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94 Cards in this Set

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Nerve cells specialized for communication.
Central Nervous System
Part of nervous system containing brain and spinal cord that enables mind and behavior.
Peripheral Nervous System
Nerves in the body away from the CNS
Forward part of the brain that allows advanced intellectual abilities, aka the cerebrum.
Cerebral Cortex
Outermost part of forebrain, responsible for analyzing sensory processing and higher brain functions.
Corpus Callosum
Bundle of nerve fibers connecting the cerebrum's two hemispheres
Controls the body's endocrine, or hormone-producing, system.
Area that relays nerve signals to the cerebral cortex.
Regulates balance and body control.
Brain Stem
Regulates control of involuntary functions such as breathing and heart rate.
Sensory and motor neurons, voluntary.
Maintains body functions
Activates under pressure.
Cerebral Hemispheres
Two halves of the cerebral cortex, which serve different yet highly integrated cognition functions.
Frontal Lobe
Forward part of cerebral cortex containing the motor cortex and the prefrontal cortex; responsible for motor function, language, and memory.
Motor Cortex
Part of frontal lobe responsible for body movement.
Prefrontal Cortex
Part of frontal lobe responsible for thinking, planning and language.
Broca's Area
Language area in the prefrontal cortex that helps to control speech production.
Serious speech deficit that renders a person unable to communicate effectively.
Parietal Lobe
Upper middle part of the cerebral cortex lying behind the frontal lobe specialized for touch and perception.
Temporal Lobe
Lower part of cerebral cortex below the temples, which plays roles in hearing, understanding language, and memory.
Wernicke's Area
Part of the temporal lobe involved in understanding speech.
Occipital Lobe
Back part of cerebral cortex specialized for vision.
Sensory Cortex
Regions of the cerebral cortex devoted to vision, touch, hearing, balance, taste and smell.
Association Cortex
Regions of the cerebral cortex that integrate simpler functions to perform more complex functions.
Basal Ganglia
Structures in the forebrain that help to control movement.
Neurotransmitter that plays a key role in movement and reward.
Basal Forebrain
Region in forebrain containing acetylcholine neurons that affect activity of the cortex
Neurotransmitter used to control activity, including movement, memory, attention, and dreaming.
Part of the brain that processes sensory information and serves as a gateway to the cerebral cortex.
Brain Stem
Part of the brain between the spinal cord and cerebral cortex that contains the medulla, midbrain and pons.
Part of the brain that lies between the forebrain and hindbrain. It helps to control head and neck reflexes and modulate motor activity.
Reticular Activating System
Group of neurons in the brain stem that plays a key role in arousal.
Part of the brain between the spinal cord and midbrain, consisting of the pons, cerebellum, and medulla.
Small cerebrum in hindbrain, responsible for our sense of balance.
Part of hindbrain that connects the cerebral cortex with cerebellum.
Part of brain stem involved in vital functions, such as heartbeat and breathing.
Cerebral Ventricles
Internal waterways of the CNS that carry cerebrospinal fluid which provides the brain with nutrients and cushioning against injury.
Neurons that send messages to other neurons nearby and stimulate neurons.
An automatic motor response to a sensory stimulus like muscle stretch.
Space between two connecting neurons through which messages are transmitted.
Somatic Nervous System
Part of the peripheral nervous system carrying messages from the CNS through the body to control movement.
Limbic System
Emotional center of brain that also plays roles in smell, motivation, and memory.
Part of the brain responsible for maintaining a constant internal state.
Part of limbic system that plays key roles in fear, excitement, and arousal.
Part of the brain that plays a role in spatial memory.
Autonomic Nervous System
Part of the peripheral nervous system controling the involuntary actions of our internal organs and glands, which (along with the limbic system) participates in emotion.
Sympathetic Division
Part of the autonomic nervous system engaged during a crisis, or after actions requiring fight or flight.
Parasympathetic Division
Part of autonomic nervous system that controls rest and digestion.
Endocrine System
System of glands and hormones that controls secretion of blood-borne chemical messengers.
Blood-borne chemical that influences target tissues and glands.
Pituitary Gland
Master gland, which, under the control of the hypothalamus, directs the other glands of the body.
Adrenal Gland
Tissue located on top of the kidneys that releases adrenaline and cortisol during states of emotional arousal.
Portions of neurons that receive signals.
Synaptic Cleft
Space between two connecting neurons where neurotransmitters are released.
Portions of neurons that send signals.
Synaptic Vesicles
Spherical sacs containing neurotransmitters.
Chemical messengers specialized for communication and released at the synapse.
Glia (glial) Cells
Support cells in nervous system that play roles in the formation of myelin and blood-barrier, respond to injury, and remove debris.
Blood-Brain Barrier
Glial cells forming a fatty coating that prevents certain substances from entering the brain.
Myelin Sheath
Glial cell-wrappers around axons that act as insulators of the neuron's signal.
Resting Potential
Electrical charge difference (-70 millivolts) across the neuronal membrane, when the neuron is not being stimulated or inhibited.
Membrane potential necessary to trigger an action potential.
Action Potential
Regenerative electrical impulse that travels down the axon and allows neurons to communicate.
Absolute Refractory Period
Time during which another action potential is impossible; limits maximal firing rate.
Receptor Sites
Locations that uniquely recognize a neurotransmitter.
Means of recycling neurotransmitters.
Chemicals in the brain that play a specialized role in pain reduction.
Area of damage due to surgery, injury, or disease.
Recording of brain's electrical activity at the surface of the skull.
Computed Tomography (CT)
A scanning technique using multiple x-rays to construct three-dimensional images.
Magnetic Resonances Imaging (MRI)
Technique that uses magnetic fields to indirectly visualize brain structure.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Imaging technique that measures uptake of glucoselike molecules, yielding a picture of regional metabolic activity in brain in different regions.
Functional MRI (fMRI)
Technique that uses magnetic fields to visualize brain activity.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation(TMS)
Technique that applies strong and quickly changing magnetic fields to the surface of the skull and that can either enhance or interrupt brain function.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Measure of brain activity using magnotometers that sense tiny magnetic fields generated by the brain.
Split-Brain Surgery
Procedure that involves severing the corpus collosum to reduce the spread of epileptic seizures.
Cognitive function that relies more on one side of the brain than the other.
Slender threads inside a cell's nucleus that carry genes.
Genetic material, composed of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Our genetic make-up.
Our observable traits.
Dominant Genes
Genes that mask other genes' effects.
Recessive Genes
Genes that are expressed only in the absence of a dominant gene.
Natural Selection
Principle that organisms that possess adaptations survive and reproduce at a higher rate than other organisms.
Organisms' capacity to pass on their genes.
Percentage of the variability in a trait across individuals that is due to genes.
Family Studies
Analyses of how traits run in families.
Twin Studies
Analyses of how traits differ in identical versus fraternal twins.
Adoption Studies
Analasys of how traits vary in individuals raised apart from their bio relatives.
Ability of the nervous system to change.
Stem Cells
Unspecialized cells that retain the ability to become a wide variety of specialized cells.
Creation of new neurons in adult brain.