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27 Cards in this Set

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A vertebrate that lives at first in water and then on land.
What is an Amphibian? (54)
Ex. Frogs, Salamanders, and Toads.
Undergo metamorphosis in development to adults.
A class of arthropods that includes spiders, scorpions, mites, & ticks.
What is an Arachnid? (611)
Arachniphobia is the fear of spiders.
A member of the largest group of invertebrates which includes insects.
What is an Arthropod? (59)
An eight legged Arachnid is a member of this group.
A body plan that consists of left and right halves that are the same.
What is Bilateral Symmetry? (58)
Ex. Butterfly. If you made an imaginary line down the abdomen, the left side would be a mirror image of the right side.
A soft material found in vertebrate skeletons.
What is Cartilage? (53)
Ex. Shark skeleton. Not hard but soft and resilient unlike bone.
To Group things bases on the features they share.
What is Classify? (46)
Sorting things into groups with common characteristics. (science of Taxonomy requires this)
An invertebrate animal that includes jellyfish, sea anemones, corals, and hydras.
What is a Cnidarian? (57)
pronounced( ni DAR ee uhnz ) Latin for "stinging cells"
A class of Arthropods that includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, and sow bugs.
What is a Crustacean? (61)
Have one or two antennae and jaws called mandibles for crushing food, live in fresh or salt water.
A simple worm that is flat and thin.
What is a Flatworm? (58)
Some are freeliving (planarians)but most are parasites (tapeworms).
A structure used by some animals to breathe in water.
What is a Gill? (54)
An organ that exhanges carbon dioxide with water.
An animal that does not have a backbone.
What is an Invertebrate? (57)
Ex. sponges, jellyfish, worms, insects, & clams
A milk-producing structure on the chest or abdomen of a mammal.
What is a Mammary Gland? (56)
Produce the milk that mammals feed their young through her teets.
A major change in form that occurs as some animals develop into adults.
What is Metamorphosis? (54)
A process found in Amphibians and some insects like moths or butterflies.
The process by which an orthropod sheds its external skeleton.
What is Molting? (60)
Ex. A Katydid shedding its exoskeleton.
The subdivision of a Kingdom.
What is a Phylum? (48)
Also called a division in the plant and fungi Kingdoms.
A stage in the development of some insects that leads to the adult stage.
What is Pupa? (62)
A resting and development stage inside the chrysalis when a larvae becomes a butterfly.
An arrangement of body parts that resembles the arrangement of spokes on a wheel.
What is Radial Symmetry? (57)
Ex. The medusa is a bell-shaped free-swimming Cnidarian that resembles a jellyfish.
An egg-laying vertebrate that breathes with lungs.
What is a Reptile? (55)
Ex. turtles, lizards, snakes, alligators, & crocodiles; produce leathery soft shell eggs.
A worm with a smooth, round body and pointed ends.
What is a Roundworm? (58)
Ex. Heartworms in dogs; in the phylum Nematoda, largest phylum of worms.
The name given to each species consisting of its genus and species label.
What is a Scientific Name? (50)
The 1st name is the genus (capital letter) and the 2nd name is the species label (lowercase) called binomial nomenclature and uses Latin names. Ex. Canis familiaris is a domesticated dog.
A group of organism that can breed with each other to produce offspring like themselves.
What is a Species? (49)
Ex. Canis can include domesticated dogs, coyote, and gray wolf but their species names are all different due to physical characteristics.
A gas-filled organ that allows a bony-fish to move up and down in the water.
What is a Swim Bladder? (54)
An air-sac in a fish that controls its buoyancy or ability to float upright due to a liquid/gas force.
The science of classifying organisms based on the features they share.
What is Taxonomy? (47)
Aristotle developed his ________ by dividing organisms into two large kingdoms of plants and animals.
An armlike body part in invertebrates that is used to capture prey.
What is a tentacle? (57)
Ex. Octopi, Squid, and hydra have these
for feeding.
A small structure used by Echinoderms for movement.
What is a Tubefoot? (25)
Connect to water vascular system helping them move and feed.
One of the bones or blocks of Cartilage that make up a backbone.
What is a Vertebra? (53)
Make up the backbone in Vertebrates.
An animal with a backbone.
What is a Vertebrate? (53)
These animals possess vertebra from which they get their name.