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15 Cards in this Set

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The portion of the cell outside the nucleus

Fills the emptiness in the cell


The structures in a cell that act like specialized organans


Large, sac-like, membrane-enclosed structures that are used to store materials such as salts, proteins, carbohydrates

Cells storage


Small organelles filled with enzymes that break down substrates and organelles that have out lived their usefulness

"junk" removers


A network of filaments that are found in eukaryote cells that give the cell their shape and internal organization

"skeleton" of the cell


Organelles Not found in plant cells that are located near the nucleus of a cell to help with cell division

Help split the cell


Small particles of RNA and protein found throughout the cytoplasm in all cells that produce proteins by following coded instructions that come from DNA

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Where lipid components of the cell membrane are assembled, along with proteins and other materials that are exported from the cell.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

(Rough ER)

The portion of the ER that is involved in the synthesis of proteins.

It's covered with ribosomes

Smooth ER

The portion of the ER that contains a collection of enzymes that perform specialized tasks, including the synthesis of the membrane lipids and the detoxification of drugs.

Part of ER with no ribosomes n

o ribosomes attached

Golgi Apparatus

An organelles that modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and other materials from the ER for storage in the cellar release outside the cell.


Organelles that are contained in plants and some other organisms that capture energy from sunlight and convert it into food that contains chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis.

"Solar panels" of eukaryote cells and some other organelles.


Organelles, found in nearly all eukaryotic cells, that convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell use.

"power plants" of the cell

Cell Wall

A thick barrier that surrounds the cell. Found in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, except animal cells.

Thick barrier

Lipid Bilayer

The double layer of the cell Membrane which regulates what enters and leaves the cell. It also gives the cell membranes a flexible structure that forms a strong barrier which protects and supports the cell.

Structure of the cell Membrane