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51 Cards in this Set

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A series of lays passed mainly in the Southern colies to defend the status of slaves and codify the denial of basic civil rights to them
slave codes
Uprising of slaves in southampton county, VA in the summer, led by Nat Turner, resulted in death of 55 white people
Nat Turner's Rebellion
laws passed by states and municipalities denying many rights of citizenship to free black people before the civil war
black codes
Dramatic improvements in trasnportation that stimulated economic growth by expanding the range of travel and reducing the time and cost of moving goods and people
Transportation Revolution
System of manufacturing in which merchants furnished households with raw materials for processing by family members.
Putting-out system
During the industrializatiin of the early nineteenth century, the recruitment of entire families for employment in a factory
Rhode Island System
During the industrialization of the early nineteenth century the recruitment of umnarried young women for employment in the factories
Waltham System
A technique of production [ionered in the US that relied on precision manufacturing with the use of interchangeable parts
American System of Manufacturing
Reform movement originating in 1820s but sought to eliminate consumption of alcohol
Belief that women by, by virtue of their sex, should stay at home as the moral guardians of family life
Cult of domesticity
joined by American-born artisans which sought to curb mass immigration from Europe and limit the political rights of catholic immigrants
Nativist organizations
Network of reform associations affiliated with protestant churches in the early nineteenth century dedicated to their restorations of moral order
Benevolent empire
reform organization founded by congregationalist and presbyterian ministers that lobbied for an end to the delivery of mail on sundays and other sabbath violations
sabbatarian movement
national organization established by evangelical protestants that campaigned for total abstinence
American temperence society
organization founded by female reformers that established homes of refuge for prostitutes and petitioned for state laws that would criminalize adultery and the seduction of women
American Female Moral Reform Society
Church founded by joseph smith and based on the revelations in a sacred book he called the Book of Mormons
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Followers of Mother Ann Lee who preached a religion of strict celibacy and communal living
A social structure based on the common ownership of property
Utopian community established in upstate NY by John Humphrey Noyes and his followers
Oneida Community
Short lived utopian community established in Indiana based on socialist ideas of Robert Owen a wealthy Scottish manufacturer
New Harmony
Political and economic theory advocating that land natural resources, and the chief industries should be owned by the community as a whole
organization founded by anti-slavery reformers that called for gradual emancipation and the removal of freed blacks to africa
American Colonization Society
First national organizaton of abolitionists
American Anti-Slavery Society
The first convention for women's equality in legal rights
Seneca Falls Convention
The resolutions passed at the Seneca Falls Convention calling for full female equality, including the right to vote
Declaration of Sentiments
Doctrine, that expansion of white Americans across the continent was inevitable and ordained by God
Manifest Destiny
Groups of local settlers on the nineteenth-century frontier who banded together to prevent the price of their land claims from being bid up by outsiders at public land auctions
Claims clubs
Overland trail of more than two thousand miles that dcarried American settlers from te MIdwest to new settlements in Oregon, California, and Utah
Oregon Trail
Agents who received a land grant from the Spanish or Mexican government in return for organizing settlements
Franciscan mission at San Antonio, Texas that was the site of a siege and massacre of Texans by Mexican Troops
Californians of Spanish descent
The 900-mile trail opened by American merchants for trading purposes following Mexico's liberalization of the formerly restrictive trading policies of SPain
Sante Fe Trail
The addition of half a million square miles to the United States as a result of victory in the 1846 war between the US and Mexico
Mexican Session of 1848
Uprising of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico that broke out over the imposition of American rule during the Mexican War, the revolt was crushed within a few weeks
Taos Revolt
The amendment offered by Pennsylvania Democrat David Wilmot in 1846 which stipulated that "as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico...neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory."
Wilmot Proviso
A solution to the slavery crisis suggested by Michigan senator Lewis Cass by which territorial residents, not Congress, would decide slavery's fate
Popular Sovereignty
The four-step compromise which admitted California as a free state, allowed residents of New Mexico and Utah territories to decide the slavery issue for themselves, ended slave trade in District of Columbia, and passed new fugitive slave law to enforce constitutional provision stating that a slave escaping into a free state shall be delivered back to the owner
Compromise of 1850
Laws, part of the Compromise of 1850, that required the authorites in the North to assist Southern slave catchers and return runaway slaves to their owners
Fugitive Slave Act
Message sent by US envoys to President Pierce from Osteand, Belgium, in 1854, stating that the United States had a "divine right" ro wrest Cuba from Spain
Ostend Manifesto
Law passed creating the Kansas and Nebraska Territories leaving the question of slavery open to residents, thereby repealing the Missouri Compromise
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Violence between pro- and antislavery forces in Kansas Territory after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
"Bleeding Kansas"
Anti-immigrant party formed from the wreckage of the Whig party formed from the wreckage of the Whig Party and some disaffected Northern Democrats
Know-Nothing Party
Party that emerged in the 1950s in the aftermath of the bitter controversey over the Kansas-Nebraska Act consisting former Whigs, some Northern Democrats, and many KnowNothings
Republican Party
Supreme Court Ruling in a lawsuit brought by Dred Scott, demanding his freedom based on residence in a free state, that slaves could not by US citizens and the Congress had no jurisdiction over slavery in territories
Dred Scott Decision
Proslavery draft written by Kansas territorial delegates elected under questionable circumstances, it was rejected by two governors, supported by Presidant Buchanan and decisively defeated by Congress
Lecompton Constitution
Banking Crisis that caused a credit crunch in the North it was less severe in the South, where high cotton prices spurred a quick recovery
Panic of 1857
Series of debates in the 1858 Illinois senatorial campaign during which Douglas and Lincoln staked out their differing opinions on the issue of slavery
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
New England abolitionist John Brown's illfated attempt to free Virginia slaves with a raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia
John Brown's Raid
National Party formed mainly by former Whigs that emphasized allegiance to the Union and strict enforcement of all national legislation
Constitutional Union Party
Nation proclaimed in Montgomery, Alabama, in February, after the seven states of the Lower South seceded from the United States
Confederate States of America
A fort located in Charleston, South Carolina, where President Lincoln attempted to provision federal troops, triggering a hostile response from on-shore Confederate forces, opening the Civil War
Fort Sumter