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30 Cards in this Set

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A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with severe acute respiratory syndrome. the nurse is aware that healthcare professionals are required to report communicable and infectious diseases. which of the following illustrate the rationale for reporting?

A. planning and evaluating control and prevention strategies

B. determining public health priorities

C. ensuring proper medical treatment

E. monitoring for common-source outbreaks

a nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who is being admitted to the facility with a suspected diagnosis of pertusis. Which of the following should the nurse include in the care plan?

B. wear a mask when providing care within 3 ft of a client

C. place a surgical mask on the client

E. wear a gown when performing care that may result in contaminates

A nurse educator is reviewing with a newly hired nurse the difference in clinical manifestations of a localized versus a systemic infection. the nurse indicated understanding when she states that which of the following are clinical manifestations of a systemic infection?

A. Fever

B. malaise

E. increase in pulse and respiratory rate

A nurse is caring for a client who was just admitted to the unit after falling at a nursing home. this client is oriented to person, place, and time and can follow directions. Which of the following actions by the nurse are appropriate to decrease the risk of fall?

C. ensure that the clients call light is within reach

D. provide the client with nonskid footwear

E. complete a fall risk assessment

A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a client who has prescription for the use of oxygen in his home. Which of the following should the nurse teach the client about using oxygen safely in his home?

B. nail polish should not be used near a client who is receiving oxygen

C. a no smoking sign should be placed on the front door.

E. a fire extinguisher should be readily available

A home health nurse is discussing the dangers of food poisoning with a client. Which of the following information should the nurse include in her counseling?

B. immunocompromised individuals are at risk for complications from food poisoning

C. clients at risk should only eat pasteurized milk

E. handling raw and fresh food separately can prevent food poisoning

A nurse manager is reviewing guidelines to prevent injury with staff nurses. Which of the following should the nurse manager include in the teaching?

A. request assistance when repositioning a client

B. avoid twisting the spine or bending at the waist

D. use smooth movements when lifting and moving clients

A nurse on a med-surgical floor is informed that a mass casualty event occurred in the community and that it is necessary to discharge clients to make beds available. Which of the following clients can be safely discharged?

C. a client who is scheduled for a TURP

D. a client who is 24 hr postop following a mastectomy

A nurse educator is discussing the facility protocol in the event of a tornado with the staff. Which of the following should the nurse include in the instructions?

B. place the blankets over clients who are confined to beds

C. move beds away from the windows

D. draw shades and close drapes

A nurse in a clinic is caring for who has multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease. when planning health promotion and disease prevention strategies for this client, which of the following interventions should the nurse include?

A. help the client see the benefits of her actions

B. identify the clients support system

C. suggest and recommend community resource

E. teach stress management strategies

a nurse in a senior center is counseling a group of older adults about their nutritional needs and considerations. Which of the following information should the nurse include?

A. older adults are more prone to dehydration

B. older adults need the same amount of most vitamins and minerals as younger adults do

C. many older men and women need calcium supplementation

A nurse is caring for a client who has had diarrhea for the past 4 days. when assessing the client, the nurse should expect which of the following findings?

B. hypotension

C. fever

D. poor skin turgor

A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to an adult client in preparation for a diagnostic procedure. which of the following steps are appropriate for the nurse to take?

A. warm the enema solution prior to instillation

B. position the client to the left side with the right leg flexed forward

C. lubricate the rectal tube or nozzle

a nurse is assessing a clients ability to learn self-monitoring of blood glucose using a glucometer. Which of the following abilities should the nurse confirm that the client has before proceeding with teaching?

A. finger dexterity

B. visual acuity

E. demonstration ability

A client has an admission blood glucose reading of 260 mg/dL. Medication can cause an adverse effect of pharmocoligic therapy?

A. diuretics

B. corticosteroids

E. antipsychotics

A nurse is teaching self-monitoring of blood glucose to a client who has DM. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?

C. hold his hand in a dependent position prior to the puncture

D. place the puncturing device perpendicular to the site

E. prick the outer edge of his fingerprints for the blood sample

A nurse is caring for a client in a long-term care facility who is receiving enteral feedings via an NG tube. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing action prior to administering the tube feeding?

A. ausucultate bowel sounds

B. assist the client to an upright position

C. test the pH of gastric aspirate

A nurse is preparing to insert an NG tube for a client who requires gastric decompression. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform before beginning the procedure?

A. review a signal the client can use if feeling distress

B. Lay a towel across the client's chest.

The charge nurse should inform the class that which of the following increases BMR?

A. lactation

B. prolonged stress

D. puberty

E. Exposure to extreme cold

which of the following are clinical signs of negative nitrogen balance?

A. decreased muscle mass

B. impaired organ function

C.increased susceptibility to infection

D.increased metabolism

which of the following clinical findings are suggestive of malnutrition?

A. poor wound healing

B. dry hair

D. weak hand grips

E. impaired coordination

which of the following should the nurse include as a risk factor for developing osteoporosis?

A. inactivity

B. familiar history

E. cigarette smoking

a nurse is discussing essential nutrients for normal functioning of the nervous system. which of the following should be included in the teaching?

A. calcium

B. thiamin

C. vitamin b6

D. sodium

a school nurse is teaching a group of students how to read food labels. which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. total carbs

B. total fat

C. calories

E. dietary fiber

foods that should be avoided while taking digoxin are which of the following?

A. bananas

C. baked potato

a nurse in an assisted living facility is caring for an older adult client. the nurse should recognize that older adults have decreased absorption of which of the following?

A. calcium

C. folic acid

a nurse is assessing a 6-month old infant who has a lactose intolerance. which of the following clinical findings are associated with this diagnoses?

A. abdominal distention

B. flatus

D. occasional diarrhea

a nurse is teaching the parents of a toddler about appropriate snack foods. which of the following should be included in the teaching?

A. graham crackers

B. apple slices

E. cheese cubes

a nurse is teaching a nutritional class for a group of pregnant clients. which of the following should be included in the teaching regarding iron-rich foods?

A. beans

B. fish

C. dairy products

D. lean red meats

a school nurse is conducting a nutrition course to a group of teens. which of the following be included as a healthy snack choices?

A. carrot sticks with low-fat dip

B. cheese and crackers

C. unbuttered popcorn

D. frozen low-fat yogurt