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70 Cards in this Set

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Lebniz says about dualism
He says not 2 kinds of substance in body and soul but one.
mind-like substance-simple, unique, endowed with perception and appetite. Each monad is a world unto itself. Universe is made up of these unique spiritual "monads"
What does Lebinz say the body is?
Says bodies are merely phenomenon of the monads; perception of the monads.
A human soul, according to Lebniz
Is a type of monad.
Monads are
unique and complete. No communication between monads or body and soul. God made the world in harmony so monads in god's design come together to work in harmony.
Monads, body, and soul
work together, not one controls the other but they have the same cause.
Since monads are complete in and of themselves
they learn nothing from senses/body. All knowledge is innate
Mind learns nothing from experience
Perception of outside world is mearly the unfolding of the mind's own nature as it was created by God.
Who brings idealism to its ultimate conclusion?
What is the ultimate conclusion of idealism?
The mind and its ideas are the only reality. Matter/bodies are only illusions or perceptions which unfold from what is imprinted in our mind.
Dualism. Problem of communication between body and soul left unsolved.
Dualism. Problem solved because God causes all things and also harmony between the body and the soul.
Substance Monism. One substance. God, all other things are his attributes. No problem of communication but also no freedom.
Monadism. One in kind, many in number. No communication between body and soul because bodies are not "real"
Deism what do they want to establish?
They want to have a rationalistic religion
Deism wants to
reduce religion to most basic, reasoanble elements.
Beginning with proof of god as supreme, transcendent being.
God as cause of the world but distant and indifferent.
How is god like a clockmaker?
He makes a clock but doesn't interfere
Why is saying god interfers an insult to God?
SAying god intervenes is an insult they think he made a world which doesn't require intervening.
What did deists believe about the Bible?
No supernatural revelation (Bible)
No authoritative religious teaching
No to Church and no to scripture.
They believed revelation was either _____ or _____ and ______
Superfluous or harmful and contradictory to reason.
In creating a universal "religion" of reason what did they do away with?
Reject miracles, trinity, divinity of Christ.
How do they see jesus under their universal religion of reason system?
They say Jesus isn't a divine redeemer but a moral hero/good example of morality. Miracles expalined by nature or rejected by superstition.
JEfferson wrote a bible called
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth
What was the life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth?
IT was a narrative cut and pasted from the 4 Gospels. Took out all miracles, healings, no walking on water, trinity, divinity, resurrection Left only what was reasonable.
Lord HErbert of Cherbury
Religion should comform to reason.
Lord Herbert of Cherbury had 5 common points
1. Existence of God
2. Obligation to worship
3. Moral character of that worship through piety and virtue
4. Need to repent for sin to receive God's pardon
5. BElief in after life of reward and punishment
When christianity agrees with natural religion
it is true and reasonable
When elements of supernatural or special revelation are added what happens to Christianity according to deists?
It becomes superstition.
Who refutes deism?
Bishop Joseph Butler
Bishop Joseph Butler
SAys notion of reason is reduced to mathematical model. Expand reason. They say it's not about math, there are all kinds of uses of our reason. WE reasonably rely on probability all the time.
what examples does Bishop Joseph Butler give to show we rely on probability
Sun will rise tomorrow nobody doubts that. EAting bread will nourish me.
what is Bishop Joseph Butler's case based on?
Cumulative case of probability the more evidence we have more liekly it will repeat.
Analogical arguments
not certain but complement. Show complementarity or analogy between data of revelation and principles of reason. IF they have one author then there must be resemblences.
What analogical argument does he use for punishments?
He says natural punishments are analagous to eternal punishment.
Catterpillar and butterfly are analagous to life after death
what does Bishop Joseph Butler point out about complexity in the world?
There are mysteries and difficulties not just in data of revelation but also in natural theology. Complexity of earthquakes, storms, famine.
HOow do some try to prove revelation/supernatural?
By using a rationalistic approach. Prove creation and revelation as necessary. we know god exists and our end is supernatural.
what don't we know
we don't know God's essence or will. It must be revealed. Finding a stone versus finding a watch. Watch is created so world is like a watch.
How is religion revealed in history?
1. prophecy and fulfillment
2. Credibility of testimony people were martyred.
3. Miracle of church. Existence of Church is proof Jesus and leaders were killed yet Church continued and grew/flourished.
Melenbranche says
God is efficient cause of all things. Evil is a privation. it's a kind of nothing.
Alternative to idealism-Mostly British-rationalism alternative to idealism.
What does idealism teach?
That knowledge comes through experience/perception. No innate ideas, all we know comes from experience, the senses. Verifiable by observation
John Locke wrote
Essay concerning human understanding
What does the Essay Concerning Human Understanding talk about?
Determines the limits of human knowledge No innate knowledge and first principles. If innate then immediately perceivable by infants and idiots but they're not. We grow in knoweldge.
Tabula rasa
mind is a blank slate
In Empiricism where do simple ideas come from?
Directly from sensation.
In empiricism where do complex ideas come from?
Complex ideas come from reflection on data from the senses. There is no other kind of data.
Turn to the subject
What the mind perceives are its own ideas. All we know are the perceptions of the qualities of things we experience. REd, tall, size, shape. The mind reflects and forms complex things.
Kinds of things are not directly known. WE conclude from the qualities we perceive that some "thing" underlies them. Brown and 4 legged thing barking we don't abstract essence or form but we conclude it from the qualities we observe.
John Locke's other book
Reasonableness of Christianity
Reasonableness of Christianity
Proof of God's existence from causality. Everything put into motion by something must be unmoved mover. These proofs are good under this system.
In john Locke's book what does he say about revelation
Says can be probable by empirical evidence. Reduce it to simplest form to make it reasonable. Didn't deny miracles and believed in religious tolerance.
What was JOhn Locke's view on religious tolerance
He thought all about probability so can't force anyone in to it. Each person should search for truth and weigh evidence. Religious knowledge is probable so should not be imposed.
Who takes empiricism to its ultimate conclusion? What is the ultimate conclusion?
David Hume. Skepticism
No certainty/no truth
Only source of knoweldge is sensibile experience. Not external reality but its representation or impressions.
What is experience under skepticism?
Under skepticism, experience is a stream of impressions. Fragmented data of senses phenomena. No data/exp of things we use assortaions of fantasy to take data of exp and posit substances. Ideas based on impressions are really combination of associataions
Do we have knowledge of causality under skepticism?
No we don't we have no experience of one event causing another we just observe one event following another and believe it is a coincidence. ASsumption same thing will happen again in future. (custom) not reason.
What things does skepticism thrown out?
Sciences, proofs of god, metaphysics says rational religion is impossible
Immanuel Kant
Comes to save the day wants to save sciences from skepticism and faith from rational empirical
how does he try to save everything?
By synthesis between idealsim and empiricism
What does Kant say solution is
Neither idealism (Totally innate) nor empiricism (totally blank slate) Transcendental method
Transcendental method
Inspect our knowledge and ask what are the necessary conditions of the possibility of experience. He thinks we can deduce them on his own.
What are the necessary conditions for Kant
All experience from empirical origin
Data from the sense but chaotic-unorganized.
All experience formed in the mind
Experience is result of process between mind ordering data of perception
The price of winning the sciences
No knowledge of the way things are in and of themselves.
Only knowledge of way things appear to us... phenomena
The way our mind orders and receives data can't know what things are in and of themselves but only how they appear to us.
What kind of knowledge do we end up with?
Only knowledge of appearance.
No to metaphysics
can be no pure knowledge of God, soul ect. limited to ordinary data of senses.
Religion/faith reduced to
doing. God can't be reached by pure reason, but by practical/moral reason. We all experience a demand to live moral law. I "ought" duty
What can supernatural revelation function as?
CAn function as a motive in helping us fulfill our moral obligations.
How is Christ viewed in this system?
As a moral hero someone who always acted in accordance with moral law.
What do they decide about religion and reason
REligious tenants should be based on reason not revelation because revelation cannot be proven by reason so it can only be assented to by an act of the will not reason.
Eventually religion shifted into
the private sphere