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12 Cards in this Set

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the large fiber pathway for tactile discrimination from the head overview

aka trigeminal large primary afferents

-function: detect fine touch, two-pt discrimination, proprioception from mechanoreceptors

-uses A-beta and A-delta fibers in the trigeminal

-3 neurons

the large fiber pathway for tactile discrimination from the head neuron 1

-origin: mechanoreceptors on A-beta and A-delta fibers from the trigeminal ganglion

-course: trigeminal nerve - uncrossed

-termination: principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal in the pons near nerve entry

-organization: trigeminal distribution is topographically organized into ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular divisions

the large fiber pathway for tactile discrimination from the head neuron 2

aka trigeminal lemniscus

-origin: principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal

-course: axons form the trigeminal lemniscus that runs near the medial lemniscus-crossed

-termination: ventrobasal complex of the dorsal thalamus, specifically the VPM nucleus

-organization: the crossed tigeminothalamic tract carries info from all divisions, the ipsilateral tract is uncrissed and mostly carries info from the V3 division (oral cavity is represented bilaterally)

the large fiber pathway for tactile discrimination from the head neuron 3

aka thalamocortical projections of the VPM

-origin: VPM

-course: posterior limb of the internal capsule - uncrossed

-termination: primary somatosenstory cortex areas 1, 2, and 3

-organization: in cortex, head and face is lateral and ventral in S1

the small fiber trigeminal afferent pathway for pain and temperature sensation in the head overview

-funct: pain and temperature sensation

-3 neurons

-noiceptors and mechano/thermo-receptors

the small fiber trigeminal afferent pathway for pain and temperature sensation in the head neuron 1

-origin: nociceptors, A-delta and C fibers from the small trigeminal ganglion cells; some cells from superior ganglion of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves

-course: trigeminal nerve - uncrossed

-termination: spinal trigeminal nucleus (in pons, medulla, and upper cervical spinal cord)

-organization: large receptive fields; concentric circles centered on the oral cavity: most caudal fibers represent the top of the head, most rostral are closest to oral cavity

the small fiber trigeminal afferent pathway for pain and temperature sensation in the head neuron 2

aka trigemino-thalamic pain pathway

-origin: spinal trigeminal nucleus

-course: trigeminothalamic tract - axons join the trigeminal meniscus near medial lemniscus - crossed

-termination: VPM in thalamus

-organization: oral cavity = medial; ophtalamic = lateral

the small fiber trigeminal afferent pathway for pain and temperature sensation in the head neuron 3

aka thalamocortical projections of the VPM

assume same as the rest of the body

-origin: VPM

-course: internal capsule, posterior limb

-termination: ambiguous modality neurons --> S1 cortex; specific pain info --> dorsal insular cortex; affect of pain info --> cingulate cortex

cornial blink reflex

-spinal trigeminal ganglion small afferents innervate cornea

-neurons from the spinal trigeminal nucleus have axons that branch and synapse in many places, including facial nucleus

-post synaptic facial motorneurons fine and close the eyelid

mesencephalic trigeminal afferents overview

aka motor trigeminal afferent

-funct: jaw jerk reflex, proprioception info to principle sensory nucleus

-2 neurons

mesencephalic trigeminal afferents neuron 1

-origin: muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs from Ia and Ib fibers enter the pons and continue rostrally to midbrain where the cell bodies are (in the mesencephalic trigeminal ganglion)

-course: then continue caudally back to the pons - uncrossed

-termination: motor nucleus of the trigeminal and principle sensory nucleus of the trigeminal

-organization: by muscle group

mesencephalic trigeminal afferents neuron 2

-origin: motor neurons of the trigeminal nucleus

-course: trigeminal nerve - uncrossed

-termination: muscles of mastication, striated muscle

-organization: by muscle group