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39 Cards in this Set

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Things about you that won't change over time. ( relatively stable core of traits)

Personality testing is used in clinical psychology to do what? (3 reasons)

1. To provide a diagnosis

2. To understand how someone functions(strengths & weaknesses)

3. Guide treatment

Devices for personality testing

1) interview

2) structured or objective personality test

3)projective tests

4) thematic apperception test

Interview Personality Testing

Fastest and most popular way assessing personality

+- gives lots of info in a short amount of time

Negative- people can lie

Objective personality tests

Asked questions about self, usually pencil and paper test

MMPI2 personality test

Most popular personality test- 567 true and false questions. Diagnose severe psychological disorders

Projective test

More difficult to take- no right or wrong answers

Client will project unconscious thoughts and feelings onto the task.

Poorest reliability and validity

Thematic Apperception test

30 cards with pictures of people

Tell story about each card- learn about clients innovations, defenses, approach to life


Swiss psychiatrist- created blotto game

-10 ink blots ask people what they see

Personality theories

1)Psychodynamic/psychoanalytic theory (freud)

2) Humanistic Theory

3) Sociocultural theory

4) Cognitive- behavioral theory

Psychodynamic/psychoanalytic theory (freud)

-Projective testing

-Personality is determined by unconscious conflicts and impulses

-Goal- insight and awareness of unconscious issues

-unconcious issues before age 5

- pessimistic & deterministic theory

Humanistic theory

Most optimistic of personality

-humans are inherently good, free will, freely choose

-take responsibility for own actions

Maslow (what motivates us)

Self actualization- says we are born with this, inner drive to become the best person we are capable of becoming

People that reach self actualization are..? (4 traits)

1) life long learners

2) Asthetic appreciation

3) personality integration

4) FLOW- loose track of time because so immerse into something

Sociocultural theory

How personality is shaped by culture and social forces (region, governments, religion, etc)

Cognitive-behavorial theory

A) radical behavorisom- personality is merely a label

- summary of learned behaviors in certain situations

B) social learning theory- our behavior is influenced by both reinforcement history and thoughts/beliefs

Albert Bandura


Self-efficacy- belief that one can be successful accomplishing goals

Julian Rotter

Locus of control- what controls/directs our behavior

Internal Locus of Control

You control your behavior

External locus of control

Others control your behavior

Sigmund Freud

Austrian Nerologists

-profile writer- wrote about treatment cases

-developed lousy scientific theory of personality- can't trust them scientifically

So why do we study Freud

-1st individual to take childhood seriously & look at how our child good effects adulthood

- developed psychoanalysis

- his ideas have greatly influenced western culture

Personality theory

Tries to understand conflict within humans between our passion & rational sides

3 structures of personality in constant conflict


-super ego

- ego


- our oldest most primitive structure-based off pleasure principle-wants immediate gratification

Super ego

Conscience- based on morality principle- do what is right in regards to society


Self or I- conscious self- parts you are aware of

-operates on reality principle

-middle man- needs to meet ID demands in a way acceptable to our super ego

Psychodynamic theory

Developed by more contemporary followers of Freud.

-believe ego is a stronger structure

-less emphasizes on sex and more on social forces

Same- both talk about unconscious and early childhood

Defense mechanisms that help ego

1. Protects ego from anxiety

2. Distorts reality for us

Freud's psychosexual stage theory

To explain why some adults develop emotional problems

- believed they were related to early childhood experiences (0-5)


Storehouse of all sensual pleasurable energy

-basic motivator of behavior

-shifted to different regions of body during different developmental ages

5 stages of libido

1. Oral stage

2. Anal stage

3. Phallic stage

4. Latency stage

5. Genital stage

Orally dependent

Older kids/adults- sucking on blanket, smoking, or drinking to excess. Orally aggressive-biter

Anal stage

(1-1/2 - 3 yrs) potty training

-libido shifts to anal region

- children see bowl movement as valuable.

- too strict- anal retentive fixation occurs- orderly, stubborn & stingy

To lax- anal expulsive fixation-self confident, insensitive to others

Phallic stage

(3-5) libido shifts to the genitals l.

- children become interested in genitals & genitals stimulation

-girls developed penis envy

Oedipal complex

Little boys want moms attention & get rid of dad.

-develope castration anxiety

-take on dad's morals and values

Electra complex

Girls want to marry dad and get rid of mom

- eventually girls start to identify with mom

-girls super ego is from moms morals and values


Libido is inactive

Focus on peers and school

Super ego further developes

Developed defense mechanism

Genital stage

13yrs and up

Libido returns to genitals with puberty