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21 Cards in this Set

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Item analysis: Item Difficulty
p= total # of Examinees passing the item/total # of examinees

**p ranges 0 to 1.0, larger values indicate easier items, when 0-->no one answered correctly, when 1, --> answered correctly by everyone

**p=.5 is optimal except for True/False test, when p should =.75
Reliability Coefficient
-provides an estimate of true score variability (dependability)
-ranges for 0.0 (non-existent) to +1.0 (perfect)
-r (xx subscript)
Methods for Assessing Reliability: Test-Retest Reliability
-appropriate for measuring attributes that are relatively stable over time (like aptitude vs mood)
Methods for Assessing Reliability: Alternate (Equivalent, Parallel) Forms of Reliability (Coefficient of Equivalence)
-2 equivalent forms of the test are administered to the same group
-it's the most thorough method for estimating reliability
Methods for Assessing Reliability: Internal Consistency Reliability
####(Not appropriate for speed tests)

*Split-Half (reliability tends to decrease as the length of a test decreases)
--use Spearman-Bronw prophecy formula, which

*Coefficient Alpha (administer test once to a single group...it's the average reliability that would be obtained from all possible splits of the test)
--can be conservative, variation of Coefficient Alpha known as KR-20 can be used)

**inter-rater (inter-scorer, inter-observer) reliability...depends on a rater's judgment)
--can use the kappa statistic, a correlation coefficient)
Factors that Affect the Reliability Coefficient
-Test Length: longer, the larger the test's reliability coefficient
-Range of Test Scores (when examinees are heterogenous, range is maximized)
-Probability of answering correctly by guessing
Standard Error of Measurement


Standard Error of Estimate
-an index of the amount of error that can be expected in obtained scores due to the unreliability of the test
-used to construct a confidence interval around an examinee's obtained test score
-need standard deviation and reliability coefficient

-index of error when predicting criterion scores from predictor scores
When is content (achievement type tests) or construct validity (intelligence) important
when test scores provide information on how much each examinee knows about a content domain

OR The status with regard to trait being measured
When is criterion-related validity (SAT) important
when test scores (X) will be used to predict scores on some other measure (Y) and it is the scores on Y that are of most interest
Convergent and Discriminant Validity
-Correlate test scores with scores on measures that do and do not purport to assess the same trait

-high correlations with measures of the same trait provide evidence of the test's CONVERGENT validity

-low correlations with measures of unrelated characteristics provide evidence of the test's DISCRIMINANT (DIVERGENT) validity
-in the form of multitrait-multimethod matrix
Monotrait-monomethod coefficients
-reliability coefficient (parentheses)
Monotrait-heteromethod coefficients
when these coefficients are large, they provide evidence of convergent validity
when small, test has discriminant validity (ellipses)
when small, provide evidence of discriminant validity
Factor Analysis: Key Words: Communality
test's reliability will always be at least as large as its communality
Factor Analysis: most important things to remember
-squaring a factor provides a measure of shared variability
-when factors are orthogonal, a test's communality can be calculated by squaring and adding the test's factor loadings
-ORTHOGONAL=independent, uncorrelated
-OBLIQUE=Dependent, correlated
Criterion-Related Validity
-making predictions, like SAT scores with GPA
-SAT is predictor, while GPA is criterion
Criterion-Related Validity:



-collect predictor data (SAT) and criterion data (GPA) simultaneously
-good estimate, immediate, like if already a student or already hired

-measure criterion (GPA) after the predictor data (SAT)
-to really predict b4 hiring or accepting
If an exam question gives you the correlation coefficient for X and Y and asks how much variability in Y is explained by X...
you need to square the correlation coefficient to obtain the correct answer
Incremental Validity
-the increase in correct decisions that can be expected if the predictor is used as a decision-making tool
Relationship btwn Reliability and Validity
reliability-->consistency with the repeatability of your measurement
validity-->accuracy, strength of our conclusions, inferences or propositions

-when a test has low reliability, it can't have a high degree of validity
-a high reliability doesn't guarantee validity