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24 Cards in this Set

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What two areas were emperor head of ?

The government & the churches

Who was Justinian?

The ruler of Byzantine Empire

What were Justinian biggest achievements?

He built Hagia Sophia & Made Justinian Code of laws

What did Justinian grant the people of the middle ages?

Granted people the rights that cant be taken away from them

Which classical laws were used to develop Justinian's Code?

The twelve table of roman law

What was the Hagia Spohia ?

A eastern Orthodox chruch

Why was the Hagia Spohia Built?

A place of worship

In The European feudal system society based on what?

Social Class

Who has in charge of all of the feudal system?

The king

What were some of the defenses of a castle?

Moat, drawbridge, fortified walls, murder holes

What is feudalism?

Lords granted lands to vassals (nobles) in return for military service

Where did Christianity increase as a unifying political and social structure during medieval times?

Christianity (catholic church) increased in western europe

Pointed arches, all spires, and, flying buttresses were key components in what style of architecture?


How and why did the crusades begin?

Muslims controlled holy land & threatened Constantinople.

Promise of salvation

Who was called upon to join the crusades?

All Christians warriors

What was the goal of the Catholic Church during the crusades?

To capture the holy land from Islamic rulers

What was the positive effect of the crusades leading a increase of supply of Asian goods and economic growth in Western Europe?

The opening of trade routes during the crusades

What did the Magna carta grant the people of England?

Granted people certain rights that can't be taken away.

What new type of trail was protected by Magna Carter?

Trail by jury

By who was the disease mostly spread along the trade routes?

Merchants and traders

What were the economic effects of the plaque for the peasants (serfs)?

2/3 of European population died.

Economic and social instability were caused by what effect on the workforce?

By drastically reducing the workforce, because of many deaths

After the Hundred Years' war, what happened to the centralized governments of England and France?

The Nobility & centralized government in France & England were strengthened.

What were the results of the Hundred Years' War?

Feudalism ended, spirit of nationalism grew, castles & knights ceased to be effective , because of cannons and the longbow.