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252 Cards in this Set

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What kinds of hormones are hydrophobic?
steroids and thyroids
what kinds of hormones can penetrate membrane?
hydrophobic hormones (lipid)
which hormones have receptors on cell surface?
hydrophilic hormones
What is the second messenger hydrophilic hormones use?
ca++ and cAMP
what can u inactivate cAMP with?
Responses evoked by lipid soluble hormones are usually
slow, because , receptor travels to DNA and activates synthesis of proteins
pituitary gland is near the
hypothalamus and attached by pituitary stalk
what secretes tsh and growth hormone?
anterior lobe
what secretes adh and oxytocin?
posterior lobe
what is the interface bw nervous and endocrine system?
pituitary gland
What causes you to lose weight, tan and libido?
intermediate msh hormone
what is difference between anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary?
anterior-epithelial tissue in back of throat during development

posterior pituitary-develops from brain, hypothalamus, axons and released into blood
what hormones are on the posterior pituitary gland?
oxytocin and adh
what causes muscle contract during birth?
what is social bonding hromone?
triggered by sex during orgasm?
what hormone uses osmarecepter?
what condition arises from lack of adh?
diabetes insipidus
what is the water conservation hormone?
what hormones are on the anterior pituitary gland?
trophic hormone and cortisol
what maintains health of target gland?
trophic hormone
what part of brain produced trophic?
what is the portal vessel, carrying blood from one capillary bed to another?
trophic hormone
how is thyroid hormone secretion regulated
negative feedback: thyroid inhibits anterior pituitary and hypo to lower trh and tsh
where is thyroid gand located?
what are the numbers of thyroids based on? t3 and 4
what regulates basal met rate?
thyroid hormone
what regulates Na and K pump in membrane of bmr?
if development of this hormone is disturbed, what can it cause?
what regulates potassium pumps on membrane?
thyroid hormone
what is deficiency of thyroid?
hypothyroid, from iodine deficiency
what is too much of thyroid?
what causes grow of goiter?
hypothyroid (underproduction)
what is autoimmunte attack on thyroid?
what causes weight gain and poor appetite, low body temp, lack of energy?
what causes weight loss, anxiousness?
what is graves disease?
hyperthyroid autoimmune
activates release of tsh and overstimulates gland
what causes exophtalamus?
what is a treatment of hyperthyroid?
ablation and removal of thyroid gland
what hormone has biggest effects on protein metabolism?
what does the adrenal cortex release?
what inhibits inflammation
what elevates blood pressure
growth hormone regulated by
anterior pituitary
what causes growth of muscles?
what does heavy exercise release?
high levels of protein can inhibit???? with negative feedback
where exactly in brain are pitauitary gland hormones located?
sella turcica of sphenoid
What hormones not regulated by pituitary gland?
parathyroid, calcitonin, aldosterone, insulin
what elevates serum ca?
what hormone increases blood calcium ion in bones, kidneys?
bone breakdown?
parathyroid hormone regulates what chemical in body?
if calcium level too high, what releases hormones to lower?
parathyroid gland
what triggers release of vitamin D
what lowers serum ca?
Homeostasis of blood calcium levels is maintained through
calcitonin and parathyroid
when calcium level in blood too high, what lowers it?
what causes growth of fetus and milk ?
if u have low serum ca, what hormone brings it up?
what is released from adrenal cortex?
what controls na and k?
what causes conversion of na in urine?
if k is too high, what hormone released?
kidney releases ??? in respnse to low blood pressure
what hormone causes sodium and water retention?
what causes inccreased blood pressure?
aldosterone from raising na
drugs for blood pressure inhibit ???
what hormone found in pancreas?
what lowers serum glucose?
what leads to higher serum glucose?
what kind of cell produce insulin
beta cells
what is mechanism of insulin?
lowers serum glucose by allowing glucose to enter tissues
what is insulin dependent?
diabetes 1 mellititis
what causes destruction of beta cells
diabetes 1
what form is 10 percent of cases?
diabetes 1
what kind of diabetes leads to insulin receptors desensitization
diabetes m 2
high blood sugar aka
hyperglycemia symptom of diabetes
high glucose in urine aka
glucose urea, symptom of diabetes
poly urea leads to
increased urination
too much insulin can cause?
what hormones are soluble in lipids and can enter any cell?
steroid and thyroid
what is the binding site?
non steroid hormone combine w receptor in target cell
average liters of blood in body?
5 liters
what determines rbc percent?
blood cells come from?
bone marrow
average liters of blood in body?
5 liters
what determines rbc percent?
plasma is what percent in blood?
what consists of buffing coat in hemato?
wbc and platelets
blood cells come from?
bone marrow
plasma is what percent in blood?
what is an erthrocyte?
what consists of buffing coat in hemato?
wbc and platelets
diameter of rbc?
what is an erthrocyte?
diameter of rbc?
•Function of biconcave disk shape:
that oxygen is readily available for fusion. Also, bend in middle allows to pass through surface of small capillaries
what percent of hemoglobin in rbc
what is cyanosis
Deoxyhemoglobin-no oxygen, duller red
How many rbc does blood contain?
• Micrometer 5 x 10^6 ml (5 million)***
what is the protein hemoglobin?
. Red blood cells circulate through the lungs and the hemoglobin in these cells pick up (bind with) oxygen.
stimulates bone marrow to produce more RBC????
what organ releases erythroparietan
average life span of RBC
120 days
As red blood cells wear out in the bloodstream, they are taken in by what organ?
what leads from deficiency of hemoglobin?
what is hemophagic?
blood loss
what is • B12 deficiency called
pernicious anemia, autoimmune
what is loss of intrinsic factor called?
• Atrophic gastritis

( loss of gastric mucosal folds and thinning of the gastric mucosa.)
wbc also called
Wbc count:
7 x 10^3 ml (7000)
what is hemophagic?
blood loss
what is • B12 deficiency called
pernicious anemia, autoimmune
what is loss of intrinsic factor called?
• Atrophic gastritis

( loss of gastric mucosal folds and thinning of the gastric mucosa.)
wbc also called
Wbc count:
7 x 10^3 ml (7000)
what turns purple when stained
what turns blue when stained
what turns orange when stained
what wbc attacks PARASITIC INFECTIONS/most common ALLERGIES
what wbc release heparin and histamine
what wbc release t helper and b cells
what wbc deals with viral infections
what wbc paired with acute infections?
what does heparin do
anticoagulant that prevents blood from clotting too quickly
what does histamine do
promotes blood flow to tissues
whats involved in chronic infections (last in body for many months)
what wbc dont have granules?
monocytes (largest, eat bacteria and virus) and lymphocytes (t and b cells)
what carries cell fragments
what part of blood gets sticky and clumps to form clot?
plasma is what percent water
92% + lacks clotting elements
what percent protein is blood
8, made in LIVER
what are the 2 plasma proteins?
albumin and globulin
what plasma protein is osmotically active?
what keep water in blod vessels?
what causes o Swelling of tissues due to inflow of plasma
when u cant make albumin, leads to?
what part of plasma happens when theres protein deficiency
edema (inflammation)
leaky blood vessels let albumin into tissues when there is
how many kinds of globulins are there?
what part of plasma responsible for transport
alpha and beta, transport lipids in blood stream
what is antibody in plasma?
another name for gamma
o Which molecules are the sources of most antibodies
• Gamma globulin
what generates to form a CLOT
• Platelets release factors that form a thread-like substance CALLED .... which forms a clot.
Why is clotting important
without it, blood would continue to flow from the vessel like a leaky hose! they are fibers important for blood clotting
what does fibrin absorb?
As a clot forms fibrin absorbs thrombin and prevents the clotting reaction from spreading
electrolytes, most commonly na, located in?
what is coagulation
• Formation of blood clot
• Formation of fibrin strans
o Produced by fibrogen
o Clotting cascade also known as
magnification effect
what molecule required in clotting cascade?
What begins first clotting cascade reaction?
Thromboplastin is released from injured cells and complexes with calcium
what molecule is an anticoagulate?
o EdTA-chelated (holds on to) the Ca so it inhibits clotting/anticoagulate
what is the name of a bad clot
thrombus, can lead to myocaridal infraction
How do u inactivate stroke/myocardial?
• Tpa and streptokinase are thrombolytic agents that break clots
what is something inappropriate traveling in blood?
fat or air
breaks loose and is carried away by the blood fl ow,
Name 2 anticoagulants
edta and heparin

• heparin is used to prevent and treat deep vein clots, and clot blockages that form in atrial fibrillation.

EDTA are used in various blood collection tubes to keep blood from clotting during blood draw
proteins that are secreted as a result of the antigen provoked immune response. In short, antigens cause the disease and antibodies cure it.
target for antibody
what is blood group a?
antibody for b
what is blood group b?
antibody for a
what is blood group o?
have antibody a or b

universal donor, meaning no antibodies to be targeted by other antibodies
what is blood group ab?
o Neither anti a or anti B

universal recipient,
where are antigen and antibody located
o the antigens are located on the surface of the red blood cells and the antibodies are in the blood plasma
problem w rh antigen
• Problem when theres a rh + father, rh- mother, and fetus becomes rh+

• Subsequent pregnancies makes anti rh and has rh+ chiold, then it attacks antigens of child
Which organ has the greatest role in synthesizing most blood nutrients?
LIVER-most actively metabolic organ in the body and synthesizes most of the blood proteins and nutrients
Who is at risk for developing a fatal Rh incompatibility?
second Rh+ fetus of Rh- mother

Erythroblastosis fetalis.
Antibody never interacts w...
what is a clot that’s broken loose, blood clot in circulation
whats most common protein in blood
EGTA-makes ca unavailable to act as
what side of heart takes deox blood to the lungs to oxygenate
what side of heart takes blood and pumps it throughout the body
exchange between the blood and the cells of the body takes place in what???
what part of heart branch into capillary beds that course throughout the heart walls and supply the heart muscle with oxygenated blood?
coronary artery
what heart covering is in surface of organs
visceral pericardium
what is between parietal and visceral laters?
is pericardial cavity, which has lubricating liquid
What is it called when there is a obstruction of coronary artery which after several days later, the damaged part breaks down, and blood from heart gets into pericardial cavity. Blood fills pericardial cavity and BLOCKS beating.
cardiac tamplnade
lining of inside of heart
what is function of atria?
fill the ventricles for blood storage
what occurs when it is contracting so fast that no chance for filling to occur. Pumping faster and faster and becomes less efficient.
what happens when the normal electrical pathway has become interrupted. it cause blood clots to form in the atria due to the turbulence of the blood.
atrial fibrillation
what can cause stroke
atrial fibrillation
what part of heart is the pumping chamber of the left side of the heart and is the most muscular portion of the heart.
left ventricle
what can cause heart attack?
ventricular fibrillation
what is an is an abnormal activity in lower chambers of the heart
Ventricular fibrillation
what is an uncoordinated contraction of the muscular bundles in ventricles, causing the loss of their pumping function
Ventricular fibrillation
what receives blood from

• 1). Inferior vena cava
• 2). Superior vena cava
• 3). Coronary sinus
right atrium
what receives blood from pulmonary veins?
left atrium
whats the difference bw av valves and semi lunar?
• Av valves have chordae tendinae which is attached to papilary muscles
what is the function of the valves?
prevent the backward flow of blood. Valves are actually flaps (leaflets) that act as one-way inlets for blood coming into a ventricle and one-way outlets for blood leaving a ventricle. Each valve has three flaps (leaflets), except the mitral valve, which only has two flaps
what exists to reinforce valves
papillary muscles and chordae tendinae
what happens when theres damage to valve?
heart murmur, can get leakage
what are 2 causes of heart murmur
• rheumatic fever
• congenital heart murmurs
what can be consequence of strep throat/streptococcus?
rheumatic fever
what does streptococcus do?
antibodies of streptococcus ALSO ATTACK heart valves causing damage to the valves. (cross reacting antibody)
what does blood go to AFTER exiting right ventricle?
pulmonary semilunar valve
after pulmonary trunk, where does blood go?
what does blood do when goes to lungs?
LUNGS and exchanges blood gases, acquires oxygen, and release carbon dioxide
blood goes directly from lungs to
pulmonary veins
what can be consequence of strep throat/streptococcus?
rheumatic fever
after pulmonary veins blood goes to left atrium
eft atrium
what does streptococcus do?
antibodies of streptococcus ALSO ATTACK heart valves causing damage to the valves. (cross reacting antibody)
what is the pumping chamber
what does blood go to AFTER exiting right ventricle?
pulmonary semilunar valve
after left ventricle, blood goes to
aortic sl valve then AORTA
after pulmonary trunk, where does blood go?
Where does blood go after aorta?
, person then releases carbon dioxide, takes in oxygen, and process starts all over again
what does blood do when goes to lungs?
LUNGS and exchanges blood gases, acquires oxygen, and release carbon dioxide
blood goes directly from lungs to
pulmonary veins
after pulmonary veins blood goes to left atrium
eft atrium
what is the pumping chamber
after left ventricle, blood goes to
aortic sl valve then AORTA
Where does blood go after aorta?
, person then releases carbon dioxide, takes in oxygen, and process starts all over again
what node initiate and maintains cardiac rhythm. It is therefore called the pacemaker of the heart.
what node set the rhythm of your heart contractions.
av node
what node stimulated by cardiac impulses of sa node?
av node
signal of heart spontaneously generated by
sinoatrial node
what is role of parasympathetic nerves with the heart?
rate of SA node, (accelerate, inhibit)
what signal stays in atria
sa node
what node slows down
av node
Small fibers conduct impulses slowly because
delay transmission of the impulse.
where does the av node go after geting signal?
(interventricular septum) to the APEX to signal ventricles
what carries signal from the av node?
the purkinge fibers
when there is a disruption in the electrical signal going down to the apex and up to the valves, it can CAUSE
What does ECG measure
Muscle signal is the depolarization and repolarization of the atria and ventricles
what is depolarization of atria
p wave
what Travels through the coronary muscle, polarizes, and contracts
p wave
what is depolarization of ventricles and repolarization of atria
QRS Complex
what is repolarization of ventricle
t wave
what is terminology of ecg when there is pumping and contractions
what is terminology of ech when theres filling and dialating
what is SPFD
why do u head heart sounds?
valve starts to close and the blood is squirting then u heart that sound.
what sound do u hear with start of systole
what sound do u hear with start of disstole
what is LSDD
lub systole
dub disstole
what sound when going through av valves?
lub, systole
what sound u heart when going through sv valves?
dub, disstole
u see st depression during?
heart attack
qrs complex is depolarization,
what happens during myocardial infraction?
blood vessel broke so part of heart muscle is starved for oxygen and nutrients, which SLOWS THE SIGNAL DOWN
• Happens when coronary arteries are blocked, that’s what slows the signal
what blood vessel has elastic tissues and smooth muscle
-thick walls
what are pressure resoivoirs?
what are exhange vessels?
what are veins known as?
volume resoivours
what has thin walls and simple squamous?
what blood vessel has wider opening?
Venous Return associated with
skeletal muscle pump
this states that the greater the preload on cardiac muscle fibers before contraction, the stronger the force of contraction, and eventually it can become weak
Frank Starling law of the heart