearly full outer levels tend to acquire electrons to fill thier orbitals and are called ____________________.
Electron Acceptors
Atoms that are far from having a filled outer level can find stability more easily by moving in the direction of emptying thier outermost energy, thus called _______________________?
Electron Donors
The ___________of an element is the number of electrons it can accept or donate.
Electron donors have __________ valence.
Electron acceptors have ___________ valence.
______________ can also readily form either single or double bonds with other carbons.
The strength of chemical bonds depend on the extent to which each of the bonded atoms shares the _____________ involved.
In a ___________ bond, the strongest form, the bonded partners share one or more electrons to complete thier outer energy levels.
If a donor and acceptor are about equally strong, each shared electron spends about the same time with each of the 2 bonded atoms, this is called?
nonpolar bond
If a donor and acceptor are unequal in strength, each shared electron spends more time with one partner than the other, this is called?
polar bond
Atoms connected by a polar bond form what is called an __________________ ?
electrical dipole
An atom that has the electron more of the time is the ____________ ?
negative pole.
A/An __________ bond is formed when an element that readily gives up electrons reacts with an element that readily accepts them.
Ionic bonds are ___________ than covalent bonds.
__________________________ are attractive forces that develop between molecules or between different parts of the same large molecule.
Van der Waals forces
Combining 2 or more elements or compound to form a new compund according to the form A+B= AB.
Synthetic Reactions
In physiology, the formation of new protiens from free amino acids or deposition of bone from free calcium and phosphate is called?
Anabolic process
The opposite of a synthetic reaction, taking AB-> A+B, is called?
Decompasition reactions
__________ is defined as a system's total energy that could be used to work.
Free energy
Substances that promote reactions by lowering thiwer activation energy barriers without themselves being changes in the reaction.
Protiens that act as the body's catalyst, permitting it to carry out at body temperature reactions that would require much higher temperature if conducted w/o catalysis.
The lungs secrete a substance that interferes with the water-water interactions and reduces surface tension.
Pulmanary surfactant
A suspension whose particles are so small that intermolecular forces can overcome the force of gravity and keep the particles suspended?
Substance that increases the PH of a solution is called?
Substance that decreases the Ph of a solutions is called?
Solutions with a Ph=7 are considered?
Compounds that dissociate in solution to yield a free cation other than H+ and an anion other than OH.
A system of reactants that acts to minimize changes in Ph.
The main buffer system for exrtracellular fluid, including both blood plasma and interstitial fluid that surrounds the cells is know as the?
Bicarbonate Buffer System
_________________ compunds are those that contain carbon and hydrogen.
_____________________ contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the ration 1:2:1.
Major nonpolar, water-insoluble organic molecules in the body are called?
________________________ are the major form of stored lipid in the body, making up the majority of the fat in adipose cells.
_____________________ is an essential constituent of plasma membranes as well as a starting point for synthesis of a large family of steroid hormones.
These are derivatives of arachidonic acid, a twenty-carbon fatty acid.
Organic compounds that contain atleast one carbon atom that is bonded simutaneoulsy to carboxyl group, amino group, hydrogen group,and a side chain of varying complexity.
Amino Acids
In ____________________________, the inhibitor molecule simply occupies the active site of the enzyme, preventing interaction with the normal substrate.
Competitive Inhibition
In ____________________________, the inhibitor binds to another site on the enzyme, changing the teritary structure of the enzyme and affecting the ability of the active site to recognize its substrate.
Noncompetitive inhibition
______________ means "at another site" than the active site.
Energy captured by reduced coenzymes may be converted to ATP by a process called?
oxidative phosphorylation
Linear chains of nucleotides strung together in a sequence that carries information is known as?
nucleic acids
2 types of Nucleic Acids are?
DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid)
RNA(ribonucleic acid)
In the very simplest definition, a _________ is the code that specifies a single protein.
When parts of the amino acids are clipped off or two or more polypeptides are attached together to form a functional complex?
posttransitional processing
Proteins that are to undergo destruction are labeled with a molecule called?
Ubiquitinated membrane proteins are removed from the cell surface by_______________ of the membrane containing them.
A ___________ is a nuclear structure consiting of a double strand of DNA together with a large number od associated smaller molecules.
Human cells have a total of ________ chromosones, twenty-two pairs of somatic, and a pair of sex chromosones.
XX chromosones specifify _______ genetic sex.
XY chromosones specify __________ genetic sex.
A process of cell division by which body cells increase in number during growth and development.
When each cell recieves a copy of one or the other of the pair of homologous chromosomes.
Cells that go through meiosis and contain only one member of each chromosome pair are called
Which of the subatomic particles is not taken into account in the calculation of the elemen's atomic weight?
The weight of an electron is 1/1800th the weight of the other particles and therefore not taken into account when calculating?
element's atomic weight