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215 Cards in this Set

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know difference b/w true pelvis and false pelvis
...they are both separate, no overlap
superior boundary of pelvis is the
pelvic inlet
inferior boundary of pelvis is the
pelvic outlet
This inferior outlet is closed by
the muscular pelvic diaphragm.
Passing through the pelvic diaphragm are the
rectum and urogenital structures
T or F: false pelvis part of abdominal cavity
true pelvis is related to which bones?
inferior pelvic bones, sacrum, coccyx
the pelvic organs, blood vessels, and nerves can be thought of as positioned how with respect to the peritoneum
which muscle and which nerve pass through the greater sciatic foramen?
piriformis; greater sciatic nerve
rectum is positioned how with respect to the peritoneum
prostate is about the size of what in a healthy male?
how many fused vertebrae in sacrum and coccyx respectively?
joint b/w sacrum and pelvic bone is what type of joint?
what are the 2 major ligaments of the pelvic wall?
superior gluetal nerve is in what position relative to piriformis?
above it
inferior gluteal nerve is in what position relative to the piriformis
below it
what major structures pass through the lesser sciatic foramen?
tendon of obturator internus
pudendal nerve
internal pudendal vessels
pubic symphysis made up of what type of connective tissue?
in which direction is the sacrum angled towards, anteriorly or posteriorly?
what is the most common site of lumbar disc herniation?
the intervertebral disc b/w L5/S1
which spinal nerve would be affected by herniation of L5/S1 intervertebral disc?
why does sacro-iliac joint have so many ligaments?
because so much force is being transmitted through the joint all the time
sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligament serve what other fxn other than forming foramen?
preventing sacrum from tilting forward
general structure of male vs. female pelvis
male- thick and heavy
female - thin and light
what is the easiest way to distinguish male vs. female pelvis?
look at pubic arch
pubic arch in male vs. female
female pelvis is adapted for
pelvic inlet shape of female
difference in ischial spine in female vs. male
in female, it does not project as far medially as in the male
what is the most common female pelvis type?
why is it important to know specific pelvis type/shape of a female?
to see if childbirth will be OK
how is capacity for woman's pelvis for vaginal delivery measured?
radiographically or manually
interspinous distance is
narrowest part of the pelvic canal
is the interspinous distance fixed?
by how much and under what influence can the interspinous distance increase?
10-15%, under influence of relaxin
obstetrical conjugate is
narrowest fixed distance through which the bay's head must pass in a vaginal delivery
is the obstetrical conjugate affected by relaxin during childbirth?
how many fingers indicate that ischial tuberosities are far enough apart to allow average full-term fetal head to pass during delivery?
obstetric conjugate has to be at least how long?
10 cm
anterior wall of true pelvis is
Bodies and rami of pubic bone and pubic symphysis
lateral walls of true pelvis formed by
Hip bones covered by obturator internus M
posterior wall of true pelvis formed by
Sacrum and coccyx, adjacent parts of ilia and sacroiliac joints
floor of true pelvis fromed by
Muscles of pelvic diaphragm:
Levator ani m and coccygeus m
posterior wall of true pelvis is covered by what posterolaterally?
obturator internus origin
Deep surface of obturator membrane and adjacent bone
obturator internus insertion
Medial surface greater trochanter of femur
obturator internus innervation
obturator internus action
Laterally rotates extended hip joint
Abducts flexed hip
specialization of obturator internus fascia helps form what within perineum?
pudendal canal
piriformis origin
Anterior surface of sacrum between sacral foramina
piriformis insertion
medial side of superior border of greater trochanter of femur
piriformis innervation
S1/S2 mainly
piriformis action
Laterally rotates extended hip joint
Abducts flexed hip
coccygeus origin
ischial spine and pelvic surface of sacrospinous ligament
coccygeus insertion
Lateral margin of coccyx and related sacrum
coccygeus muscle also known as
ischiococcygeus muscle
coccygeus innervation
branches from anterior rami of S3 and S4
coccygeus action
Contributes to floor of pelvis, helps support pelvic viscera, pulls coccyx forward after defecation
Levator Ani origin
Posterior aspect of pubic bone, tendinous arch (thickening of obturator internus fascia), ischial spine via the tendinous arch
Levator Ani insertion
Anteriorly to superior surface of perineal body, posteriorly meets partner of other side and attaches along the anococcygeal ligament
Levator Ani innervation
direct branch of S4
inf. rectal branch of pudendal (S2-S4)
Levator Ani action
Major part of pelvic floor, supports pelvic viscera, pulls coccyx forward after defecation
anorectal angle aka
perineal flexure
How many degrees is the anorectal angle?
80 deg.
what is the significance of the puborectalis muscle?
pulls on the anorectal junction, creating the anorectal angle
urogenital hiatus allows for passage of what structures in male vs female?
female-urethra AND vagina
urogenital hiatus is
gap b/w medial borders of levator ani muscles on either side
significance of perineal membrane and associated muscles that fill urogenital hiatus
serve as sphincters
help support urogenital organs
in general, the pelvic organs are positioned how with respect to the peritoneum?
inferior to parietal peritoneum of abd. cavity
peritoneum is placed over organs like
a sheet
Transition from sigmoid colon to rectum is at the
S3 vertebral level
While the sigmoid colon is suspended in the abdominal cavity by a mesocolon, the rectum lies
is the rectum continuous with the anal canal?
anal canal penetrates pelvic floor to enter perineum as the
The anorectal junction is pulled forward by the puborectalis portion of the levator ani muscle to form the perineal flexure.
Know this.
upper part of anal canal has mucosa just like the
anal valve lies at
pectinate/dentate line
pectinate line marks site of
proctodeal membrane
signficance of proctodeal membrane
where embryonic endoderm and ectoderm meet
sensory afferents above vs. below pectinate line
what type of epithelium before and after anocutaneous line?
before-strat. squamos non keratinized epithelium
after- strat squamos keratinized
middle portion of anal canal ends where
at anocutaneous line (think about type of epithelium; its strat. squ. non-ker)
middle region of anal canal called
anal pectin
anocutaneous line also known as
white line of Hilton
three major arteries of the rectum and anal canal
superior rectal
middle rectal
inferior rectal
superior rectal artery branch of
inferior mesenteric
middle rectal aretery branch of
anteiror division of internal iliac artery
inferior rectal artery branch of
internal pudendal artery, which is branch of anterior division of internal iliac
the rectum/anal canal is a site of what type of venous anastomoses?
superior rectal vein drains into
portal system via inferior mesenteric vein
middle and inferiro rectal veins drain into
caval system
varicosities of the internal or external rectal plexuses
varicosities of rectal plexuses are called
piles (as opposed to being called hemorrhoids??)
external hemorrhoids are covered by
which organ lies most anterioly in the pelvis?
urinary bladder
shape of bladder
3 sided pyramid
apex of bladder directed towards
pubic symphsis
median umbilical ligament is remnant of
emybrologic urachus
median umbilical ligament extends from
bladder to umbilicus
base of bladder shaped like
inverted triangle
ureturs enter bladder at
upper corners of base
urethra drain _____ from the lower corner of the base
urinary bladder is separated from the pubic bones by
retropubic space
as bladder fills, it ____ within the extraperitoneal fat
body of bladder is b/w
apex and fundus
what part of the bladder makes up the posterior wall?
fundus is related to what in male and what in a female?
make sure to know relationship of ureters to the bladder
look at slide 61 of pelvic lecture
retropubic space and rectovescial pouch positioned how so relative to the bladder?
retropubic space - anterior
rectovescial pouch- posterior
sympathetic innervation of bladder comes via
inferior thoracic and upper lumbar levels via hypogastric plexuses and nerves.
sympathetic innervation of bladder induces
contraction of internal sphincter during ejaculation in male to prevent reflux of semen in the male
pain afferents for the superior bladder, that part covered by peritoneum, travel with sympathetics to which vertebral levels?
T11 to L2 or L3
parasympathetics in pelvic splanchnics enter
inferior hypogastric plexus
afferents signaling stretch travel with
pain afferents from inferior bladder travel w/
parasympathetics of bladder cause relfexive contraction of
detrusor muscle and relaxtion of internal urethral sphincter
micturation occurs via
Detrusor reflex
detrusor reflex is
inhibition of sympathetics to allow internal sphincter to relax
external urethral sphincter is controlled by
motor neurons in Onuf's nucleus (S3,S4) in sacral cord
in normal adults, sensation of bladder fullness reaches what part of brain
sensory cortex
detrusor reflex is regulated by the
pontine micturation center
descending pathways from the medial frontal micturation centers activate the
detrusor reflex
ureters enter pelvic cavity by
crossing the pelvic brim at the bifurcations of the common iliac arteries
In the male, the ureter passes _____ the ductus deferens on its way to end in the ejaculatory duct.
in the female, ureter passes beneath the
uterine artery
in women, urethra is about how long
Skene's glands
are paired mucous glands which drain via ducts into the lateral margins of the urethral opening.
in males, urethra is how long
about 20 cm
divisions of male urethra?
is the male urethra muscular?
location of preprostatic urethra
in bladder's neck
location of membranous urethra
passes through external urethral sphincter (voluntary)
location of spongy urethra
within corpus spongiosum of penis
which division of male urethra is most distensible?
which division of the male urethra is the least distensible?
male reproductive organs consist of
Ductus deferens or vas deferens.
Seminal vesicles.
Ductus Deferens.
Bulbourethral glands.
testis develop where?
in abdomen
where and when do testis descend?
to the scrotum, before birth
testis innervation (spinal segments)
lymphatics of testis drain to
lateral aortic and preaortic nodes
testicular arteries arise from
aorta inferior to the renal arteries
left testicular vein drains into
left renal vein
right testicular vein drains into
does the tunica vaginalisis contain fluid?
epididymis is
Long, coiled duct on posterolateral aspect of testis.
efferent ductules of epididymis form
head of epididymis.
true epidydmis is
a single coiled duct made up of the body and the tail along the posterolateral aspect of the testis.
epididymis serves what type of fxn
storage site for sperm and place where they acquire motility
ductus deferens is
Long tubular structure with a thick, smooth muscle wall.
ductus deferens extends from
the tail of the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.
ductus deferens is enclosed within the
spermatic cord (distal to superficial inguinal ring)
what happens to ductus deferens as it passes throug hte deep inguinal ring?
turns medially around the inferior epigastric vessels and passes over the ureter on its way to join the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct.
b/w the ureter and ejaculatory duct, the ductus deferens does what
expands to form the ampulla of the ductus deferens
Seminal vesicle develops as an outgrowth of
ductus deferens
seminal vesicle lies b/w
bladder and the rectum
lateral to ductus deferens
seminal vesicle is the duct that joins the
ductus deferns to form the ejaculatory duct
prostate lies
inferior to the bladder and anterior the rectum
fibrous capsule of prostate contains a plexus of veins and nerves which do what fxn?
innervate the rectile tissue of the penis
urologists often refer to the seminal colliculus as
the verumontanum
cancer typically occurs where in the prostate
periphery (inferolateral lobule)
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
hypertrophy blocks urethra
symptoms of BPH
Nocturia – most common symptom
Dysuria – difficult or painful urination
prostate carcinoma typically occurs in
70% involve peripheral zone
gold standard treatment of prostate carcinoma?
radical prostectomy
why is nerve sparing radical prostectomy performed sometimes?
to preserve erectile function
female reproductive organs are
Greater vestibular (Bartholin) glands
ovaries descend similar to the
ovaries lie where
adjacent to lateral pelvic wall, just below pelvic brim
ovaries are suspended by
mesentary from broad ligament of uterus
suspensory ligament of the ovary contains
nerves and blood vessels of the ovary (know this)
the broad ligament is
a sheet-like fold of peritoneum that extends from the lateral pelvic wall to the uterus.
uterine tube is within
fold of peritoneum
portion of the broad ligament b/w the origin of the mesovarium and the uterine tube called
uterine artery lies in
lateral ligament
uterus is
thick walled muscular organ
uterus lies
posterior to bladder, anterior to rectum (usually lies on top of the bladder)
fundus of uterus
superior, rounded end above the uterine tubes
body of uterus is continuous inferioly with
view the cervix with a
lumen of uterine tube connects what to what
peritoneal cavity to lumen of uterus
uterine tube is enclosed in
upper margin of mexosalpinx
expanded end of the uterine tube is the
infudibulum has finger like projections called
which division of uterus is closest to uterus?
ligament of ovary and round lig. of uterus are remnants of the
ligament of ovary extends from
ovary to uterus
round ligament of uterus extend from
uterus to labia majora
round ligament of uterus passes through
inguinal canal
broad ligament is
Sheet-like fold of peritoneum that extends from the lateral pelvic wall to the uterus.
three divisions of broad ligament
largest part of the broad ligament is
what occurs between uterine and ovarian vessels
what is hysterosalpingogram
procedure to see if uterine tubes get blocked with mucus
to perform hysterosalpingogram
use a water soluble radiopaque dye to visualize uterus and uterine tubes.
Dye should fill tubes and enter peritoneal cavities through the abdominal os.
ostium of vagina is surrounded by a ring like fold of membrane, the
during development, _______ separates vagina from urogenital sinus
within anterior wall of vagina is
upper end of vagina surrounds
rectouterine pouch aka
pouch of douglas
does vagina have muscularis mucosa?
view rectouterine pouch via posterior formix of the vagina
ovaries drain lymph to
lumbar nodes
Middle and upper vagina, cervix and body of uterus drain to nodes along the
internal iliac arteries.
Ostium of the vagina, below the hymen and the vulva drain to the
superficial inguinal nodes.
pelvic fascia is continuation of
extraperitoneal connective tissue of the abdomen
most important ligament derived from pelvic fascia in female is
transverse cervical or cardinal ligament
kegel exercises were devised to strengthen
pelvic floor muscles
do ligaments of pelvic diaphragm provide weightbearing support for organs?
No, simply act as moorings
pelvic floor exercises are important in preventing
stress incontinence
neck of the bladder slips through the pelvic diaphragm, moving it below the effects of
intraabdominal pressure.
does childbirth weaken pelvic diaphragm?
cavenous nerves are important in
divisions of internal iliac artery
Anterior division – mainly to viscera
Umbilical artery
Obturator artery
Inferior vesical artery (only in males)
Middle rectal artery
Vaginal artery (female equivalent of inferior vesical)
Uterine artery
Internal pudendal artery
Inferior gluteal artery
Posterior division – mainly body wall
Superior gluteal artery
Iliolumbar artery
Lateral sacral arteries
superior rectal artery comes from
inferior mesenteric artery