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30 Cards in this Set

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What were hospitals used for during the Black Death?

Spiritual comfort rather than cure

Different types of medical staff during the Black Death?

Physician, Surgeon, Barber-Surgeon and Apothecaries

What were Physicians?

Physicians had graduated from medical school and were, therefore qualified. They rarely touched their patient or cured them.

What were Surgeons?

Most were not university trained and learnt mostly by experience. They fixed broken bones and closed wounds.

What were Barber-Surgeons?

Most could not read and had not been university educated and worked as an assistant to a surgeon. Usually added to their income by cutting hair part time.

What were Apothecaries?

Apothecaries are like pharmacists. They sell herbal mixes, spices and home made remedies.

How long was life expectancy in the middle ages?

31 for females and 35 for males.

What were towns like in the middle ages?

Unhealthy, dirty, polluted, sewage often ran through the middle of the street, no running water, poor hygiene, rubbish disposal was an issue.

Where did the black death originate?


What was the most popular way it spread?

Through travel and trade.

What is the Black Death in French?

Morte Blue

What are the three forms of the Black Death?

Bubonic, Neumonic, Septicemic

What form was the most common?


Name three symptoms of bubonic plague?

1. Black blue or purple buboes

2. Nausea, vomiting

3. Fever

How did bubonic plague spread?

Through direct contact with fleas

Name three symptoms of pneumonic plague?

1. Infected lungs

2. Bloody Discharge

3. Mucus Discharge

How did pneumonic plague spread?

Through airborne droplets of saliva

Name three symptoms of septicemic plague?

1. High Fever

2. Skin turned dark shades of purple, blue or black.

3. Most victims died the same day they got the disease.

What was the plague caused by?

Yersinia Pestis in the blood of fleas

Which form of the black plague is the most deadly?


How did septicemic plague spread?

Direct contact with fleas

What was the mortality rate of bubonic plague?

30% - 70%

What was the mortality rate for pneumonic plague?

90% - 95%

What was the mortality rate of septicemic plague?


Name some of the things people thought caused the black death?

Miasma, God's Will, Jews poisoning water, Contact with the infected, Eye contact, Astrology, Witchcraft, Overeating

Name three short-term effects of the Black Death?

1. mass burials

2. huge death toll

3. impact from decline in population

Name five long-term effects of the Black Death?

1. Danse Macabre

2. Social Mobility

3. Weakening of the feudal system

4. Weakening of the Church

5. Improvement of medicine

Name a particular type of medicine that was improved significantly during and after the Black Death?


What is the Black Death in Latin?

Pestis Atra

What does Pestis Atra mean in English?

Terrible Plague