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97 Cards in this Set

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Pius X was the
longest reigining pope
What three things is he known for?
1. Defining immaculate conception
2. Quanta Cura includes syllabus of errors
3. Calls and presides over Vatican I
what did the Church believe about mary
Church believes Mary didn't have original sin.
What was the issue with Mary's immaculate conception?
Whether before or after conception? Was she conceived without sin or was she later scanctified.
What did the Papal bull say?
She was ALWAYS preserved from original sin. She was born without san, received grace of Christ and was conceived without original sin.
2 arguments for immaculate conception?
1. From scripture
2. From tradition
What was the argument from scripture?
Annunciation - Angel greets her hail full of grace.
Scriptural prophecy
What was the argument from tradition?
From the writing of the father she is called new Eve.
Also called ark of noah, burning bush, spotless dove and other biblical names to express purity
Also explicit affirmation such as when they say she is immaculate
Cuanta Cura and the Syllabus
80 errors of modern age
What were the 4 categories of errors?
1. Ideologies contrary to the faith: rationalism, atheism, socialism, communism, ect.
2. Nature of the Church and the Church's relation to the state.
3. Natural law and Christian ethics
4. Errors concerning Christian marriage
Evaluation of Cuanta Cura and syllabus?
Defencsive - they only point out the errors. It's all negative.
Interpret carefully
read ni context of time and original document
Mix of practical, political judgments and issues.
Vatican I reasons why council was called?
1. profess teaching of Christ
2. Condemn errors.
2 constitutions that take form over the vatican?
1. Dei Filius
2. Pastor Aeternus
Dei Filius chapter on God
One God, distinct from world, creates world out of nothing.
Twofold created order: human and body
Human common to both spirit and body
divine providence and human freedom.
Dei Filius chapter on Revelation
Teaches you can know God by reason
Yet, knowledge of god can also come by supernatural revelation: because supernatural ends are beyond human understanding.
Dei Filius on faith
revealed truth is above reason
Faith is a super natural virtue by which we believe to be true what he has revealed because of authority of God.
But reason plays a role
Why does reason play a role in faith?
Because God desired that faith be in accord with reason.A
What happens in faith in addition to internal aid of H.S. (grace
Also external signs: motives of credibility
Divine acts are foremost miracles and prophecies. Faith isn't blind.
Why isn't faith blind?
Reason has some reasons/signs but it's not enough but not enough must also have inspiration/illumination of H.S.
What is the relationshp between Church and faith?
Founded by Jesus
So that we can embrace true faith
What are the notes the Church left for recognition?
1. One
2. holy
3. catholic
4. apostolic
Church herself is a motive of credibility for 3 reasons
1. Propogation - spread miraculously
2. Fertility in goodness - works of charity
3. Unity and stability - nobody else has survived like this
of revelation
reason can by god's gift achieve some understanding of mysteries by analogy or connecting mysteries but never penetrates mysteries.
Vatican I what did Deius Fedus try to do?
Try to expand faith.
what does Dei Fedus say about reason?
Says reason can understand things by analogy.
Connecting mysteries
Reason can never completely comprehend. It remains veiled.
Does Dei Fedus believe there is disagreement between faith and reason? Why or why not?
No because the same God made both
Why is there an apparent contradiction between reason and faith?
1. dogma not understood according to mind of the Church
2. Reason is mistaken.
What is the Churhc's teaching on mutuality of faith and reason?
Reason lays foundations through preambles of faith.
Handmaid serves
Faith delivers reason from errors and protects and furnishes it with knowledge
What is the meaning of dogma under dei fedus?
REmains the same.
Understanding may increase in some sense. Organic/no contradiction.
each chapter has a set of condemnations
Paster Aternus
first dogmatic constitution on the Church of Christ
what does Paster Aeternus say?
Jesus founds the Church to make work of redemption permanent.
FAith linkes
Jesus prayer for unity
Jesus will that there be shepherds and teachers until the end of time.
What does Paster Aeternus say about primacy of Peter?
Primacy of jurisdiction not just of honor. He has the power to govern the universal church.
What does Pastor Aeternus say about the permanency of primacy of peter?
They say that Peter is the rock on which the church will stand firm until the end of time. Permanent benefit of the church
Pope is successor of peter.
What does Paster Aeternus say about infallible teaching authority?
Supreme power of teaching constant custom of the Church, refer matters to see of rome.
What is the promise of the h.s. to Peter?
Not to make new doctrine but to impose and allow doctrine to follow natural progression.
Peter's faith will not fail to:
guard Church from error or preserve unity
Pastor Aeternus teaching on Pope's Infallibility
Pope when speaking from the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher/ Through divine intercession he has the authority of Christ and he can make infallible statements.
What are the limited circumstances for papal infallibilty?
Must speak ex cathedra which is in exercise of his office as head of the whole Church. Doesn't include private judgements.
Must be speaking on faith or morals to be held by the whole Church
What is the source of infallibility?
Divine assistance as promised to peter
Scope of infallibility
That infallibility that Jesus willed for his Church in defining faith and morals.
What interrupted the council?
Council was interrupted by war it's work is unfinished. Some documents don't get discussed so it's no suprise a second council is necessary.
Pope Leo XXIII
Promote Christian culture/philosophy
Social doctrine
Biblical studies with prudence
Less defensive more positive project.
What were some new things Pope Leo XIII thought the Church should do?
Christain society should have eternal principles and harmony between faith and reason.
Education of youth primarily role of family Church should be involved in education;.
Rerum Novarum
Of new things
What encyclical did Pope Leo XIII write?
Rerum Novarum
What did Rerum Novarum discuss?
Plight of the worker in industrial age. People are suffering.
What were the 2 solutions of the day?
1. Economic liberalism/unregulated capitalism which will take care of itself.
2. Socialism/communism - state should own private property should be outlawed.
What does Pope Leo XIII say about worker's plight?
He says no to the 2 extremes and looks for middle ground.
Yes to private property as a natural right.
No to class warfare
Yes to labor unions
Role of CHurch and morality in economic life
What role did Leo think the state should have?
State should protect worker rights and dignity
What does he say that goes against socialism/communism?
He says that there is a right to private property. This is a natural right. Person has a right to bear fruits of their labor.
God gave earth for use/enjoyment of everyone.
why did he believe everyone should be able to have private property?
This is a natural right. Person has a right to bear fruits of their labor.
God gave earth for use/enjoyment of everyone.
faithful only through work which is activity of mind and body. makes this own so for justice: fruits of labor should belong to laborer
Property in scripture
In scripture they say directly thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife or property.
Tragedy of the commons
If property in common no personal interest so you won't care for it.
Basic principles with regard to remedy for workers
inequality is natural
work/hardships will have no end on earth
utopian societies are a lie
No to class warfare
Hostility not natural.
Each needs the other. Religion plays intermediary role.
draws rich and poor together
Duties of the worker
Must fully and faithfully perform the work
no injury of prop/emp
no violence to defend cause
No to riot or disturbance of the common good.
Duties of owner/employer
Workers are not property and have dignity
Recognize work is honorable and don't look down on the worker
Must consider both physical and spiritual needs of the worker.
Higher perspective
Eternal life
YEs to private property but must use wealth rightly and be held accountable.
Called to share with those in need
Steward of providence use wealth for others.
Role of the CHurch
Teach workers/employees to be guided by commandments of God. Capable of changing hearts.
Real remedy returns to christian life and institutions
Concern for poor by calling the poor to virtue
Christian morality favors to temporal prosperity
god blesses virtue
restrains greed
values hard work/frugality
charitable org for the poor
Esp religions congregations
Education, hospitals, works of mercy no substitutes for these acts of self sacrifice.
Role of the state
must maintain laws for common good and private property.
Particular concern for poor/working class
State should shield them from life of misery
Poor need protection because they have less power.
issue of wages
Wages regulated by more than free concert
2 notes of human labor
exclusive property of laborer.
without result of labor person cannot live
associations and unions
these limit state interference
Safeguard interests of wage earners.
Entering into societies is a natural right of the workers.
Karl Barth
swiss reform pastoer/theologian believes reason is figuring things out and God can be known in the theory of consciousness.
What changed Barth's philosophy?
WWI Kierkegaard senseless brutal war broke out and made him re-evaluate things.
Barth rejects
what does Barth stress?
Stresses distance/gap between God and humanity
"crisis theology"
So corrupt can do nothing for ourselves. Unbridges gap. Nothing human knows god.
the No of God
Revelation judges us as guilty and sinful. Human being/reason is corrupt
Barth's theology is called
why is Barth's theology called dialectial?
Because it's a yes/no thing. polar opposites/never resolved.
Dialectical theology
paradocxical oscilliation
Polar opposites/discontinuity
Let God be God
want to keep God at the center of theolgoy don't put us at center.
Only god can solve crisis bridge the gap. Focus on word of God as yes to humanity
Yes to analogy of faith
Begining from God not from reason.
God furnishes knowledge by his grace.
Only from revelation
human always within limits of infinite distance. God still conceals himself.
Object of theology
not God but word of God. (God remains unknown)
Christological concentration
Word of God is the person of J.C. Scripture is a record of what God did and said. Word became flesh, Jesus was God's yes to humanity. HIGH Christology
From objective act of Christ
Not subjective understanding
whether or not we are saved is independent of our response/understanding.
Was mystery a problem for barth?
No opens door to traditional mysterious doctrines
incarnation makes plausible all the other miracles.
What was Barth's theory referred to as?
Barth's view on Church
Word of God in scripture and in proclamation of Church
Interpretation of scritpure you can use the objective scientific method but theological exegesis
Barth's view of predestination
GOd's election is the election to suffer and die for humanity
accused of universalism all people are saved at all times but by denying predestination he has to accept free will.
VAtican II what stance does the Church take?
Church takes a defensive stance
wasn't expected to reign long.
Called second vatican council
What did John XXIII think the second vatican council would discuss?
Pastoral role rather than about doctrine.
To discuss how to convey truth to modern society- wants to use new discoveries and put language into contemporary lang.
No condemnations - propose truth in own terms/tangible people were leaving the faith.
he invived everyone in other churches to the council to observe and be a part of the informal dialouge.
bring up to date need to bring moder church up to date.
they invited everyone from different churches to submit discussion topics got 2812 responses and then had to get theologians to discuss these and decide which ones to present at the council.
Paul VI said 4 tasks of council
1. Expound nature of the church
2. internal renewal
3. promote unity
4. dialouge with contemporary world
First session
prepared texts are not approved, we want more historical stuff
they rework everything
commissisons increased
tension in the church
constitution on litugry
reform and promultion of liturty
nature and purpose more clearly manifested.
Active participation of the faithful.
Priority of the Eucharst.
can use vernacular so people can participate more actively. Each bishop can decide for themselves.
Dogmatic constitution
revelation realized in deeds and words. Deeds confirm words/message. Must have scripture, tradition, and reason of the Church