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104 Cards in this Set

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This theory states that all living things are composed of cells, the cell is the basic functional unit of life, cells only arise from pre-existing cells and that cells carry genetic information in the form of DNA that is passed on from parent to daughter cell

the cell theory
these are not considered living things because they are acellular, cannot reproduce without the assistance of a host cell, and may contain RNA as their genetic material


this type of cell has membrane bound organelles, a nucleus, and may form multicellular organisms


what does the cell membrane and membranes of organelles contain that organize to form a hydrophilic interior and exterior surfaces with a hydrophobic core


this suspends the organelles of eukaryotic cells and allow diffusion of molecules throughout the cell

this eukaryotic organelle contains DNA
what is the DNA in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell organized into?
what surrounds the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell?
nuclear membrane or evelope

a double membrane that contains nuclear pores for 2-way exchange of materials between the nucleus and cytosol

nuclear membrane or envelope

DNA is organized into these coding regions


a subsection of the nucleus in which ribosomal RNA is synthesized

this organelle contains an outer and inner membrane


this mitochondrial membrane forms a barrier with the cytosol

outer membrane

this mitochondrial membrane is folded into cristae and contains enzymes for the electron transport chain

inner membrane

the area between the outer and inner membranes of mitochondria

intermembrane space

this is inside of the inner mitochondrial membrane

mitochondrial matrix

how can mitochondria divide independently of the nucleus?

via binary fission

these organelles can trigger apoptosis by releasing their enzymes into the cytoplasm


these organelles contain hydrolytic enzymes that can break down substances ingested by endocytosis and cellular waste products

when the hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes are releases what can occur?

autolysis of the cell

a series of interconnected membranes that is continuous with the nuclear envelope

endoplasmic reticulum
this endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes which permit the translation of proteins destined for secretion
rough ER

this endoplasmic reticulum is used for lipid synthesis and detoxification

smooth ER
this organelle consists of stacked membrane bound sacs in which cellular products can be modified, packaged, and directed to specific cellular locations
golgi apparatus
this organelles contain hydrogen peroxide and can break down very long chain fatty acids via beta oxidation and they also participate in phospholipid synthesis and the pentose phosphate pathway
this provides stability and rigidity to the overall structure of the cell, while also providing transport pathways for molecules within the cell


what are the 3 components of the cytoskeleton?

microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments
these are made of of solid polymerized rods of actin and they provide structural protection for the cell


microfilaments can cause muscle contractions through interactions with what?


the division of materials between daughter cells


during mitosis, the cleavage furrow is formed form what?


what are microtubules composed of?

these create pathways for motor proteins like kinesin and dyenin to carry vesicles

this component of the cytoskeleton also contributes to the structure of cilia and flagella


this component of the cytoskeleton is involved in cell-cell adhesion of maintenance of the integrity of the cytoskeleton; they help anchor organelles

intermediate filaments

keratin and desmin are common examples of these
intermediate filaments

cilia and flagella share this same structure

9+2 structure

these tissues cover the body and line its cavities, protecting against pathogen invasion and desiccation

epithelial tissues

the functional part of an organ


what type of cells typically form the parenchyma?

epithelial cells

epithelial cells may be _______________, with one side facing a lumen or the outside world and the other side facing blood vessels and structural cells


what are the 4 types of tissue?

epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous

epithelia with one layer

simple epithelia

epithelia with many layers

stratified epithelia

epithelia that appear to have multiple layers because of differences in cell heights, but actually only have one layer

pseudostratified epithelia

cube shaped epithelial cells


long and narrow epithelial cells


flat and scale like epithelial cells


these tissues support the body and provide a framework for epithelial cells

connective tissues

bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, adipose tissue, and blood are all examples of what type of tissue

in most organs what do connective tissue form?

these cells do not contain membrane bound organelles


prokaryotic cells organize their genetic material in a single circular molecule of DNA concentrated where?

nucleoid region
What 2 domains are prokaryotic?
bacteria and archaea

What is the only non-prokaryotic domain of life?


archaea are often called this because they live in harsh environments


what similarities do archaea and eukaryotes have?

start transcription with methionine, similar RNA polymerases, and histones
what similarities do archaea have with bacteria?

single circular chromosome and divide by binary fission or budding

spherical shaped bacteria


rod shaped bacteria


these bacteria require oxygen for metabolism
obligate aerobes

these bacteria cannot survive in oxygen containing environments and can only carry out anaerobic metabolism

obligate anaerobes

these bacteria can survive in environments with or without oxygen and will toggle metabolic processes based on environment

facultative anaerobes

these bacteria can not use oxygen for metabolism but can survive in an oxygen containing environment

aerotolerant anaerobes

what do the cell wall and the cell membrane of bacteria form?

this controls the movement of solutes into and out of a bacterial cell


these bacteria have a purple gram stain and have a thick cell wall composed of peptidoglycan and lipotechoic acid

gram positive

these bacteria have a pink gram stain and have a thin wall composed of peptidoglycan and an outer membrane composed of phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides

gram negative

moving in response to a chemical stimulus
these generate propulsion to help bacteria move


these are composed of a filament, basal body and a hook


what do prokaryotes use to carry out the electron transport chain?

cell membrane

what are the ribosomal subunits of prokaryotic cells?

30s and 50s

what are the ribosomal subunits of eukaryotic cells?

40s and 60s

how do prokaryotes multiply?

binary fission

what does binary fission result in?
2 identical daughter cells
in prokaryotes, extracellular material can be carried in these


plasmids that can integrate into the genome
plasmids contain many antibiotic resistances genes or _____________ _________________

virulence factors

List the 3 recombination processes seen in bacteria.

transduction, transformation and conjugation

the acquisition of genetic material from the environment, which can be integrated in to the bacterial genome


the transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another across a conjugation bridge
what can be transferred from F+ to F- cells via conjugation?

the transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another using a bacteriophage as a vector


these are genetic elements that can insert into or remove themselves from the genome


the phase of growth in which bacteria adapt to new local conditions

lag phase

the phase of growth in which bacteria start growing exponentially

log phase

as resources are reduced, bacterial growth levels off during this phase

stationary phase
as resources become insufficient, baceria undergo this phase of growth
death phase
these contain genetic material, a protein coat (capsid), and sometimes a lipid containing envelope

this is the term used to describe the fact that viruses can not survive and replicate outside of a host cell

obligate intracellular parasites

viruses that target bacteria


the portion of a bacteriophage that injects the genetic material into the bacterium

tail sheath

this portion of a bacteriophage allows the bacteriophage to attach to the host cell
tail fibers
these viruses contain a single stranded RNA genome to which a complementary strand of DNA is made using reverse transcriptase


when a single stranded RNA virus is negative sense what is used to synthesize a complementary strand which can then be translated

RNA replicase

the life cycle of bacteriophages in which they produce massive numbers of new virions until the cell lyses
lytic cycle

what are bacteria in the lytic phase termed?


in this life cycle of bacteriophages, the virus integrates into the host genome as a provirus or prophage which can then reproduce along with the cell; the provirus then leaves the genome in response to a stimulus at some later time
lysogenic cycle

infectious proteins that trigger misfolding of other proteins


plant pathogens that are small circles of complementary RNA that can turn off genes, resulting in metabolic and structural derangement of the cell and potentially cell death


centrioles are found at this region of the cell

microtubules are organized into a ring of __ doublets with __ central microtubules


epithelial cells are tightly joined to one another and to an underlying layer of connective tissue known as what?

basement membrane