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14 Cards in this Set

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rage, fury, a fashionable craze. Example: Because of public furor over the comment, he apologized.
an awaited possiblity, financial expectations, chances, a potential buyer or customer. Example: His prospects weren't good in LA, so he moved to New York.
an opinion, formal decision given by a court. Example: Arriving at a judgment requires a careful examination of the evidence.
a deficiency or want of something. Example: A lack of sleep leads to irritability.
compassion, lenient treatment, a fortunate circumstance. Example: He begged for mercy.
the opposite of a surplus (an excess of expenditure over revenue), a deficiency in amount or quality. Example: People are worried about the deficit, but they should be thiking about the overall debt.
a breakdown in vital energy or stamina, a breakdown or sudden failure, the act or action of collapsing, a sudden loss of force, value or effect. Example: The building collapsed as a result of the tornado. Example: The collapse of family values has led to the decay of society.
death or cessation of existence or activity. A loss of position or status. Example: The loss marked the demise of the party.
preliminary work or sketch. Example: All students were required to turn in a draft of their essays by the 15th.
a quantity available for a situation. A statement of the financial position of an administration for a definite period of time. A plan for coordinating resources and expenditures. Example: The Obama administration submitted its budget for approval today.
the quality or state of being solvent (able to pay all legal debts). Example: To default on a loan is to become insolvent.
failure to do something required by law or duty. A failure to pay financial debts. Example: A default on one debt often leads to default on others.
a state of owing, something owed. Example: His debt was larger than what he was able to pay and he went into default. Example: He was in debt for 20 years because of his college loans.
responsibility for wrongdoing or failure. Example: It was her fault that they were in the situation in the first place.