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40 Cards in this Set

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- Purpose

- ML 7.1

- Elements of the AA


The Arbitration agreement concerns which law should be applied to interpret it and the obligations and scope of it on the parties

ML 7.1

Refers to the agreement to arbitrate in the present or future tense


Agreement to arbitrate, the seat, procedure, composition, choice of law


- Ust Kamenogorsk

- William Co v Chu

Ust Kamenogorsk

An agreement to arbitrate is an agreement not to litigate

William Co v Chu

Parties may elect between arbitration or litigation, but once one has been chose, both are bound to stick to it


- Chadbury v PG

- ICC 7920

- PT Tri MG

- Born

- Mitsubishi

- Fiona Trust

Chadbury v PG

An example of an AA with poor drafting. "Arbitration as per the laws of the EU". However was still interpreted in favour of arbitration.

ICC 7920

There is generally a strong assumption to give effect to the intentions of the parties in the tribunal.


Look to the substance of the AA not the form. Here an agreement stipulating that Singapore courts had supervisory jurisdiction meant that the agreement was in Singaporean law.


Interpretations will generally follow standard contractual rules of interpretation.


Any doubts as to validity of the AA should always be read as in favour of arbitration

Fiona Trust

The aim of arbitration and the AA is to uphold certainty. If parties want to litigate, they must expressly state so. If they do not, then assume arbitration is what they want.

Law governing the AA

- Formal Validity

- Material Validity

- Governing Law

- Musawi

Formal Validity

AAs must be written and signed to be valid (NYC 2.1)

Material Validity

Must check whether the contract is materially void for duress or mistake and see if the AA is as well

Governing law

Consider if the law is different from the seat


The law of the arbitration must be the law of a country, not religion for example (AAS46)

Absence of Choice

- Sul America

- Arsonovia

- Firstlink GT

Sul America

The English courts will apply a three stage test to ascertain what law governs the AA. 1) Express choice 2) Implied choice 3) Law of closest connection. Here it was held that the parties had not expressly chosen Brazilian law as their law required both parties to consent to it. English law was held to be implied.


Imply the law of the AA if there are no other counter indications. E.g. omitting to include some parts of the IAA here was indicative of the rest of it applying.

First link Gt

Two stage international test: 1) Express Choice 2) Law of closest connection - This approach is preferred by the NYC


- Fiona Trust

- Hoffman

- Hope

Fiona Trust

Assume all disputes fall under the same arbitration


Rational businessmen intend all disputes to be solved in one place, this makes logical sense.


Unless expressly agreed otherwise, assume the arbitration will cover all disputes


- ML 16.1 AA7

- Fiona Trust

- Born

- McNeil

- Bay Hotel

ML 16.1 AA7

AA is independent from the contract it is within

Fiona Trust

AA is distinct agreement void only on relatable grounds to the AA, not the contract


Practical reasonableness aims to make the AA valid despite the contract being void


The AA will likely be void if the contract is void for duress or mistake

Bay Hotel

Concerned the issue of separability as the seat was determine by the contract.

Competence Competence

- UNCITRAL 23.1 ML16 AA30

- Collins

- Dallah

- Gaillard

- Kronke

- Gaillard


Tribunals have competence to rule on their own jurisdiction


International importance, but the jurisdiction is not final


Competence can only be asserted if the parties have submitted their questions to arbitration.


Competence determination depends solely on the party agreement, if they have not asserted a question, the tribunal cannot have jurisdiction


Courts only adjudicate when no tribunal has been framed. Only allowed to interfere when the AA is manifestly null and void.


Courts are to refrain from engaging in arbitration examination until the tribunal has been constituted.