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20 Cards in this Set

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All this stuff is stricly Clinical facts about Foley Catheters.
You have to maintain adequate daily hydration for people with a Foley? How much?
30cc/Kg body weight/day

EX guy weighs 185 lbs. right?
so 185 / 2.2 = 84kg.
30mL X 84kg = 1620 mL daily
that about a quart and a half
when do you clean the perineum and proximal catheter ?
daily and after each bowel movement.
You have to access bowel function and implement measures to eliminate impactionand to correct ...
constipation. constipation and impaction cause pressure against bladder and bladder neck and impair bladder emptying
Now measures to prevent/manage leakage around the catheter.
what can cause leakage around the catheture?
obstruction or by bladder spasms; common causes of bladder spasoms are UTI, concentrated urine, fecal impaction, a large balloon, or traction on the bladder neck by a catheter that is not stabilized.
assess catheter for patency, if its occluded, remove and replace. Do NOT WHAT?
replace the catheture w/ a large size catheter or a larger size balloon! these will only further irritate the bladder and urethura.
if the urine appears infected, what is this?
the catheter should be assessed daily for signs/symtoms of UTI. consult MD, and get a specimen culture
how do you obtain a urine culture w/ someone w/ a catheter?
remove exisiting catheter and place new cath in b/f obtaining the urine sample!
Implement measures to provide adequate hydration if the urine is ...
always ck for fecal impaction and if there is, what?
remove catheter is there is one. institute bowel program to maintain regular elimination of soft formed stool
ck to see if balloon is appropiate size and correctly ...
inflated (an unevenly inflated balloon can act as an irritant to the bladder/bladder neck
how many times do you change a catheter?
the goal is to change one frequently enough to prevent problems such as obstrution or encrustation but no more freq than needed
CDC recommends cathetere change schedules to be on individual bases by what?
each patient's history of catheter tolerence/development of problems
who needs to be catheterized?
acutely ill patients
used to manage terminally ill patients
urinary retention not mangable by any other means
manage incontenence w/stage III or stage IV pressure ulcers on trunk
there are contrandictions around this subject like:
management of urinary incontinence not associated w/ full thickness pressure ulcers on trunk

urinary retention that can be otherwise managed (e.g. w/ clean intermittent catherizationz)
guidelines for catheter selections!
high quality bonded latex
100% silicone or
lubricious (hydrogel-coated)
reason: these products reduce trauma to urehral walls and resist encrustation. Silicone catheters are indicated for patients w/ latex sensitivity
catheter size and configs.
Balloon size/ inflation.
what about it?
smallest size to provide drainage is 14-18 french
rationale is prevents urethral distortion adn obstruction of urethral glands
coupe tip may facilitate catheter what?
insertion b/c its curved. good for those with partial obstrution
5 cc balloon should be inflated according to manufactor's guidelines which is ...
10mL for a 5 cc balloon
Nursing Imlications and interventions to reduce risk of UTI's
there are 3 site for infection.
along cath wall
at junction b/t catheter and drainage bag if system opened. at drainage outlet
minimize urethral trauma during cath procedure how:?
use lots of lub and cath's a male, insert cath to hub b/f inflating balloon