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32 Cards in this Set

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The skeleton is divided in 2 parts

the axial skeleton and

the appendicular skeleton

axial and appendicular skeleton is

axial = frame work of the body which include the skull,sternum,vertebral column..

appendicular = framework of the body that consist of the extremities like shoulders, pelvic gurdle ..append means to add or hang, so extremities that hang from the axial skeleton


part of the axial skeleton, portion of the skull that encloses the brain


part of the axial skeleton, forehead part that forms the roof of the cranial cavity ''front'' portion of the skull


part of the axial skeleton, paired bones that form the roof of the caudal (top of head ) cranial cavity


part of the axial skeleton, forms the caudal aspect of the cranial cavity where the foramen magnum for the spinal cord is located.

definition of foramen and magnum

foramen = opening in bone which tissue passes

magnum = means large


(temples) part of the axial skeleton, paired bones that form the sides and base of the cranium


(side of eye) part of the axial skeleton, paired bones that form base of the skull and part of the floor and sides of the bony eye socket


part of the axial skeleton, bone that seperates nasal cavity from the brain,located at the roof of the nose between the two orbits ( eye sockets )


part of the axial skeleton, forms the rostral part of the hard palate and lower edge of the nares


part of the axial skeleton, forms the lateral wall of the nasopharynx

Brachycephalic is

pathological condition that affect short nose dogs and cats that can cause severe respiratory problems


part of the axial skeleton, joins with the temporal and frontal bone and forms the cheek bone

Maxilla & mandible & palatine

maxilla =part of the axial skeleton , forms the upper jaw

mandible= forms the lower jaw

palatine = forms part of the hard palate


smallest most fragile bone in the face, located in the middle walls of the eye sockets


rostral part of the hard palate, pair of small cranial bones at the tip of the jaws (sometimes bearing teeth )- connected to maxilla and nasals

Vomer and Nasal septum

vomer = forms the base of the nasal septum

Nasal septum = cartilaginous structure that divides the 2 nasal cavities

vertebral column is

aka spinal column, supports head and body and protects spinal cord, consist of individual bones called vertebra


Solid,biggest veterbra part that faces into the body (around spinal cord )


dorsal part of the vertebra that surrounds the spinal cord


left or right dorsal half of the arch

spinous process

single projection from the dorsal part of the arch of each vertebrae

transverse processes

small bony projection off the 2 sides of the body part of the vertebrae

Articular process

projection of the vertebra that serves purpose of fitting with another vertebra.

(there's right,left, superior and inferior articular processes which stick out of the end of a vertebra)

foramen & vertebral foramen

foramen means opening the opening in middle of the vertebra through which the spinal cord passes through is called vertebral foramen

Intervertebral discs

the vertebrae are separated and cushioned from each other by cartilage discs that allow movements = intervertebral discs

what is a vertebral formula

formula indicating the number of vertebrae in each segment of the spinal column

vertebral formula for a dog and cat is

C-7 , T-13, L-7, S-3, Cy-6-23

which means

7 cervical,13 thoracic , 7 Lumbar, 3 Sacral,

6-23 Coccygeal/ tail verterbrae

The first 2 cervical vertebrae have individual names which are ? ( C1 and C2 )

C1 = Atlas

C2 = Axis

Ribs ( and combining form )

ribs are paired bones that attach to the thoracic(after cervical ) vertebrae

combining form is cost/o or costals


forms the midline of the rib cage

and divided into 3 parts :

manubrium: top part of the sternum

body : midline portion

xiphoid process : the last bit of the sternum