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34 Cards in this Set

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Explain how the population changed in the 1700s.
-Population of the colonies increased dramactically by ten times.
-European population jumped from 250,000 to 2.5 million
-African population went from 28,000 to 500,000
Why did population increase so rapidly?
-Women married early and had large families
What was farming in the New England Colonies like?
-Subsistence farming
-Farms were small
What were some forms of major commerce in the New England Colonies?
-People used their streams for lumber and to power windmills
-Women made goods
What is triangular trade?
-Trade routes that formed a triangle
What was the Middle Passage?
The route that carried enslaved Africans to the West Indes.
What was farming like in the Middle Colonies?
-Cash crops
-Large land
Who were the immigrants who came to the Middle Colonies and created a rich cultural diversity?
Germans, Dutch, Swedish (non-English speaking groups)
What was the Tidewater? the backcountry?
-Tidewater: a region of flat, low-lying plains along the seacoast
-Backcountry: located near the Appalachian Moutains & had tobacco farms
What were some of the slave codes?
-Slaves could not leave the plantation unless stated by their owners.
-Could not be taught how to read or write
-Whipped for minor offenses and hanged or burned to death for serious offenses
Who condemned slavery?
Quakers and Memnonites in Pennsylavania
What happened during the Glorious Revolution?
-The Parliament defeated James II, and placed his daughter and her husband on the throne.
-English bill of rights were signed.
What is the theory of mercantilism?
The theory that a nation's power was depended on its wealth. A countey must export more than its import.
What were the Navigation Acts?
A series of laws that directed the flow of goods between England and the colonies.
-Prohibited the colonies from sending certain products outside England's empire
What is smuggling?
Trading illegally with other countries.
What were Charter Colonies? Name them.
-Established by groups of settlers who had been given a grant of rights and privileges.
-Connecticut, Rhode Island
What were Proprietary Colonies? Name them.
-Ruled by Britain who individuals had granted land
-Free to rule as they wished
-Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylavania
What were Royal Colonies? Name them.
-Directed ruled by Britain
-Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia
What was the Great Awakening?
-a religious revival that swept through the colonies in the 1730s-1740s
How did Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield take part in the Great Awakening?
-Edwards was an outstanding preacher who delivered great sermons.
-Whitefield helped spread the awakening. He alerted worshipers in churches and open fields from New England to Georgia.
What was the Enlightenment?
A movement which began in Europe that spread the idea of knowledge, reason, and science could improve society.
What were the contributions of Benjamin Franklin?
-Discovered electricity
-Invented lightling rod, bifocals, Franklin stove
-Served in the Pennsylvania Assembly
-Founded a hospital, fire department, America's first leading library, and an university which was later known as UC PENN.
What was the British-French rivalry like in America?
-Have been fighting for wealth for centuries in Amercia
-Fought over resources, land, fur trade, fishing grounds.
What is the relationship between the French and the Native Americans like?
-French had many Native American allies
-Didnt try to take their land
-More tolerant of Native American ways
-Converted many Native Americans to Catholicism, but let them maintain their own customs
Who was Governor Dinwiddie and what did he get George Washington to do?
-Told Washington to start a fort [Fort Necessity]
-Also told Washington to tell French that they were trespassing on Britain's claimed territory
What happened at Fort Necessity?
-forces of inexperienced Washington attacked a French standing army and lost.
-colonists were released in Virginia
What was the Albany Plan of Union and who's idea was it?
-Benjamin Franklin suggested this idea
-a single elected legislature which would govern all the colonies
-this legislature would have power to collect taxes, raise troops, and regulate trade
Who was General Edward Braddock and what was he sent to do?
-Person that Britain appointed commander in chief
-Sent him to drive French out of the Ohio Valley
What happened to Braddock and his army on the way to Fort Duquesne?
-Washington warned Braddock that marching style was wrong
-French and Native Americans attacked Braddock's army from behind
-Braddock was killed
-Washington lead army back to Virginia
Who was William Pitt and what did he do?
-Prime minister of Britain
-Lead Britain to victory of the Seven Year's war
-Bankrupted Britain, lead to more taxes
What were the terms and end results of the Treaty of Paris?
-France was allowed to keep its sugar-producing islands in West Indes, but it had to give up Canada and all of its land east the Mississippi
Who was Pontiac and what was Pontiac's War?
-chief of an Ottawa village near Detroit
-United Native American tribes and lead them to war against colonies
What was the Proclamation of 1763?
-proclamation that declared that the Appalachian Mountains was the temporary western boundaries for all colonies
-Preserved peace for couple of years
How did many colonists respond to the Proclamation of 1763?
-Some colonists had already bought this land or had shares in land companies