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70 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is not an essential element of psychological testing?
a. Systematic procedures
b. The use of empirically derived standards
c. Pre-established rules for scoring
d. Sampling behavior from affective domains
Sampling behavior from affective domains
The single most important source of criteria for evaluating tests, testing practices, and the effects of test use can be found in the
a. Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
b. Standards of Educational and Psychological Testing
c. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
d. Report of the Task Force on Test User Qualifications
Standards of Educational and Psychological Testing
The earliest antecedents of modern testing for personnel selection date back to
a. China, B.C.E.
b. Ancient Greece
c. The Inca empire
d. Medieval Europe
China B.C.E.
Evaluating psychological tests is the least problematic
a. Prior to their being placed into use
b. Once they have been placed into use
Prior to being placed in use.
Compared to the other areas listed, the development of criteria or bases for decision making has been substantially slower in the context of
a. Educational assessment
b. Occupational assessment
c. Clinical assessment
Clinical Assessment
Credit for devising the first successful psychological test in the modern era is usually given to
a. Francis Galton
b. Alfred Binet
c. James McKeen Cattell
d. Wilhelm Wundt
Alfred Binet
The true ratio IQ or intelligence quotient as derived by
a. Adding the mental age (MA) and the chronological age (CA) of the test taker.
b. Subtracting the CA from the MA and multiplying the result by 100.
c. Dividing the CA by the MA and multiplying the result by 100
d. Dividing the MA by the CA and multiplying the result by 100.
Dividing MA by CA and multiplying by 100.
The primary purpose for which psychological tests are currently used is
a. Psychological research
b. Educational research
c. Decision making
d. Self understanding and personal development
Decision Maiking
Compared to psychological testing, psychological assessment is generally
a. Simpler
b. More structured
c. More expensive
d. More objective
More expensive
Which of the following would be the best source of information on a test that is not commercially available?
a. Mental Measurements Yearbooks
b. Test Critiques
c. Tests in print
d. psycINFO
Which of the following scales of measurement is the only one that has a meaningful zero point?
a. Nominal
b. Ratio
c. Ordinal
d. Interval
Tom and Jerry scored at the 60th and 65th percentiles, respectively, on a language skills test. Mary and Martha scored at the 90th and 95th percentiles, respectively, on the same test. We can conclude that the difference between Tom and Jerry in terms of their language skills is the same as the difference between Mary and Martha. The preceding statement is
a. True
b. False
On a test of general cognitive ability, a 5 year old child obtains a mental age score of 4 years and a 10 year old obtains a mental age score of 9 years. If one were to compute their IQs according to the original ratio IQ formula, the result would be as follows
a. Both children would obtain the same ratio IQ
b. The 5 year old would obtain a higher ratio IQ
c. The 10 year old would obtain a higher ratio IQ
The 10 year old would obtain a higher ratio IQ
In the distribution 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 8, 11, the mean, median, and mode are respectively,
a. 4, 3, and 2
b. 2, 4, and 3
c. 3, 4, and 2
d. 2, 3, and 4
For testing and many other purposes, the quintessential index of the variability in a distribution of scores is the
a. Sum of the squared deviation scores
b. The square root of the variance
c. The semi-interquartile range
The square root of the variance
Which of the following statements about the normal curve model is NOT true?
a. It is bilaterally symmetrical
b. Its limits extend to infinity
c. Its mean, median, and mode coincide
d. It is multimodal
It is multimodal
The area of normal distribution between +1 alpha and -1 alpha encompasses approximately ________ of the curve.
a. 50%
b. 68%
c. 95%
d. 99%
If the shape of the distribution of scores obtained from a test is significantly skewed, it means that the test is probably _____ for the test takers in question.
a. Too easy
b. Too hard
c. Either too easy or too hard
d. Just right
Either too easy or too hard
Which of the following coefficients represents the strongest degree of correlation between two variables?
a. -.80
b. -.20
c. +.20
d. +.60
If the range of values of either one of two variables that are correlated using the Pearson product moment coefficient of correlation (Pearson r) is restricted, the size of the obtained coefficient will be
a. Reduced
b. Increased
c. Unaffected
If not accompanied by further information, a high raw score is
a. Meaningless
b. Still always better than a low score
______ constitute the most widely used frame of reference for test score interpretation.
a. Content domains
b. Work samples
c. Criteria
d. Norms
Of all the following developmental norms, which ones are the most universally applicable?
a. Theory based ordinal scales
b. Mental age norms
c. Natural sequences
d. Grade based norms
Natural sequences
With regard to the samples used to establish within-group norms, the single most important requirement is that they should be
a. Gathered locally by the institution or organization that will use them
b. Very large, numbering in the thousands
c. Representative of the group for which they will be used
d. Convenient to obtain in the process of standardization
Representative of the group for which they will be used
The concepts of test ceiling and test floor are most closely related to the issue of
a. Test validity
b. Test difficulty
c. The type of standard scores used in a test
d. The type of items used in a test
Test difficulty
When transformed into the Wechsler-scale type of deviation IQs, a z score of -1.00 would become a Wechsler IQ of
a. 85
b. 95
c. 105
d. 115
Which of the following score transformation procedures is the only one that qualifies as a linear transformation?
a. Normalized standard scores
b. Percentiles to statnines
c. Raw scores to percentile scores
d. Z scores to T scores
Z scores to T scores
If a group of present day individuals were to take both the original Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and its latest revision, the WAIS III, the chances are higher that their IQ scores would be
a. The same on both tests
b. Higher on the WAIS III than on the WAIS
c. Higher on the WAIS than the WAIS III
Higher on the WAIS than the WAIS III
The essential characteristic of item response theory which models is that they place ______ on a common scale.
a. Items and tests
b. Items and persons
c. Persons and tests
Items and persons
One of the main advantages of IRT methodology is that it is ideally suited for use in _______ testing.
a. Computer adaptive
b. Paper and pencil
c. Personality
Computer adaptive
A true score is
a. A hypothetical entity
b. A real entity
c. Equal to the observed score
d. Equal to the observed score plus error
A hypothetical entity.
If the reliability of a test is well established, test users can assume that the scores obtained from that test will be reliable.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following sources of error in test scores is NOT assessed by traditional estimates of reliability?
a. Interscore differences
b. Time sampling
c. Content sampling
d. Deviations from standardized procedures
Deviations from standardized procedures.
______ reliability coefficients are used to estimate time sampling error in test scores.
a. Test- retest
b. Alternate form
c. Scorer
d. Split half
Which of the following types of reliability coefficients results in a combined estimate of error stemming from two different sources?
a. Scorer
b. Test-retest
c. Alternate form
d. Delayed alternate form
Delayed alternate form
All other things being equal, scores obtained from longer tests are ______ those obtained from comparable tests that are shorter.
a. Less reliable than
b. More reliable than
c. Just as reliable as
More reliable than
The magnitude of a reliability coefficient is more likely to be affected by the _______ than by the ________ of the sample for which it is computed.
a. Size/heterogeneity
b. Heterogeneity/size
Heterogeneity/ size
One of the distinct advantages of generalizability theory over traditional approaches to score reliability is that generalizability theory
a. Requires a smaller number of observations
b. Results in smaller error components
c. Allows for the evaluation of interaction effects
d. Uses less complicated statistical methods
Allows for the evaluation of interaction effects.
Suppose that a student obtains a score of 110 on a test with M=100, SD=20, and an estimated reliability of .96. Chances are about 68 out of 100 that the student’s true score falls somewhere between
a. 100 and 110
b. 102 and 112
c. 106 and 114
d. 110 and 120
106 and 114.
The standard error of measurement of Test A is 5 and the standard error of measurement for Test B is 8. The standard error of the difference for comparing scores from the two tests will be
a. Less than 8
b. Less than 5
c. Between 5 and 8
d. Greater than 8
Greater than 8
Validity is the degree to which
a. A test measures what it purports to measure
b. Evidence supports inferences from test scores
c. Test scores are consistent across situations
Evidence supports interferences from test scores.
In recent decades the various forms of validity evidence have been subsumed within the notion of _____ validity.
a. Content
b. Concurrent
c. Predictive
d. Construct
Nomothetic span refers to
a. A network of relationships between measures
b. The decomposition of tasks
c. Identifying differences among test takers
d. The scope of the construct being measured
A network of relationships between measures
Evidence of validity that is based on test content and response processes is particularly applicable to
a. Interest inventories
b. Educational tests
c. Personality tests
Eductational Tests
Face validity refers primarily to
a. The representativeness of test content
b. Evidence of validity from the psychometric perspective
c. The superficial characteristics of a test
d. The amount of empirical validation data accumulated for a test
The superficial characteristics of a test
In order to gather discriminant validity evidence, one would correlate the scores of tests that purport to assess _________ constructs.
a. The same
b. Similar but not the same
c. Different
One of the most useful aspects of factor analysis, as applied to test validation research, is that the results of applying this technique can
a. Simplify the interpretation and reporting of test scores
b. Reveal the essential aspects of constructs that tests are assessing
c. Readily be generalized across populations
Simplfy the interpretation and reporting of test scores
Which of the following statements about criterion measures is NOT true?
a. Criterion measures can differ in terms of their reliability and validity
b. Different criterion measures do not always correlate with each other.
c. Criterion measures may or may not generalize across different groups
d. The best criterion measures are usually available at the time of testing
The best criterion measures are usually available at the time of testing
Standard errors of estimate are used in order to gauge the
a. Reliability of criteria
b. Reliability of predictors
c. Accuracy of obtained scores
d. Accuracy with which criteria are predicted
Accuracy with which criteria are predicted.
From the standpoint of criterion related validation procedures, which of the following types of decisions is the most complex?
a. Selection
b. Placement
c. Classification
The procedures involved in item analysis pertain primarily to test
a. Developers
b. Users
c. Takers
d. Administrators
Qualitative item analysis typically takes place
a. After a test is standardized
b. At the same time that a test is cross validated
c. After the item pool is generated
d. Just before a test is published
After the item pool is generated
Forced choice items belong to the category of
a. Constructed response items
b. Selected response items
c. Neither a nor b
Selected response items
Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of selected response over constructed response items? Selected response items
a. Are less prone to scoring errors
b. Make more efficient use of testing time
c. Are easier to quantify
d. Are easier to prepare
Are easier to prepare.
Item discrimination indexes are statistics primarily used to assess item
a. Validity
b. Fairness
c. Reliability
d. Difficulty
If one wished to produce a test that would result in maximum differentiation among test takers, one would aim for an average difficulty level (p value) of
a. 1.00
b. 0.75
c. 0.50
d. 0
The Pearson r is the correlation most commonly used to calculate indexes of the relationship between item performance and criterion standing.
a. True
b. False
For a pure speed test, the customary indexes of item difficulty and discrimination are _________ they are for a pure power test.
a. Less appropriate than
b. More appropriate than
c. Just as appropriate as
Less appropriate than
Which of the following is NOT one of the basic objectives toward which item response theory (IRT) is geared?
a. To provide maximum information about the trait levels of examinees
b. To give examinees items that are tailored to their trait levels
c. To increase the number of items included in a test
d. To minimize measurement error
To increase the number of items included in a test
Item response theory, so far, has been applied least extensively in the area of ___________ testing.
a. Achievement
b. Aptitude
c. Cognitive
d. Personality
The first question to consider when psychological testing is contemplated is
a. Whether testing is necessary
b. What kind of test to use
c. The costs associated with testing
Whether testing is necessary
Which of the following is NOT a primary advantage attendant to the use of psychological tests?
a. Objectivity
b. Efficiency
c. Easy availability
Easy availability
All other things being equal, the potential gain in the accuracy of a selection decision is greatest when the base rate is closest to
a. 1.00
b. 0.75
c. 0.50
d. 0.00
An ideal situation, for purposes of accuracy in selecting employees, would involve a ________ base rate, a ________ selection ratio, and a test with a _________ degree of validity.
a. Moderate/high/high
b. Moderate/low/high
c. High/low/moderate
d. High/high/high
Which one of the following assessment tools is the most likely to provide valid and reliable evaluative information for individual assessment?
a. Interviewing
b. References
c. Informal observation
d. Biodata
As a general rule, the presence of third parties, other than the examiner and test taker, during the administration of individual tests is
a. Desirable
b. Undesirable
c. Neither a nor b
Which of the following is not one of the areas in which computer based test administration offers advantages over individual test administration?
a. Uniformity of procedure
b. Cost effectiveness
c. Precision capabilities
d. Qualitative data gathering
Qualitative data gathering
The perspective on testing presented by the author stresses the fact that psychological tests
a. Can be a valuable component in most cases when assessment is needed
b. Can often be the sole source of information on which to base decisions
c. Invariably constitute the most efficient tools available for assessment
Can be a valuable component in most cases when assessment is needed
In communicating test results to the consumers of test data, the most pertinent information to be conveyed to them is the
a. Numerical score obtained by examinees
b. Labels or diagnoses derived from test scores
c. Meaning of test scores
Meaning of test scores
The legal and ethical responsibilities of test users with regard to appropriate interpretation of test results is
a. Obviated when they use tests on their own behalf
b. Obviated when they use tests on behalf of a third party
c. Obviated when they use tests on behalf of their own clients
d. Never obviated
Never obviated